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Starwars Episode III

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Guest Morecello

I fianlly went and saw it last night and I must say it was a very good film as it really played with my emotions. Christrian was a great actor and I must say I got chill bumps when they put the mask on him and he took his first few breaths. Amazing movie and I can't way for the TV series that Lucas is going to put out.

There was also alot of foreshadowing, like when The Chancler talked about killing his mentor in his sleep he foreshadowed that he himself would be killed by his apprentice (Darth Vader) If you remeber in the final movie Darth Vader throws The Chanceler down that bottomless hole in the Death Star.

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Sifo-Dyas. :P

It's a little confusing, as I can't find anything that gives a 'concrete' explaination for this, but here's what it says:

The largest and best-known example of their clone armies is the one they crafted specifically for the Republic. Fulfilling an order apparently commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, the Kaminoans used a bounty hunter named Jango Fett as the template for their human army. The end result was a military force of alarming skill, speed and efficiency.

Had the Jedi investigated more closely, they may have discovered they were making a terrible mistake. The army, originally ordered by Master Sifo-Dyas a decade before, had been secretly co-opted by Darth Sidious to serve his long-term plans.

Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Dooku made contact with Darth Sidious and agreed to become his new Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus. As a sign of his new loyalty, Dooku killed his colleague Master Sifo-Dyas, and ensured Sifo-Dyas' secret clone army would be used to further the aims of the Sith.

Count Dooku arranged for the famous bounty-hunter Jango Fett to serve as the genetic template for the Kaminoan cloners.

Now, my reading of it says Sifo-Dyas wanted the clone army for the republic, and was somehow manipulated into getting them created by Sidious/Palpatine, and then he was killed by Dooku allowing the clone army to fall right into the hands of the Sith.

It's far to confusing...

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Episode three is amazing, blah blah blah.

Just reading up on my episode two trivia and found this

Due to much of the animosity aimed towards Jar-Jar Binks in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), the working title of Episode II was "Jar-Jar's Big Adventure".

Made me laugh out loud.

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Pardon me if this was mentioned, but are we to assume that Darth Plagus "created" Anakin? Seems logical to me, and it's something that could be explored in a pre-prequel, if ever necessary. It also makes the character of Anakin a little more interesting, as he was created for the purpose of evil, but ended up torn between it and good.

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Pardon me if this was mentioned, but are we to assume that Darth Plagus "created" Anakin?  Seems logical to me, and it's something that could be explored in a pre-prequel, if ever necessary.  It also makes the character of Anakin a little more interesting, as he was created for the purpose of evil, but ended up torn between it and good.

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I just saw the movie tonight... I found it to be pretty fun. The action scenes were great, and the dialogue was unintentionally hilarious.

This may have been answered already, so my apologies if it has been. I understand why they wiped Threepio's memory, but why not Artoo's too? Couldn't Artoo just tell Threepio everything that they wiped from him later?

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Artoo couldn't really talk, plus the little fellow had a lot of common sense. He proved in ROTJ that he's more than capable of keeping a secret from Threepio, as seen with the "And a gift...gift, what gift?!" line.

You also notice that Ben calls Artoo "His little friend", and acts very friendly with him. IIRC, Artoo also beeps when Obi-Wan presents Luke with Anakin's lightsaber, almost as if he recongizes the object.

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I had no idea that Darth Maul isn't human, rather Zabrak. Keep in mind, after episode I came out I didn't look all that deep into the universe as when episode II came out, I was disinterested a little bit.

Oh and as for his fate:

A pained look of bewilderment crossed Maul's tattooed face as death overtook him. His body fell into the melting pit, splitting in two as it tumbled into oblivion.

From the offical site.

Edited by Apple Shampoo
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Artoo couldn't really talk, plus the little fellow had a lot of common sense. He proved in ROTJ that he's more than capable of keeping a secret from Threepio, as seen with the "And a gift...gift, what gift?!" line.

You also notice that Ben calls Artoo "His little friend", and acts very friendly with him. IIRC, Artoo also beeps when Obi-Wan presents Luke with Anakin's lightsaber, almost as if he recongizes the object.

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I was watching episode IV last night actually, and I was watching for the interaction between Obi Wan and Artoo. When tey first meet in the Junland Wastes, Obi Wan acts kind of confused when Luke tells him that the R2 unit was looking for an "Obi Wan Kenobi" and he notes. "I don't remember ever owning a droid..." while this can most likely be taken as him not knowing the droid at all, for continuitys sake, it also refers to the fact that he never actually owned either\or... err right?

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I was watching episode IV last night actually, and I was watching for the interaction between Obi Wan and Artoo. When tey first meet in the Junland Wastes, Obi Wan acts kind of confused when Luke tells him that the R2 unit was looking for an "Obi Wan Kenobi" and he notes. "I don't remember ever owning a droid..." while this can most likely be taken as him not knowing the droid at all, for continuitys sake, it also refers to the fact that he never actually owned either\or... err right?

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I was watching episode IV last night actually, and I was watching for the interaction between Obi Wan and Artoo. When tey first meet in the Junland Wastes, Obi Wan acts kind of confused when Luke tells him that the R2 unit was looking for an "Obi Wan Kenobi" and he notes. "I don't remember ever owning a droid..." while this can most likely be taken as him not knowing the droid at all, for continuitys sake, it also refers to the fact that he never actually owned either\or... err right?

I assume it's to hide the truth from Luke for the time-being. Obviously as soon as Obi-Wan would say he recognised the droid, there'd be alot of questions from Luke, which would only cause problems.

Well, techincally....

The only thing a Jedi owns is his clothes and his lightsaber...

So in theory, he never owned a droid.

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Is it just me, or does it seem to be that Lucas got the structure and idea of the Empire from Nazi Germany? With Palpatine becoming Chancellor (like Hitler in 1933), being given extra powers with an enabling act (again Hitler in '34), building an army (Hitler started rearmament), and declaring himself "Emperor" (like "Fuhrer"), it all seems to tie together nicely.

Is there any substance to my thoughts, or am I talking bullshit?

EDIT: Oh, and I just found this. Best thing ever...well best Star Wars lego thing ever

Click this

Edited by Nien Numb
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If I remember correctly wasn't the only fact that Qui-Gon not on it because he was rash and would speak his mind. While I think the Episode III Obi was more quiet and sat in the back and observed and only spoke when needed to or anakin.

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Just went downstairs in time to see my dad watching the Yoda Dook' fight in Episode Two. Dooku has the ugliest lightsabre. It's disgusting. I hate it.

I thought it was cool looking. It had the curly handle and stuff which made it look different to all the rest.

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