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Playing Online


Online Gaming  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you play videogames online?

    • Yes, on console and PC
    • Yes, only on consoles
    • Yes, only on the PC
    • No, because it's too complicated
    • No, because it's I prefer single player
    • No, because I just don't want to
    • No, because I don't have good hardware

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So yeah, a question I've pondered, X-Box has by far the best online capabilities, and yet it is still a clear second to PS2 in terms of fans, so I wanted to know who plays online and does it make any difference to your gaming if you can't play online?

I personally only do the PC, and even then only short games, sometimes a long game of Civ or the latest free MMPOG but that's about it. I have played consoles online around mates houses, but I just don't have the urge to go and beat the snot out of someone I barely know.

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The only online games I've ever played (apart from the silly java games on the web) are some worms type stuff that Zaz forced me into playing. I can barely get my PC to run MSN without crashing, never mind full on commercial games. I'm looking into getting my PS2 online sharpish though.

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I used to play a bit of CS on the PC, moreso on Diablo 2. Have Guild Wars now but we seem to have grown bored of it. Played (and beat) Dan on PES4 on the PC too. Plan to get PS2 online soon for PES5 and SD2006.

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I used to have Xbox live until my sub ran out, though I should be getting that again once I get a bank account and some money in the account. Right now I play online for PS2 but my frickin PS2 is broken, so I'll have to replace it with a slimline. Haven't played PC online too much, but I should start doing that since I have AOE III now :D

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I do the PC from time to time, but oddly not since I have high speed. I guess that's because most of the things I play come from torrents now. >.>

I tried using a PS2 network adapter that I borrowed from someone, but since the connection in my room goes through a router, I think it's slower than it should be.

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Only on console. I spent an eternity online with Mortal Kombat Deception, and I play Madden online. You bastards need to get your PS2s online though because this November, the EWB Smackdown vs. RAW Federation will be open for business.

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I've only played some Counterstrike and Starcraft online and that was a couple years ago.

Otherwise I'm in the "I prefer single player and don't give a shit about online" category. I like multiplayer as best as the next guy, but it does get a tad bit boring. Nothing beats a nice and enjoyable single player game. My online experiences haven't been too pleasent. Especially Counterstrike. I was pretty good at Starcraft but in Counterstrike there are quite a few elitist assholes who will cheaply take you out and gloat about it like idiots. It was just frustrating trying to learn much about the game when the same couple assholes wandered the spawn points that they memorized and sniped people that spawned.

I also have had one of the shittiest computers ever up until my birthday in August. It was middle of the line in 1998, and time did it no favours. I now have a beast of a machine, that's just lacking a good quantity of ram (only has 256). I also only have basic "light broadband". Max it goes is about 16-18 kbps. Better than dial up but not by much and useless to play online.

Don't have the PS2 network adapter and I'll never get an X-box more than likely. So pretty much online is off limits and I like shit that isn't online better. Although my newly acquired Ratchet: Deadlocked may entice me to see what online is like, and possibly Smackdown vs Raw.

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Only on console. I spent an eternity online with Mortal Kombat Deception, and I play Madden online. You bastards need to get your PS2s online though because this November, the EWB Smackdown vs. RAW Federation will be open for business.

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