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Starwars Episode III

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To me it had everything, it had drama, action, climax all rolled into one I feel the story really told a tragedy in itself.

Anakin only went to the darkside for Padme, and that is why he wants to know if she lives, he did it all for her, his love for her drived him over the edge. When she is dead he knows he is lost and confused forever as there are no Jedi he can turn to and help himself, and he owes Palaptine his life for saving him in Mustafar.

Put the best scene is when Anakin is going to kill Dooku, Palapatine says kill him and Dooku just gives him a stare of WTF.

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The dialogue was painful. The acting was even more painful.

Ugh. Probably the best of the prequels (it's a couple of years seen I've watched the other two), but that's not saying much.

I fucking despair.

*goes off to read Timothy Zahn to soothe his soul*

Edited by stokeriño
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I just got back from the cinema. I'd say about a 3/5. Not the best I've seen, but not the worst by any means.

I just feel like it was hyped up too much. In the end it all came off as a bit of a disapointment. Hayden Christianson was better in this one though.

Edited by Turbonegro
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Before I give any opinions on the movie, I just feel the need to say this.

After years of waiting, and years of anticipation...the Star Wars Saga as we know it is over. Sure, there will still be books, comics, cartoons, and possibly the TV show...but Revenge of the Sith may well be the last new Star Wars movie to ever hit the big screen.

Being a long time fan (and I can already hear some of you calling me a geek!) that was something I was realizing going into the theater today. I thought maybe that would dampen my appreciation of the movie.

I Was Wrong.

Revenge of the Sith from beginning to end was everything that it needed to be. Loose ends were tied up, unanswered questions were answered, and the prequels, no matter your opinion of them are now tied into the original trilogy we all know and love.

Of course, it did have it's downfalls. Natalie Portman's performance was phoned in, and the romantic dialogue still didn't come off as well as it should. But otherwise, I can not point a single flaw with this movie.

The Emperor and Obi Wan truly stole the show, with Yoda and Anakin coming in close behind.

Everything a fan, and non-fan could have hoped for was there.

The opening space battle was breathtaking, The Emperor's manipulation of everyone and everything around him was absolutely brilliant. Anakin's slow descent into the Dark Side was done damn near perfectly, and the emotion of the Jedi Slaughter, and the final battles was done at a fever pitch.

The ending, an homage to the opening of A New Hope was perfect.

As a fan, for as long as I can remember....I can ask for nothing more.

Revenge of the Sith now ranks firmly second behind only Empire as the greatest of the Star Wars films.

Now, if only the DVD would come out tomorrow :D

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I saw the Wednesday showing at Midnight, and I was amazed. I was never a giant Star Wars fan, my little brother liked the movies, so I used to watch him when he did and I really got into it. I love the original three, and I and II weren't that good, but I felt that III was just spot on with everything.

And the one thing that STILL FN bugs me is how Leia can know more about her mother when she and Luke saw her for the same amount of time. My brother put it best "Luke's an idiot."

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The opening battle was a special treat to me, keeping me smiling before the action even began. Hearing familiar lines like "Red Leader", "Lock S-Foils in attack position" and "This is where the fun begins" brought me right back to the fun of watching the original trilogy.

I felt that the whole part onbard Grievous' ship was boring. The battle between Dooku and the Jedi I felt was rushed, considering that Dooku could go toe to toe with Yoda, with neither gaining an upper hand in their battle, yet Anakin totallly owns him. I enjoyed the look Dooku gave Palpatine when he tells Anakin to kill him...

Jar Jar finally was seen and not heard.

However, as I say that, the dialogue wasn't as bad as the first two prequels. Anakin didn't whine as much either, although don't let that fool you. He still whined, even as a crispy critter on planet Mustafar.

Anakin's turn to the dark side was sweet, however. You see just how ruthless he becomes when he slaughters the younglings.

While it was nice to see the Worshyr trees of Kayyyshk (If I spelt it correctly...I know there's 3 Ys), I felt that as a whole, the Wookies did nothing to the story. The fucking Ewoks did more. All it did was allow Peter Mayhew to don the Chewie suit. Chewbacca didn't do much either.

More complaints include Grievous and his damn smokers cough, as well as the extreme flucations of voice that Palpatine has after his face gets cooked.

The "NOOOOOO!" from Vader...sucked. It wold've been better suited if he would've said something cold.

Bright spots include the fantastic saber battles that occured throughout the film, as well as Anakin's turning and Paplatine's obvious hints that he was a Sith Lord. Fantastic views of how quickly The New Order was established.

One thing I noticed during the Jedi Purge, was one of the planets looked very strangely like the homeworld of ET. Those of you that have ridden the ET ride at Universal Studios can put your info on it. It would not surprise me if it was intentional like that, since the ET aliens showed up in Episode I.

Finally, the ending was spectacular. I loved Padme's last words..."There's still......", You could almost tell she was trying to say "good in him". Also, I enjoyed seeing Luke as he was born, knowing full well the events of the Original Trilogy.

And then, there's the scene with Vader, Palpatine, and yes, for those that didn't recognize it or stay for the credits, that officer with the impressive blue, yellow, and red rank badge was none other than Grand Moff Tarkin looking over the construction of the Death Star.

All in all, and 8/10. The dialouge was boring to me, but the action and incredible visual effects more than made up for it.

What I wanna know is how it took them 18 fucking years to build the damn Death Star, considering the outside of the thing looked about 40% complete. That's some slow friggin work don't ya think?

Well, the thing is, we don't know when the Death Star was completed. Roughly 18 years pass between ROTS and ANH. You have to consider that while yes, it WAS looking fairly well, there's also the problem of training people to use the thing. As seen in ANH, the clones were more or less disbanded by the time of ANH. Don't forget the TIEs that were on board, the staff, etc etc. That alone would take years.

And if you look at it this way...it takes about 2, 3 years to build a stadium. How long do you suppose something like that would take to build? Not to mention the fact that it had to be kept secret, so you really couldn't devulge your entire workforce on it.

Still, I do thank George Lucas for going with the obvious and having Palpatine end up as Sidious. I think back to 8th grade, pretty much 6 years ago today (As E1 came out on 5/19/99...), talking with friends who were all saying "No, he CAN'T be Darth Sidious....". Thank you George Lucas for giving me a very minor victory of them.

Now, ranking them, I'd go:

T-1) Jedi

T-1) Empire

3) Sith


5) A New Hope

6) Clones

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And the one thing that STILL FN bugs me is how Leia can know more about her mother when she and Luke saw her for the same amount of time. My brother put it best "Luke's an idiot."

When Leia talked about her mother she was referring to Bail Organa's wife who helped raise her before she died. While Luke was always under the impression that his real father and mother were elsewhere (being raised by people claiming to be his uncle and aunt), Leia never had any reason to believe she was adopted.

At least, that's what the new adapted string of continuity would be. It doesn't make quite so much sense when Luke stresses "Your REAL mother?", but then Lucas rewrites his own crap half the time anyway.

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Anyone that puts Jedi above Empire in any list sucks. Anyone who ties Jedi with Empire in any list sucks. Jedi was a fabulous movie UNTIL the teddy bears showed up. Downhill from there on.

As for ROTS, saw it last night in a packed theater at 7:15pm with my wife, son, and a few friends. I have some issues with it, but the good far outweighs the bad in my opinion. The self fulfilling prophecy part shows the genius that Lucas can have at times during his films. While it was perfectly logical, it was also heart breaking. Anakin was a tortured soul from day one of leaving his mother, and his fall from grace makes perfect sense and saddens.

Some points FULL of SPOILERS:

-Natalie Portman's acting was hideous. She's never shown any great amount of range in any of her work, but this was beyond phoned in. She looked and acted as if she wanted to be anywhere but here doing this film. She made Hayden Christianson look like fucking Harrison Ford in Attack of The Clones.

-Christianson did a remarkable job this time around, showing that in a few more years he might be a very good actor.

-Anakin killing Dooko is not bad writing. It was said throughout that anakin was going to bring balance to The Force and the jedis, and that he was perhaps the most powerful Jedi ever. I truly believe he was on his way to being more powerful than Yoda, and of course by the time of A New Hope he was.

-The turn from confused Anakin to "Yes my master" Darth Vader after the death of Mace Windu was far too fast. Perhaps my biggest gripe and the one thing that knocks this move down a few pegs in terms of storylines not acting. Either his mind was made up prior to him arriving and saving Palpatine, or he jumped from confused hero to activew villian far too fast, and if his mind was fully made up then the story failed to present this. It didn't work right in any event.

-The Jedi, by that I mean Obi Wan and Yoda, sure did quit awfully fast, didn't they? Yoda fails to kill Palpatine in their FIRST encounter, Obi Wan ALLOWS Anakin to live, and they decide to go into exile??? Another major plot/storyline issue that ultimately makes little sense. I'd understand if Yoda just got his ass whooped from beginning to end and barely escaped with his life, but that was not the case. Didn't like it.

-More Wookies would have been the shit. I'm sure there will be plenty of finished deleted scenes involving the Wookie battle against the Droid Army on the DVD.

-Lucas will NEVER give this franchise up and have little/no involvement. This is his baby, and if there is to be a 7,8, and 9 he will be very hands on involved as he was in the first six. Just remember, he said after Jedi that while he had the story for the next SIX PARTS in his head he doubted he would ever make them, then in 1996 we get the announcement that the first three are coming. Lucas will do what he wants and give us the info on it when he's ready.

I give this film a final rating of 8 out of 10, and it falls as thus:

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. New Hope

3. Revenge Of The Sith

4. Return Of The Jedi

5. Attack Of The Clones

6. Phantom Suck

If this is the end, he went out on a high note.


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See, for me the foolishness of the Ewoks in Jedi is counterbalanced by my greater dislike of Yoda, and there is a hell of a lot of Yoda in Empire.

I've always wanted to wring his little green neck, and Sith only made me want this more.

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-The Jedi, by that I mean Obi Wan and Yoda, sure did quit awfully fast, didn't they? Yoda fails to kill Palpatine in their FIRST encounter, Obi Wan ALLOWS Anakin to live, and they decide to go into exile??? Another major plot/storyline issue that ultimately makes little sense. I'd understand if Yoda just got his ass whooped from beginning to end and barely escaped with his life, but that was not the case. Didn't like it.

The way I looked at it. Yoda can't afford to die, he surely knows that he is going to have to help rebuild the Jedi's. So dying wouldn't really be a good idea. Obi Wan allowing Anakin to live i'm not sure about, either he isn't supposed to have the heart to kill him (which is stupid since he had the heart to fight against him) or he just assumes he is dead from the flames. Either way, that one doesn't make too much sense.

EDIT ~ I also gotta say. Having seen it today, Hayden Christensen made the movie for me. I thought he was excellent. Ok, he wasn't great in the previous two but I think he got a lot more stick than was necessary, the film overall had a far better script this time around. I loved the way he played Anakin, especially in the scenes with Ian McDiarmid. He definately played the bad ass far better than he did the good guy.

And since everyone else is doing it, I rate the films....

1.) Revenge of the Sith

2.) The Empire Strikes Back

3.) A New Hope

4.) Return of the Jedi

5.) Attack of the Clones

6.) The Phantom Menace

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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-The turn from confused Anakin to "Yes my master" Darth Vader after the death of Mace Windu was far too fast.  Perhaps my biggest gripe and the one thing that knocks this move down a few pegs in terms of storylines not acting.  Either his mind was made up prior to him arriving and saving Palpatine, or he jumped from confused hero to activew villian far too fast, and if his mind was fully made up then the story failed to present this.  It didn't work right in any event.

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Guest Prototype

-The turn from confused Anakin to "Yes my master" Darth Vader after the death of Mace Windu was far too fast.  Perhaps my biggest gripe and the one thing that knocks this move down a few pegs in terms of storylines not acting.  Either his mind was made up prior to him arriving and saving Palpatine, or he jumped from confused hero to activew villian far too fast, and if his mind was fully made up then the story failed to present this.  It didn't work right in any event.

Maybe a little to fast...but I think when Mace was dead Anakin felt that that was it, there's no turning back, so he just gave in. He thought it was the only way to save Padme...I think you could hear it in his "Yes my master."s, there wasn't really much behind them, his tone was like he was defeated and was saying it more as a slave than an apprentice.

Unfortunately for him, it's these actions that end up being the thing that causes her to die. While he didn't phsically killl her himself like Palps makes him think at the end, everything he did thinking he was going to save her did cause it. So if he didn't turn, she probably would have lived.

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Anakin only joined the Eperor to save Padme. You can see that he is conflicted when he kills Mace, asking "what have I done." But I think he had the thought that what was done was done, and no matter what he needed Palpatine to save Padme, so he bowed to him. There was no turning back. However, I dont think Anakin was fully turned until he saw Padme and Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Palpatine even told him he needed to grow stronger, or in my view more evil, so he sent him to kill the Jedi and Seperatists. You could tell Anakin was having trouble with it when he was crying after killing all those people. But Ani was still doing it all for Padme. But when he thought Padme had turned against him, and it was Obi-Wans fault, he felt he had last everything. If Padme was against him, what was there left for him? Why was he doing this? He then let his anger fully take over him, choking Padme and fighting Obi-Wan, and I think this was when he was trully "turned" and had let his anger rule him. When that had passed and he asked about Padme, and the Emperor told him he killed her, he realized all he had done was for not, and he even killed his own wife. He had nothing left to fight for, and nothing to turn to excpet Palpatine and his power as a Sith. Sadness is a path to the darkside as well.

To further your excellent point, don't forget, as soon as Anakin saw Padme on Mustafar, he made it clear that he wasn't truly loyal to Palpatine. He told Padme he was doing this so he could kill the Emperor and they would rule the galaxy together. So Anakin's corruption comes from what corrupts everyone, power. He thought he needed Palpatine to teach him the ways of the dark side and save Padme, but in the end, he was going slay the Emperor just like Palpatine did to his master.

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He thought he needed Palpatine to teach him the ways of the dark side and save Padme, but in the end, he was going slay the Emperor just like Palpatine did to his master.

Which, of course, he does at the end of Jedi. Whether or not this was written in on purpose or not depends on how well you actually think the story was told in RotS.

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He thought he needed Palpatine to teach him the ways of the dark side and save Padme, but in the end, he was going slay the Emperor just like Palpatine did to his master.

Which, of course, he does at the end of Jedi. Whether or not this was written in on purpose or not depends on how well you actually think the story was told in RotS.

Well, he kills Palpatine in Jedi for a much different reason than he alluded to in Sith. Anakin was young, selfish and power hungry in Sith, but at the end of Jedi, he kills the Emperor in a selfless act to save his son. And on top of that, he sacrifices himself in the process, proving that deep down, Anakin was always a good person but lacked the patience and level-headedness needed to be a Jedi.

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He thought he needed Palpatine to teach him the ways of the dark side and save Padme, but in the end, he was going slay the Emperor just like Palpatine did to his master.

Which, of course, he does at the end of Jedi. Whether or not this was written in on purpose or not depends on how well you actually think the story was told in RotS.

Well, he kills Palpatine in Jedi for a much different reason than he alluded to in Sith. Anakin was young, selfish and power hungry in Sith, but at the end of Jedi, he kills the Emperor in a selfless act to save his son. And on top of that, he sacrifices himself in the process, proving that deep down, Anakin was always a good person but lacked the patience and level-headedness needed to be a Jedi.

On the topic of Vader killing Palpatine to save Luke, I thought it was interesting he did nearly the same thing, but with the sides switched, in RotS. When Windu was reflecting the lightning back on Palpatine in the chamber, Anakin's pose and everything was pretty much what it was when he was Vader when Palpatine was frying Luke, and Anakin saved the weaker one in both situations.

I just thought that was interesting.

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Anyone have a site where I can read the history from Episode I all the way to Return Of The Jedi (Is that the last one?)? In order of the movies timeline or whatever? I don't remember the first original three that came out at all, and I've only seen Episode I once, and never saw Episode II.

By the way, I was marking like a bitch when Anakin got into the Vader outfit. I don't mind the dialogue that followed, but the cliche movements Darth Vader did (screaming out for the person that is dead/gone away) was kinda corny.

Not the best dialoge or acting, but whatever. Padmé/Portman steals the show in the first hour or so, as does Palpatine/McDiarmid, but the final hour is totally Anakin/Christensen, and how could it not, you know? It's fucking legendary. You're seeing the birth of perhaps the most recognizable "villian" in movies, IMO.

Edited by Tristy
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