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The Brian J

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Status Updates posted by The Brian J

  1. I've been leaving on my things so in the morning when the morning bird sings, there's still dinner on my dinner jacket 'till the dinner bell rings.

  2. Seattle = Still very cool on second visit to find apartments. Can't we just skip straight to the first of the year so I can be moving immediately?

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Were you here for Wind Hell yesterday?

  3. I put my apartment up less than 2 days ago, and already gotten 3 calls about it. I don't know much about this Craig guy, but his list is quite the amazing thing.

    1. Lj.


      You should see his dick.

    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      Why, is that where he writes the list if the server goes down?

  4. This netflix DVD has sat on my desk for a week and a half without being watched. It's staring at me, with one soulless, unblinking eye. It judges me.

  5. Will be back in Seattle this Saturday to pick out and sign a lease on an apartment. God, Saturday can't come fast enough

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Just in time for glorious November weather!

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      It is physically impossible for the weather to be any worse than the extremes we had in Iowa this year, when we would have days where we got 3 inches of rain in a few hours. Multiple times.

  6. Get back in the cupboard, you pantomimetic royal person!

  7. I hate E. Harrison Leslie

    1. tenaciousg


      That's a very reasonable thing to hate.

  8. I wish my voice was like the merchants from Resident Evil 4

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaney


      not enuff cash, sssstrangah!

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      I was always confused why there was an olde time cockney merchant deep within the Spanish mountains.

    4. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      It isn't in Spain, it's in Notspain. Everyone knows that Notspain has a heavy Cockney Merchant population.

  9. I think my favorite feature of SvR is that when you play online against a CAW, it always looks extremely stupid and has super maxed out stats and hits moves like RKOs and Vertebreakers as normal moves.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DavidMarrio


      Nah i'm not into creating stupid stuff like that. I've seen like a 750 pedigree off the top rope though

    3. Rocky


      My finishers is just a mini modified uri-nage.

      But with an OVR of 84 I wouldn't be expecting too much :D

    4. Gazz


      If I get the game, my finisher will be a roll up. A 720 roll up off the top rope! @D

  10. Welp. My copy of SvR11 freezes every time I try to join a game online.

    1. Slogger


      It's just the game trying to protect you from a lag fest.

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Ok, I guess the problem only happens when I select a match that has Create-A-Wrestlers ON. When it's OFF, i can join any match I want. Odd.

    3. IDOL


      Serves you right for voting against me in The Pop Prom. >:-|

  11. Ayakashi - Bakeneko is one of the most amazing miniseries' I've ever seen, if you would even classify it as a miniseries. Just sublime work from start to finish.

  12. Being on vacation in Seattle, San Franciso, San Diego, and Boston has made me realize that Iowa is the most boring place on the planet

  13. i wish more wrestling companies would get their entire roster together to sing a song about themselves, complete with footage of all the wrestlers in a recording studio. I miss that.

    1. Skummy


      paging CHIKARA....

  14. Just noticed that Eddie G is doing the "The " username. Does this mean we have to compete in fisticuffs now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I want to say something like "There are many of the word "The" appearing in peoples names", but I have no idea how to pluralize "The" without it sounding like a totally different word.

    3. EddieG


      It's not just a username, it's what people been calling me since before I found EWB

    4. Heroin Bob

      Heroin Bob

      Well people have been calling me Heroin Béla Lugosi since before I was born.

  15. Home again in the Midwest....but hopefully, not for long.

  16. Dear lord, the Marvel vs Capcom 3 Roster just keeps getting better and better

  17. Jab Hinter.

    1. badotori
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Jar Anorexia is a serious problem in this country

  18. Went to the San Diego Zoo today. Tapirs are lazy sacks, they'll never get a promotion to Animal People Care About at this rate!

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, ten-year-old me thought it was way more awesome.

  19. The San Francisco Airport gives you exactly 45 free minutes of Wifi. It puts a big counter on your computer for how much time you have left. It's like 24, but instead of saving the world I'm browsing youtube and posting on EWB.

    1. EddieG


      Manchester Airport gives you 30 minutes

    2. TEOL


      I save the world by browsing EWB.

      Save it from myself, mainly, but still.

  20. Did the Orton pose in front of a giant piece of macaroni today. Check that off the list of things to do before I die.

  21. Just went to breakfast. At the table next to me, there were two businessmen who proceeded to have a discussion about lolcats

  22. Walking around San Francisco, got to demo the Playstation Move in a promotional thing they were doing. It's the New Coke of video games - Playstation ADMITTING that their competitor is selling better, so they are copying it completely. Pretty pathetic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      Second of all, the Wii is offering types of games that both Sony and Microsoft cannot, because the Wii offers a different gaming experience. By mimicking what the Wii does, and offering something similar gaming experience, both Sony and Microsoft are allowing their consoles to compete with Nintendo in a way Nintendo has yet to see.

    3. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      This is a good thing. It means Nintendo will be forced to better their product to maintain sales. It means Microsoft and Sony are finally looking for a way to fight Nintendo on its own ground, because Lord knows they were never going to win by sticking to their own formulas. The companies will advance for it, and the best part is they aren't abandoning their base with Kinect and Move, they're simply expanding it. It's the natural growth of the console market.

    4. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro


  23. Day 2 of Vacation, in Seattle - Pikes Place Market is the coolest place in the world. The University District is also the coolest place in the world. It is a paradox. An awesome paradox.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Not Pink Gorilla. But Pink Gorilla is also awesome.

    3. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Yes to both. That place has a huge selection. You know, I'm using this trip to decide where I want to move, and so far, Seattle is making an amazing case.

    4. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      It's an awesome city. Have you been up on Broadway yet?

  24. Officially on Vacation! Days 1-4 are in Seattle. Man this place is pretty, and much more lively than the middle of nowhere, Iowa.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I'm normally in Iowa City, so at least there is SOME activity, it's just surrounded on all sides by nothing.

      Also, I already saw that Ride The Duck thing. I would shoot myself with a bullet made entirely of sadness before I rode that thing.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Things you need to do before you leave: buy a burger and fries from Dick's (either by the Seattle Center or up on Broadway), wander along The Ave in the U District (if you like cheap bookstores/video game stores/comic shops it rules), Seattle Center, possibly the International District? I'm assuming you took the lightrail in from SeaTac so you've seen about as much as South Seattle as you'll ever want to see.

    4. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      The Ave sounds like a dream come true for a nerd/hipster such as myself. I'm going tomorrow.

  25. Blockbuster just filed for bankruptcy. In my opinion, good riddance. I never left a Blockbuster thinking "Man, I'm glad I went there". I always left, shaking and staring at my hands, saying "Wh....what have I done..."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OctoberRaven


      People who saw Blockbuster going bankrupt coming include: Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Hellen Keller...

    3. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Yes, it's been in a downward spiral for years, this was inevitable. But dammit if it still makes me smile to see it officially happen.

    4. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      In Ireland we get Xtra-Vision. The Blockbuster that's a mile or so away from XV has a picture of an ass made out of sand on the window

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