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The Brian J

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Status Updates posted by The Brian J

  1. Is "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman any good? I found a cheap copy of it, wondering if I should buy it for my trip...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. badotori


      I also found a cheap copy of it and it is well worth a read.

    3. Your Mom
    4. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Sold, sold, sold, and sold. It's comin' on the trip.

  2. Anybody have any recommendations for good Sci-Fi books? I'm leaving for vacation in a week and need some reading material.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mick


      Ender's Game.


      Starship Troopers.

    3. livid


      Anything by Philip K. Dick

    4. Darkness666


      Ender's Game, fuck, that entire series.

  3. The coffee shop I'm in is playing 80s new wave songs. It's glorious.

  4. Just watched The Maestro vs The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Iaukea. The entrances alone lasted 4 and a half minutes.

  5. Don't Hate, Defenestrate

  6. In retrospect, throwing Mid-Boss into an enemy, thus DOUBLING the level of the most powerful enemy on the map, was not a good idea.

  7. Oh my GOD it's back in the 80s today. Can we please just get to fall already? I'm sick of warm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C-MIL


      I can't wait for it to get down into the 80s...

    3. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      What are the "80's"?

    4. Rocky


      I remember the 80's...

  8. so EWB found it's Constant then

  9. RK!, if you can see this, I'm trying to send you a question about your review, but it says you can't receive new messages...

    1. ClaRK! Kent

      ClaRK! Kent

      Yeah, my mailbox was rather full, try now.

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      And once again, thanks to the power of The Internet, a problem is solved! Thank you, The Internet...wherever you are....

  10. I can't get the theme to Ouran High School Host Club out of my head

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari


    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      It seriously is the catchiest theme from an anime I've ever heard.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Watch Excel Saga, then.

  11. Is it Q1/Q2 2011 yet? I want to play Marvel vs Capcom 3...

  12. Finally saw FLCL, and learned what all the fuss is about. Also, eyebrows.

  13. Planning out traveling is a little easier than I thought. Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, and Boston, here I come! In 3 weeks!

    1. Maxx


      You do realize one of those is on a different coast than the rest, right?

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      It was originally just going to be a West Coast Trip, but I've always wanted to visit Boston, so I figure why the hell not fly to the other coast for a few days.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Seattle in late September. Well, you'll probably get the proper Seattle experience weather-wise, at least.

  14. Debating downloading Dead Rising 2 :Case Zero... it's a prologue/demo to the real game, but it costs monies...$5 isn't much, but then again, it's a pretty small demo...

    1. Kaney


      It's the best damn demo ever.

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Almost as good as the Left 4 Dead 2 demo, which is out now.

  15. Got another call about a job today...to be an insurance salesman to old people. Did they not notice that my resume says "Mechanical Engineer"?

  16. THREE! Got my THIRD call about a job this week! Granted, this job was outside both my qualifications and interests but still! THREE! Now, if only a company on the WEST COAST would call me...

    1. naiwf


      Did it occur to you that now that the summer's over, employers might need steady workers and started hiring again?

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      OH YEAH WELL WHY DON'T YOU JUST actually no that makes perfect sense, I can't believe I didn't think of that.

    3. Damian WayLNKe

      Damian WayLNKe

      Did you list free BJs on your resume?

  17. This job market makes no sense. For the past two months, I hear nothing...then suddenly, two preliminary job offers in as many days?

    1. TGC


      8 months unemplyed and one interview in month 3 and then nothing as I had to turn it down. And then blam two interviews and hired in the span of 6 days. I concur with you.

    2. Rocky


      I was unemployed for 6 mths.. had to interviews in the first month then nothing. then 3 interviews in the final month.

      I took the job that I was offered without an interview, resume, or application :D

  18. My nightlight is an 80 foot column of demonic plasma

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      Just like my cock. ¬¬

  19. I want to move out of the Midwest as soon as possible. I don't want to move until I have a full time job. The economy sucks. Aaaaaaaaaaagh

  20. Hey, looks like EWB stopped vibrating on a different plane of existence

  21. Aaagh, it should not take 30 minutes to work out the format shift from textedit to EWB when I'm posting a show. I'm doing it wrong.

    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Or wait...is it because I'm using Safari instead of Firefox to post shows?

  22. I found my DS Stylus in the pants I wore to the beach. I know you were all worried, but don't worry, my Stylus is safe.

  23. I left my DS Stylus back in Portland, OR. Playing Professor Layton without a stylus just feels wrong...

  24. Going from being on vacation in Portland to back in the MIdwest sucks. Everything here is too....flat.

    1. Rocky


      Even the girls?

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