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Yeah. Honestly, the only other time I've ever seen a guild name reported is when someone wanted their guild name changed. I know when the GM in my old guild stepped down the new GM submitted a ticket and had the guild renamed from "Ominous Latin Name" to "Easily Amused".

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I hate the fact that I bought this, and after the trial ran out... basically lost interest with the shitty and slow internet connection at my university and let my subscrption run out last... December I believe it did. I liked the game while I played it... however after I left the starting human area and made it to the... desert like place, it got WAY too tedious and I didn't really want to touch it after that. My Horde game was going a lot better, but the EWB people stopped showing up as much as they used to and it just really wasn't that much fun without them.

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I might cry. :crying:

After all the hard work I put into my 22 Rogue, it's all gone just like that. :crying:

See, my friend let me use one of 'his' accounts that he has to make a guy and play with them sometimes. So yeah, WoW's like heroin. And now, it turns out that 'my friend's' account was really his friend's account, which the password is known by like 4 people including me, and the one who's account it wasn't turned around and sold it, and the new owner changed the password.

Fuck. One second in AB, the next I'm lagging out and disconnected, and that ends my Rogues chapter.

Now I have to start buying gamecards for my OLD account which I luckily got back today, but still, this blows.

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I play WoW on and off these days, but I get the feeling I'm done with the game, for now. I'm not a huge fan of world PvP, since it generally exists only as ganking - and there's no real roleplay or character development to be done beyond number crunching. Even that would be bearable if the storyline was compelling, but too often I find I go from something epic in feel to something that is, at its heart, 'collect twelve of these mushrooms and bring them here so I can cook them for you'.

The world is too static. Nothing changes, aside from the opening of an occasional instance or the addition of a new, high level area. A little progression that didn't come in the form of 'OMG! NEW AREA YOU CAN REACH' would make things interesting. After a year away from the game, I come back to the same aimless lowbie missions and the same exodus from actually interesting places like the Plaguelands and Silithis.

That, and finding a guild I enjoy playing with is nigh on impossible. Everyone's either a twink or a hardcore raider.

Edited by Merry ChrisWalkerBushmas
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  • 2 months later...

So, with WOTLK's beta opening and all it should be out pretty soon. Anyone plan on buying it? I probably will, and I'll mess around and see the new content and hopefully reach level 80 before I get bored with it again. The only thing that sucks is that I'm worried about Paladins. Blizzard's saving all the Paladin and Hunter changes for last because they're overhauling both classes.

For Paladins (which is what I'm concerned with since I play a ret pally) they're retooling how much damage tanks do, giving healadins a new spell that's supposed to be like a "single person version of Prayer of Mending" and they're redoing itemization too. For example, Ret paladins' gear will be more similar to a warrior's gear. I'm kind of on the fence about it all though. Some people are cautious but receptive of it, while some others are much more cynical (big surprise) and critical of Blizzard.

More realistically, though, as soon as I unwrap it I'll say "fuck a paladin" and try a Death Knight out.

Edited by Cloudy Of The Rebellion
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