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Quickest you've ever dropped a game

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That stupid 'Manhunt' game. The one where you run round killing people for no reason. Now, I like killing people as much as the next guy, but that was just violence for the sake of violence and didn't interest me at all. I think I played it for about an hour before turning it off and forgetting about it.

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Guest Larry the Mole Man

I like MLB 06... >_>

Anyways Grand Theft Auto II...Played it for 10 minutes or so and threw it against a wall.. Years later, I bought it for the GBA because it was 2 dollars and I forgot it sucked so much.

The original was better and III owns all of the GTAs [includng SA and VC]

Edited by Larry the Mole Man
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I got State of Emergency as a present a few years ago and played it for about 30 minutes before tossing it on my shelf.

I read previews and stuff of Narc and it sounded cool, but when I finally rented it, it glitched up all the time and just wasn't that fun. Plus, I did some bad stuff and got stuck as just a cop and couldn't be assed to work my way back up.

The only game I ever returned on the same day was some Star Wars game, but that's because it was behind the Tony Hawk box and I didn't notice.

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Waaaaaay back I bought Ultima Online, which came with a 30-day free trial. I quit after about 3 days, and probably played it less than 4 hours total.

I bought Blitz The League a few days ago and am about ready to take it back, because I'm sick of the other teams constantly running kickoffs back for touchdowns or close to it, even when they have half the defenders in the way. (if it wasn't for that shit and the long loading and save times it would be a pretty good game)

Edited by GhostMachine
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