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Starwars Episode III

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Just saw this the other day, this is possibly a stupid question but:

Why is General Grevious coughing all the time if he's a droid? Or is it because he had some biological tissue inside of him? It just annoyed me that when he wasn't fighting or walking, he would cough.

Basically, he's a cyborg. There was a shuttle crash and he barely survived it. He was then build a mechanical body, but only his eyes, brain and internal organs survived the surgical transfer.


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My top 5 moments in Revenge Of The Sith...


2. Anything where Nataline Portman is in viewing range. Girl has skills and beauty.

3. When Anakin walks into the Jedi Palace, and runs into the group of kids. Gave me chills when you see the shot of Anakin's hand, and then his lightsaber.

4. After Anakin slays the separatists, and you get a close-up of Anakin's eyes. His eyes told the story there.

5. The overhead shot of Anakin leading the troops into the Jedi Palace. BADASS.

Yeah, I pretty much love Hayden & Natalie in this movie.

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It fucking sucked. I was all hyped for the wookies after seeing the fucking preview and what did I get? Fucking 10 minutes of wookies tops, and two hours of the worst fucking directing I have ever seen. Lucas should have his fucking nuts reinserted, he managed to turn Star Wars into a futuristic soap opera with instructions for the actors to imitate the actors on Passions.

I'm fucking pissed.

Edited by Quom
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Guest reversefigure4

All the answers you never wanted, from my geektastic Star Wars knowledge!

Why is General Grevious coughing all the time if he's a droid?
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As to why no other random souls (say, the Rebels) clue Luke in as to who Vader is, they probably don't even know. Keep in mind that while the Jedi Knights are well known about, individual Jedi are not. Very few people would have heard of Anakin Skywalker, and once he becomes Uber-Badass Arm of the Empire Darth Vader, that's all they know him as.

Well, considering anybody that was a Jedi was killed, the rebels could assume that Anakin was among them. Obi-Wan could've told anybody that, with the old "Vader killed Anakin" piece.

Beru and Owen were probably in on what happened to Anakin. They were, for all intents, his parents, and I'm sure they loved Luke as such, and knew the potential Luke had. Owen probably wanted to protect Luke from becoming like Anakin, or getting killed by the Empire. I mean, it's no secret that the Lars knew what happened to Anakin, as far as him becoming a Jedi.

Also, don't forget these two lines....

"Luke can't stay here forever Owen. He has too much of his father in him."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Right there, Owen sums up in so many words that he knows something of Anakin's fate, be it being killed in the Jedi Purge, or succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force.

Although, it is kinda creepy that Vader was more or less responsible for the demise of his own step-brother...Vader told the Stormtroopers to go down to Tatooine....

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For those who haven't figured it out yet, "General Grevious" is Darth Maul.

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Why don't Obi-Wan/3PO/R2/Beru/Owen/Chewy/anyone else know more about Anakin in A New Hope?

Obi-Wan, of course, knows it all and chooses not to tell Luke.

3PO has his memory erased, so that's easy.

R2, I'm guessing, either has his memory wiped before A New Hope, or agrees with Obi-Wan on the Don't-Tell-Luke business.

Owen and Beru probably don't really know. Quite possibly Obi-Wan simply tells them Anakin is dead (as, for all Obi-Wan knows at that stage, he might well be!). Keep in mind Tattooine is pretty far away from the central worlds, so any information reaching it about the Empire is likely to be pretty garbled. Owen doesn't have to know of Anakin being Vader - as a simple farmer, he likely disapproves of the whole running around being a Jedi, a fighter, and a star pilot anyway and doesn't want Luke following that, without even getting into the dark side issue.

As to why no other random souls (say, the Rebels) clue Luke in as to who Vader is, they probably don't even know. Keep in mind that while the Jedi Knights are well known about, individual Jedi are not. Very few people would have heard of Anakin Skywalker, and once he becomes Uber-Badass Arm of the Empire Darth Vader, that's all they know him as.

Anyway, I probably think far too much about this crap.


But nobody's even mentioned the best line of the film yet!

"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause."

One way of simply explaining how nobody knows Anakin is Vader is that nobody besides C3PO, R2-D2, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Padme even know. One of them is dead, two is in exile and the other two are droids (and have both probably have had their memories erased).

I'm sure some people would know of Anakin Skywalker, but in nearly 20-years, I don't think any of the rebels would really have remembered him, and even if they did, he'd be rememebered as a great hero of the Republic and was slain at the hands of Darth Vader or the clone/stormtroopers.

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For those who haven't figured it out yet, "General Grevious" is Darth Maul.

No, try again. Darth Maul is 1) dead, and, 2) a completely different character.

While Maul IS dead, look at Grevious; he's a pile of organs inside a metal frame. Maul fell down a shaft... not a shaft full of lava or horrible man eating beasts, but from all appearances, an empty shaft. Remember a few things

1) Palpatine rescues Anakin from LAVA. LAVA is a lot more dangerous then a desolate, empty shaft.

2) Palpatine then sends Anakin to (if you read source material) the same people who made General Grevious to turn him into Darth Vader. That establishes a connection between the two was in existence before Anakin and Obi Wan fought.

3) Palpatine knows Dooku is done for, and needs someone to seperate Obi Wan from Anakin, and continue the clone wars chirade while he taints the boy with his promises of dark power.

4) Apparently, Dooku taught Grevious how to fight. Why, then, does he fight nothing like Dooku? If you watch Dooku fight Anakin and Obi Wan (ignore his Yoda fight, as I try to), he stays on his feet, makes generally short, swift strokes, and on a rare occaision, will jump. Grevious is jumping around, climbing up the walls... it's even more animated in the Clone Wars cartoons, when he is jumping, kicking, flipping, punching... how many kicks did you see Dooku land? There's only one Sith I know who jumps and flips around with wild abanddon and kicks people in the head, and that's Darth Maul.

5) I cannot, unfortunatly, find a good shot of Grevious for side to side comparison, but the profiles of their faces are very similar. The "Cut down skull" shape of Grevious' head almost form fits to the tattoo on Mauls face, and his face is split at the same vertical line that runs up Maul's nose and forehead. That could be coincidence, but it is really striking coincidence if so.

6) Ultimately, I think perhaps the most telling sign is that when Dooku dies there is a very short turnaround to Grevious and Sideous chatting it up. It's pretty sudden and familiar... to be honest, Grevious is such a throw away character in the film, and I would hate to think that his only reason for existing was because Christopher Lee had another movie. The subtle hints may be there to lend more weight and importance to what would otherwise be just another CG test... or it may not.

And honestly, there isn't an offical source. It is just a theory, and one that when I heard, I didn't like. But the more I think about it, there is just enough weight to make one pause... and it makes Grevious more interesting, which is only a good thing.

Make up your own mind.

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General Grievous profile on Star Wars.com


There's that, plus there's what I posted about him before, and they're two different species.

EDIT: Also if ya wanna be technical, Darth Maul was 'only' cut in half, so, why would only his eyes, brain and organs survive that?

Edited by The Monkey Molester
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I just get the feeling that Grievous, if he were Maul, would reveal himself to Ben to gloat. That and he doesn't use the Force once.

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I just get the feeling that Grievous, if he were Maul, would reveal himself to Ben to gloat. That and he doesn't use the Force once.

From what I know (and I'm fairly certain this is right) Grievous was never a force-user in anyway, but after becoming a cyborg, Dooku trained him to fight and use a lightsaber, which is the way I see it.

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Guest reversefigure4

4) Apparently, Dooku taught Grevious how to fight. Why, then, does he fight nothing like Dooku? If you watch Dooku fight Anakin and Obi Wan (ignore his Yoda fight, as I try to), he stays on his feet, makes generally short, swift strokes, and on a rare occaision, will jump. Grevious is jumping around, climbing up the walls... it's even more animated in the Clone Wars cartoons, when he is jumping, kicking, flipping, punching... how many kicks did you see Dooku land? There's only one Sith I know who jumps and flips around with wild abanddon and kicks people in the head, and that's Darth Maul.
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Well, I was bored so I went to IMDB to have a look at the trivia for the film, and came across this:

George Lucas allowed his friend Steven Spielberg to design some of the action sequences, including Yoda's duel with Darth Sidious, and Obi-Wan's fight with General Grievous. Spielberg also consulted on other scenes, such as the climactic battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Francis Ford Coppola suggested Christopher Neil to George Lucas to be the dialogue coach. Lucas said that given the emotional intensity of Revenge of the Sith, and the fact that he rarely has time to converse with the actors, it would be ideal for someone else to be there to get the strongest performances possible.

George Lucas deliberately made the Darth Vader suit top-heavy (for instance adding weight on the helmet) to make Hayden Christensen not appear "too accustomed" to it in the movie.

The last one I post because I remember someone mentioning that Vader looked odd at the end, so, uh, there.

The other tidbit is pretty interesting because I ddin't know Spielberg had anything at all to do with the film.

EDIT: Oh yeah...

Ling Bai was supposed to be in it, but all her scenes were cut out by George Lucas following her decision to pose nude for Playboy.

I don't know who she is, but I'm sure someone will :P

EDIT 2: Ooo, she was the hot chick in the Crow...

Edited by The Monkey Molester
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