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King Ellis

The Donators
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Status Updates posted by King Ellis

  1. Aye, right, and add another £50 to my phone bill? No, mate. Here's what's gonna happen, are you listening? I'm gonna jump that chasm of fire, i'm gonna reach the other side and i'm gonna get that black ruby.

  2. No, no no no, no mate. That is petty. That is petty.

  3. What're they doing there?! I told yee to get them! I told yee I wanted to wear them!

  4. How no? Well, where are they?

  5. Aye, i'm no mere mortal though. I've got the winged sandals so just jump.

  6. Well go on then! Quit stalling for time...


  8. I had this idea hours ago, ask Kaney.

  9. Sorry guys, someone just knocked at the door of my mansion. BRB.

    1. Mick


      Oh Ellis, you're what the Spanish call El-Terrible.

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      And you're what the French call "les incompetents"!

    3. ndqw


      It's funny because you posted that at 9:11

  10. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

  11. Beatlemania sweeps JTV, also Eddiemania. http://www.justin.tv/eddieruckus

    1. Ruki


      You're a high class prostitute.

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      How very dare you!

    3. Ruki
  12. What's the over-under on Booker T shouting 'HE GON' DO IT!' tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Well, not really. He just pretty much says it every time someone goes for their finisher.

    3. C-MIL


      i'd say there's a good shot of him saying it then.

      Not sure his odds of getting to commentate are great though...

    4. New Damage

      New Damage

      Personally, I still want Cole to "LEARN SOME RESPEX".

  13. I'm Brian and so is my wife.

  14. You're right, it isn't half bad, it's all bad.

  15. Best name change ever!

  16. Items no longer needed, baby dead.

  17. Help! Help! Here come the bears!

  18. Maybe if I go Raven on you and throw you in the wood chipper, I might have a hope of catching up to your e-penis.

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