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Starwars Episode III

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i say this is the 2nd best movie of the series..Return of the Jedi still tops it IMO...i heard at first that R.O.T.J was at first going to be called Revenge of the Jedi but I'm not sure if its true or not

It was true, it was supposed to deter piracy, so they'd know which were bootlegs etc. Apparently Lucas was all pleased with himself about that one, since he figured any true fan would steer clear because 'no Jedi would ever take revenge, so it must be fake'. Fucking geek :P

EDIT : Should clarify that a bit. The film wasn't going to be called Revenge, it was simply named that before release as a deterrent. The movie was always going to be called Return, it was just a smokescreen, if you will.

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I give it an 8/10.

Not sure where that compares to a New Hope, as I havent watched that one for ages, but I think its way, way, way better than Menace and Clone Wars, slightly worse/maybe level with Jedi, but worse than Empire.

Firstly, Obi Wan vs. Anakin fight was fantastic! It was totally awesome, and I loved the other main fights (Obi/Anakin vs. Dooku, Yoda vs. Palpatine). Generally, overalll I thought it was a a very good film.

I do think there were a few flaws. Firstly, Ewan McGregor does carry the acting level in the film, he was noticebaly better then the others, though Samuel L. Jackson is good in his limited role, and Iain McDiarmuid (sorry about the spelling there) isn good.

The fact that so many characters were only in VERY minor roles was annoying. Why bring Chewie in at all to have him in 2 scenes? R2 vanishes after the opening 20 minutes, Mace Windu steals the all of 3 scene's he's in, and where the f*ck was C3-PO????? Ok, he had 2 scenes maybe, but I wanted more (expecially Chewie and R2 damnit!)

I felt the middle third dragged a bit, with a few Padame/Anakin scenes that missed the mark, and a little too many small scenes that led nowhere, it got a bit boring, however, these are all minor gripes that ultimetly don't matter that much.

My main gripe was some of the diagloue was a bit skewey, and not exactly A-1. It also seemed to lack a classic star wars feel, though I loved the dialogue in the Anakin/Ob-Wan fight.

My other gripe was with the way Anakin was found. I'm sorry, but he should be dead after being stabbed with a saber, and being burnt to you can see his skeleton, also it makes Obi-wan a chump for leaving him blatantly alive. He should be dead. No if's and buts. The way me, and a mate I went withboth thought a better way would have been if Palpatine found him dead. Remember the power Paplatine mentioned that can bring people to life, but no-one knows it? Palpatine did know it, and thats how he could be sure Anakin could learn it, and use it to save Padame. By sayng no-one knew it, he could use its promise to lure Anakin, and make Anakin feel like he HAS to learn it. Anyway, so when Palpatine finds him dead, he uses this ability to restore Anakin. If that made sense, I just thought like 'yeah, alive, right', when Anakin was found in the film.

Anyhow, despite that, I enjoyed the film overall way much more than the last two. Some awesome fights, some very funny moments (like when R2 shocks the guard, who just kicks him over. Also, when Yoda storms into a room to comfront Palpatine, and two guards behind the door try to grab Yoda, who just shoves them off), the superb acting from Ewan McGregor (and Sammy J in his few scenes), Yoda (gets plus point by default), and for being generally an all round enjoyable film, if with a slightly borinig-ish second act.

Plus, despite my dialogue complaints, I loved the Obi-Wan 'You were my brother Anakin......I LOVED you' line....... I mean, I really loves that line, it just kinda stuck with me.

As for a point about the new trilogy, I think Mace Windu needed much, much more. He's the one character I'd like to know more about, we know he's one of the best jedi, but not as good as Obi-Wan, Anakin or Yoda, he's just Mace 'best of the rest' Windu, I'd have liked to see more of him.

Edited by timmayy
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Guest DynamicJeremyS

I saw one of the first shwoings here in Las Vegas. I saw it at 4:30 in the morning the day it came out. It ended right when school was about to start, and everybody was so jealous that I saw it.

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One question: How did Han Solo get paired off with Chewie then? Chewie was on the Wookie planet, so where does Han come in?

According to the mythos I've heard, Han was an imperial guard and in that time, Chewie was taken prisoner. A group of guards were beating Chewie, Rodney King style, and Solo came to the rescue, making him an outlaw ever since.

It also seemed to lack a classic star wars feel

The problem people have with the new trilogy is they compare it to their youth, instead of looking at them as movies. Let's be honest, in terms of general movie quality, the original trilogy were not great movies. Hammil was a terrible actor, lots of corny dialogue, etc etc. The thing that made (and still makes) those movies special, is they played such a pivotal role in our childhoods. And as we grew older, we still love those movies because they take us back to a simple time in our lives because despite their flaws, they're charming. Just like people still mark out for Hulk Hogan, it's not because he's good, or ever was good for that matter, he has a certain aura and charm due to twenty years of being a pop-culture icon. And I feel that as time progresses, people are going to look back (especially people who are young right now) and realize the new trilogy fits just fine with the original. I've always felt that way though because I love all six movies just as much as the other, now they're just one big movie to me.

My other gripe was with the way Anakin was found. I'm sorry, but he should be dead after being stabbed with a saber, and being burnt to you can see his skeleton, also it makes Obi-wan a chump for leaving him blatantly alive.

It's a galaxy far, far away filled with talking droids, walking carpets, and laser swords, the laws of physics and nature never actually existed in Star Wars. And why does it make Obi-Wan a chump? It makes the story all the more tragic, Obi-Wan disfigured his best friend, his brother who committed some of the most evil acts known to the galaxy and still couldn't bring himself to finish him off. That doesn't make him a chump, that makes him compassionate and the story even more heartbreaking.

Edited by Zero
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My point about lacking a star wars feel was specifically about the dialogue, everything else seemed more or less fine.

As for the Anakin bit, I'm pretty certain Obi-Wan went there to kill Anakin. He should have known he'd have to finish him off. Why have the enttire fight, and stab him with the saber, if he didn't have the intention of killing him? What did he think Anakin would do after he left him? Go about his merry way and forget anything had happened?

There was nothing to suggest Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to do it. After the fairly awesome dialogue he had, he just walked off. I see what your trying to say, and maybe if they'd have been more to illustrate that, I'd agree totally but as it is, I still think it best if Anakin was dead, which he should have been.

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My point about lacking a star wars feel was specifically about the dialogue, everything else seemed more or less fine.

As for the Anakin bit, I'm pretty certain Obi-Wan went there to kill Anakin. He should have known he'd have to finish him off. Why have the enttire fight, and stab him with the saber, if he didn't have the intention of killing him? What did he think Anakin would do after he left him? Go about his merry way and forget anything had happened?

There was nothing to suggest Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to do it. After the fairly awesome dialogue he had, he just walked off. I see what your trying to say, and maybe if they'd have been more to illustrate that, I'd agree totally but as it is, I still think it best if Anakin was dead, which he should have been.

Again, I fail to see the problem with the dialogue. No one ever bitches this much about dialogue in a movie, it's one or two lines that bother people and suddenly the dialogue sucks.

Obi-Wan went there to stop Anakin and if he had to kill him, so be it. He warned Anakin not to jump once he had the higher ground and showed him why he should have listened by cutting off his legs and arm. Now, when you leave someone you care about as nothing but a torso on lava beach, you pretty much assume they're done for. Had Obi-Wan finished off a helpless Anakin, that would have been ruthless, he couldn't defend himself. A Jedi does not murder a helpless man, Anakin mentions this during the Dooku battle and Windu/Palpatine battle; if Mace Windu struggled with the decision to murder the most evil man in the galaxy, think of the struggle Obi-Wan faced when it was his brother he had to let live or die.

Gah, so I'm going through trying to piece stuff together, and I've got another question now; why did Leia send that message through R2 to Kenobi in A New Hope? How did she know about him?

Well, in the beginning of A New Hope, Vader invades the Rebel ship where they take Leia hostage and R2 and 3P0 escape. The droids were obviously there because of Bail Organa, Leia's adopted father; I'm sure Organa mentioned Kenobi to Leia numerous times and she knew he could be of great service when the Empire was starting to put serious pressure on the Rebellion.

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I just got done watching A New Hope, and the dialogue in that is just as cheesy as ROTS, but it's the storyline that grips you.

One thing I can't figure out is this: I heard A New Hope happens 12 years after ROTS... how the fuck can Obi-Wan look and be that old in A New Hope?! And if it really is 12 years inbetween the two, then why is Luke and Leia the age they're at? Maybe I'm missing something.

Anyways, I'm going to go watch The Empire Strikes Back now. ^_^

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I just got done watching A New Hope, and the dialogue in that is just as cheesy as ROTS, but it's the storyline that grips you.

One thing I can't figure out is this: I heard A New Hope happens 12 years after ROTS... how the fuck can Obi-Wan look and be that old in A New Hope?! And if it really is 12 years inbetween the two, then why is Luke and Leia the age they're at? Maybe I'm missing something.

Anyways, I'm going to go watch The Empire Strikes Back now. ^_^

It's 18-20 years later, definitely not 12.

It goes like this:

Phantom Menace

-Ten Years Later


-3 Years Later


-18 to 20 Years Later

A New Hope

-3 Years Later


-One Year Later


At least that's the most common version I read. Why the fuck am I answering all these, I'm not even that big a Star Wars geek. Apparently I am moreso than I thought.

Oh, and the only reason a New Hope's storyline grips you more is we all know what's going to happen in Sith, it's just a matter of how it is executed and when it is executed. I'd be quite curious to do an experiment if it were humanly possible to show people the new trilogy, then make them wait twenty years and show them the old trilogy, to see which they liked better. I can almost guarantee they'd like the new trilogy better since it's something ingrained with their childhood.

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Where the fuck is Palpatine during all of this? I'm about 20 or 30 minutes into The Empire Strikes Back, and it's Vader calling all the shots. It was that way in A New Hope too. I know Palpatine is in the triology somewhere, but is it explained anytime soon why he's not with Vader 18 years later?

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One of the major problems with the franchise seems to be Obi Wan's age, or appearance anyways.

Not really, in 1977 (the year Star Wars was released), Alec Guinness was 63 years old. Now, in 2005 (the year Revenge of the Sith is released), Ewan McGregor is 34... so, if we are going to literally interpret their age in real life as their age on film, that would make Obi-Wan Kenobi 54 in Episode Four, nine years younger than Alec Guinness' actual age. I really don't think that's too much of a stretch at all, some people simply do not age well. I've met guys in their thirties who look older than Alec Guinness in Star Wars, so I think Alec Guinness could pass for somewhere between 55-65. Or, easier answer... the harsh Tatooine suns apparently weren't too kind to old Ben Kenobi's skin.

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  Where the fuck is Palpatine during all of this? I'm about 20 or 30 minutes into The Empire Strikes Back, and it's Vader calling all the shots. It was that way in A New Hope too. I know Palpatine is in the triology somewhere, but is it explained anytime soon why he's not with Vader 18 years later?

Vader is a symbol of fear for the Emperor. Vader is, in essence, the Emperor's Will. Note the two biggest ships/stations/things that go into hyperspace that the Empire had, the Death Star and the Executor (the Super Star Destroyer), he was there to make sure nobody got any funny ideas.

Besides, the Emperor's not really critical to the plot of ANH or ESB. Sure, he makes the one appearance where Vader suggests Luke turning, but the Emperor isn't the one plotting. It's all Vader. The Emperor has to remain on Coruscant because it would make Luke suspicious of the Sith's plans for him. Bear in mind that Palpatine/Sidious had a tremendous gift for seeing into the future. For all we know, he built the first Death Star so Vader would become zealous about tracking Luke down, so Luke could be eventually turned.

Did anybody else seem very bugged by the Emperor's voice after he got cooked and deformed by the Force lightining? The way it kept changing, I mean, with the cracking.

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Guest clintcasey

One of the major problems with the franchise seems to be Obi Wan's age, or appearance anyways.

Not really, in 1977 (the year Star Wars was released), Alec Guinness was 63 years old. Now, in 2005 (the year Revenge of the Sith is released), Ewan McGregor is 34... so, if we are going to literally interpret their age in real life as their age on film, that would make Obi-Wan Kenobi 54 in Episode Four, nine years younger than Alec Guinness' actual age. I really don't think that's too much of a stretch at all, some people simply do not age well. I've met guys in their thirties who look older than Alec Guinness in Star Wars, so I think Alec Guinness could pass for somewhere between 55-65. Or, easier answer... the harsh Tatooine suns apparently weren't too kind to old Ben Kenobi's skin.

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I saw it yesterday and I must say I really enjoyed it, the movie had me glued for pretty much the whole time. Loved Yoda's little comedy bits throughout. The story was very cool and really tied together any lose ends in the series. Vader getting his mask was pretty awesome as well.

On a slightly related note, when big movies get delivered to us to be shwon at the cinema they generally come under different names. I opened Star Wars last week under the name of "Gumble" :huh:

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