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Official Smackdown vs. Raw Thread


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I'll do as SeanDMann says. I'm not a Smackdown fan, but I do tolerate the game. I got the last one, and got bored, and frustrated after a week. I play on it now with a friend, cos I find tag matches fun with another human player. Here goes:

What needs improving in Smackdown -

* Stats that weren't done by a 'big guy' mark. These were stats done by Vince McMahon! Actually, my above statement was incorrect, as I had to play on the game longer to get the wrestlers stats at an acceptable level.

* All gimmick matches suck. They need HUGE improvements. In particular, Cage, Table, Hell in a Cell and Royal Rumble. For a starters the cell doesn't even look right........ Even WM18 had better cage and cell matches.

* Quite a lot of what's been added in this new game actually, such as breaking up submissions and stuff.

* Better collision detection. One example of this is this. I was Rey Mysterio in a 6 Man Elimination match, with a bunch of other Cruiserweights. I was targetting Hurricane, and climbed the turnbuckle. Suddenly, all other 5 CPU characters crowded my turnbuckle, and I decided to launch myself into the middle of the crowd. In an ideal world, i'd have taken them all down. But no. I somehow managed to avoid making contact with anyone else other then the Hurricane, and even then, I hardly touched him as he was at the back of the crowd facing the other way. I should have just been able to take out multiple opponents with that move.

Don't take it to the ridiculous extreme's of WM18 though.

* Better targetting system. The one that used to be in the Smackdown games was better. I hate the current one.

* Roster. My favourite Smackdown of all mayb very well have been Smackdown 2. It may have been because it was the year I first got into wrestling, so I had fond memories. It was also the HUGE roster. Practically everyone who was in the WWF that year was in the game. I enjoyed just picking obscure characters like Essa Rios and being them. I estimate the roster to be 75+ which was phemominal. I hope THQ (or who ever actually develops the game - Yukes?) realise I dont care about legends if I can't have people that are on TV now!!!!!

It really isn't all that hard to put a huge roster in the game, speaking of which, why are their hardly any cruiserweights included?

* Generally more realistic. I want to be able to press a single button and put my feet on the ropes during a pinfall, not have to whip them into a turnbuckle 3/4 times, then do a move. Other such little touches.

* Wrestlers stay down longer. How about they stay down longer, but can still kick out of pins, and crawl across and break up pinfalls and submissions - just an idea. I could even still be groggy/down after I've broken it up maybe?

* Make it actually hard. Smackdown! setting is easy. The only difficulty is the CPU counters 90% of moves. Its the same CPU AI as it is on easy setting, just counters tonnes more. Rather than have it counter all the time, why not make it ACTUALLY HARD on 'Smackdown', not just hard to land a move?

* Endurance needs to go longer. Superstars with '7' endurance get their asses beat easily, an wearing someone down with '10' endurance takes too little time. Make enurance go further.


It isn't hard to beat your opponent at all, even on the highest difficulty, just hard to get a move in to beat him. You get huge (like 10+ each) counter sequences, which are cool at first, but get REALLY INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. Your opponent doesn't out wrestle you, he out counters you. It would help if the counters were good, but they aren't. When you take away counter animations that are designed for finishers (e.g. Pedigree's, chokeslams), their are only about 4/5 counters, and they are bollocks. I'm so sick of getting elbowed in the gut or shoving them off me. How about original counters?

Just picking one match at random (just because I watched it today) - Edge/Mysterio vs. Benoit/Angle. Edge goes to armdrag Benoit, but on his way over, Benoit armdrags Edge. Later, Benoit goes to do an armbar on Edge (on the mat), but Edge counters and gets Benoit in a body scissors. Those are the kind of counters that should be included, not the shit generic ones in the game currently.

Another point. Someone I was talking to about KOC, said he was against his Bret Hart CAW(forget who he was). Hart went to lock in the Sharpshooter, but he countered into a small package and got a three count. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT? That's what i'd want in Smackdown. Even LOW has a couple of counters like that...............

* Matches need to go longer. Maybe not the 55+ minute matches of KOC, but generally, I would have no problems with a 20-25 min match, particulaly if it had the cool counters *dreams of an Angle/Benoit vs. Rey/Edge style match on a SD! Game*

However, sometimes I do want a quick 3-5 min match, and sometimes I hard simulation match isn't what i'm after. I do sometimes want a quick arcade blast. This is where THQ could introduce two game modes/settings maybe

* More little stuff like you see on TV - More realism.

* Season mode is poor. Needs to be longer and more in depth. Much more story strands, for singles, tag teams and stable angle's. One currently is hugely repetative.

* Why, oh why does taunting call in your tag partner? This needs changing!

Edited by timmayy
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IGN insider rumble


Shit dos the crowed ever suck, and SHITFUCK do the commentators ever suck (you know, KoC has over 130 wrestlers and the commentators still are able to call the over 2800 moves with different voice hardness (depending how much closer the match gets to it´s ending) without cutting each other of over and over again and yet you STILL have collercomentary cut inbetwen the moves)

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IGN insider rumble


Shit dos the crowed ever suck, and SHITFUCK do the commentators ever suck (you know, KoC has over 130 wrestlers and the commentators still are able to call the over 2800 moves with different voice hardness (depending how much closer the match gets to it´s ending) without cutting each other of over and over again and yet you STILL have collercomentary cut inbetwen the moves)

What is KoC, i have never heard of it ( i don't leave the house much lol...)

I think Smackdown and No Mercy are both great . What attracts me me to smackdown is that threre are more matches, more wrestlers, better caw options and with Smackdown vs Raw coming. there will be new endless possibilities. With No Mercy, there is a limited number of matches unless you hack them into it. The caws dont look right and the faces look botched on the wrestlers. however i do like the submission system but i don't like the finisher system at all.

BTW Can anyone tell me if Austin & The Rock have been confirmed for the next game or will they just be in the caw mode

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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I hope to god they put in some actual fucking shirts. In Smackdown you get loads of shirts with flowers and stuff on. I'm not planning to create a roster full of Rico's so I have to make do with a shirt made black or white with a logo stuck on. It doesn't look too good. I swear there is more pages for eyebrows then shirts. Other games like No Mercy had some odd attires in but they also had relevant stuff like wrestler shirts, shorts and tights not endless pages of stupid lingirie or 'wacky' hair cuts. I realise that it is possible to create some realistic looking CAW's but i've seen some massive forumlas to do so. I just want to be able to select an item of clothing that actually looks like something a wrestler would wear, not some yellow vest with pink spots. If you're going to slash the roster to pieces THQ let has something decent to try and re create them with.

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One thing I forgot to mention. To this day I'm still pissed of at the fact that I cant figure out how to use the entrance and in ring attire thing. I mean I know you click select to toggle to entrance, but like I'll start creating someone and want to put a jacket on him just for his ring entrance, so I click select and it says entrance at the side so I think it's done. Well how come when I go to like put some boots on him and stick it back to in ring or whatever it changes everything to in ring? I just cant seem to suss that damn thing out :(

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Guest elJoJo

One thing I forgot to mention. To this day I'm still pissed of at the fact that I cant figure out how to use the entrance and in ring attire thing. I mean I know you click select to toggle to entrance, but like I'll start creating someone and want to put a jacket on him just for his ring entrance, so I click select and it says entrance at the side so I think it's done. Well how come when I go to like put some boots on him and stick it back to in ring or whatever it changes everything to in ring? I just cant seem to suss that damn thing out  :(

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Guest Iron Mary

Current Wrestlers


Garrison Cade



Hardcore Holly

Rob Van Dam

The Big Show

J.B. Layfield


Booker T

John Cena

Scotty 2 Hotty

Bubba Ray Dudley


Shawn Michaels

Charlie Haas

Kurt Angle

Shelton Benjamin

Chavo Guerrero

Mark Jindrak

Stacy Kiebler

Chris Benoit

Matt Hardy


Chris Jericho

Molly Holly

Torrie Wilson


Randy Orton

Triple H

Chuck Palumbo

Rene Dupree

Trish Stratus

D-Von Dudley

Rey Mysterio


Eddie Guerrero




Ric Flair  


Andre the Giant

Bret Hart

Legend Kane

Legend Undertaker    


Earl Hebner

Jonathan Coachman


Eric Bischoff

Michael Cole

Vince McMahon

Jerry Lawler

Mike Chioda  

Jim Ross

Paul Heyman  

Edited by Anti-Hero
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I really like that feature, you can make your wrestler look completely different in ring to how he does on entrance. If you can be arsed to put the effort in Smackdowns CAW is superb. But I agree that No Mercys was excellent for relevant simple parts. Plus the fact that the Premade wrestlers were made using the same CAW parts meant you couldnt tell the difference between CAWs and WWF superstars.

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Don't understand why after the whole FBI debacle of last year they've decided to put in Chuck Palumbo in rather than Nunzio and Stamboli who've actually appeared on TV since the draft lottery. Clearly the character models were already made.

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thats what i loved about HCTP. i could spend an hour and so and create realistic caw of my self . thats the reason i play hctp now to create good caws . I bought a sharkport so all id have to do was download the caws but it doesn't work so i'm forced to go through the long formulas but it doesn't bother me. I would really like to have the password system though it would make it really easy

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I'm sorry... Legend Kane? Did I miss something here?

And Anti-Hero, whether A-Train deserves to be in the game or not is probably debatable, but I for one am glad that he's in the game, and I'd personally much rather see him in there than Billy Kidman OR Paul London. Since every cruiserweight in the game seems to have the same fucking moves anyway, just use your imagination.

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I think the notable absentees are London & Kidman, La Resistance, The Hurricane & Eugene. (Though still no Jamie Noble :( )

Everyone else doesn't bother me too much. That's what CAW is for after all.

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I'm sorry... Legend Kane? Did I miss something here?

Why you little....*throttles Burning Dragon*

It means Old School Kane, when he was in the cool costume and before he became a joke. (For further reference, see avatar, mine)

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