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Its damn hard to make a good movie based on a video game.

I didn't see DOOM, but I heard it sucked. I just hope the next video game based movie The Rock does, Spy Hunter, has a decent screenwriter behind it. Of course, they can do pretty much with it considering the game didn't have much of a plot or backstory.

The only two video game based movies I've seen that I thought were any good? The first Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat was dead-on perfect considering it had a rating that wouldn't have allowed for gory fatalities. Street Fighter had its moments (the speech Van Damme gives that ends with `now who wants to go home, and who wants to go with me?!', Van Damme actually pulling off Guile's Flask Kick, and Raul Julia's performance).

Mortal Kombat Annihilation was utter garbage, and I'm glad I caught it on cable rather than seeing it in a theater or renting it. I figured it was gonna be bad when they killed off Johnny Cage early on, considering Linden Ashby was the best actor in the first movie that was also in the second.

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Bloodrayne was supposed to open in 2000 theaters, Boll said that he got a call saying that some theaters weren't going to show his movie because they watned to carry Cheaper by The Dozen 2. If some of you watched G4 TV you would know this.

Ouch. You know your movie might be shit when you get cut off cause of that piece of shit...

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Is that the one they bundled with the Street Fighter Anniversy game? I thought that was decent.

That one was the original Street Fighter anime movie, which actually is pretty decent, even if the ending is a little screwy. Street Fighter Alpha is another anime film, which I haven't seen, but is supposed to be very good. The Street Fighter live action film is the one with Jean Claude Van Damme, which is mostly terrible, but does have a couple of "so bad it's good" moments.

And why does Uwe Ball insist on directing so many video game based movies when they do so badly financially? I've never seen any of them, so can't comment on their quality, but you think he'd try his hand at something else and give someone else a chance to make a video game film that might actually do well.

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Yes. Because he's not doing it for the fans, but for himself, he thinks he has carte blanche to put games that I liked through his shit grinder and make money from them.

Postal...unless that involves a lynch mob beating up Boll for the full two hours, it will suck. Suck, and suck ass like a professional ass-sucker competing in the Ass-Sucking Olympics.

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I swear the whole time I was watching this I thought it was exactly like the "trailer" for the "Trogdor the Burninator" movie on the Homestar site a couple years ago. This is the first Uwe Boll movie I've seen, and I was almost convinced that he's making these movies to be self-satirical, but then why would he market the films as serious? Who knows maybe he's just pulling the world's largest practical joke, because I can't understand why someone can have to straight films ripped apart and not get the slightest bit better.

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You haven't lived until you've EXPERIENCED the first 5 minutes of Alone in the Dark.
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Guest Chaos Theory

Kevin Perrera brought up a real good point that the reason alot of people don't like his films is because they have played the games so much that they have their script in their mind for their ideal movie and when Uwe's movies come out they get ripped to shreds.

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Kevin Perrera brought up a real good point that the reason alot of people don't like his films is because they have played the games so much that they have their script in their mind for their ideal movie and when Uwe's movies come out they get ripped to shreds.

Well, maybe, but the thing is regardless of script they are bad movies. The video game-to-movie adaptation factor doesn't even factor in. As stand alone movies, without a video game to be based on, they are bad movies.

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Kevin Perrera brought up a real good point that the reason alot of people don't like his films is because they have played the games so much that they have their script in their mind for their ideal movie and when Uwe's movies come out they get ripped to shreds.

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