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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by Benji

  1. Why does the Boogeyman care about a steam summer sale?

  2. Does this one have a soul?

  3. My god the new Simpsons episodes are devoid of anything remotely funny. How much longer is it going to go? Still better than the Seth MacFarlane monopoly.

  4. Has there ever been a promotion more consistently on-point than Michinoku Pro in 1996?

  5. Forky Misses Teej

  6. Hang in there, Nelson Mandela :(

  7. Oh TEW you have come a long way.

  8. I really want to start a diary but I hate friggin' writing matches. Woe is me.

  9. Superman Returns has a higher critical rating than MOS at the moment. There is something very worrying and wrong about that.

  10. Taz being the "Human Suplex Machine" always bugged me, as it implies the existence of an *actual* Suplex Machine.

  11. Bill Baconhill flavoured condoms, whatever next?

  12. Anyone got any suggestions for a name for a series of articles recapping 1996 WWF shows?

  13. "George R.R. Martin can’t tweet because he’s killed off all 140 characters"

  14. The Barrett vs. Wade Miz

  15. I'm sorry, but the book is still fifty pounds.... Is it really your favorite book ever? Well... I've never said this to anyone before, but... you're gonna have to get a job.

  16. why does everybody hate the juice?

  17. Anyone hit and in need of a lawyer?

  18. This is the voice of the Mysterons, we know that you can hear us, Earthmen...

  19. Geth, Not even once.



  22. This first masterpiece is Van Gogh, also pronounced Van Ga-ca-ca.

  23. I smell a sit com! *sniffs* Ew... It's Two and a Half Men.

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