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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Do you guys know this Dude? He is doing Comic reviews of bad (oldish?) Comics.


While i feel that sometimes he is trying way to hard he still is one of the better angry reviewers on the internet, a lot of people like him a great deal.

He should really just write and film someone else reading it. He's waaaaay too stereotypical internet nerd to me, complete with requisite sthpeech impediment and over dramatic outbursts.

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so, what about that Final Crisis, guys? :shifty:

Didn't get to read #7 yet, but if it's anything like the past six, I'm sure I'll have nothing but praise for it. I'll let you know what I thought (probably) this weekend.

On another note, has anyone read this week's issue of Nova yet? As great as the series is, this was one of the very best issues.

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So, working in a movie store with comic books in it certainly has its perks. :)

I've re-read Arkham Asylum recently and it's absolutely fucking brilliant. I absolutely LOVE the artwork and the overarching story is fucking great. I also re-read Watchmen, and we all know how great that is.

I just read Batman #684 (Last Rites, Last Days of Gotham 2 out of 2) and dear God was it ever... average. The art was okay and I got the point of it all, but fuck if the writing didn't just fall flat. People don't know what to do without Batman, I get it. Oh, and there was one part where some guy walked out of a fucking fire by grabbing onto a metal chain and climbing up it. I know it's a comic book, but one's gotta think that if you GRAB ONTO METAL IN A FIRE it's going to hurt. So, biggggg meh from me on that.

Amazing Spider-Man #582 staring The Molten Man was okay. It didn't blow my mind but it wasn't downright awful, either. The art style came off as a bit weird considering characters were supposed to have soot on their faces, but it just looked like scars to be honest.

There was a nice tease between Peter and Harry at the end of the issue concerning Peter being Spidey.

Next is Dark Reign: The New Avengers.

So, the team's all formed and such. I'm still not 100% a fan of Bendis's writing, but there was a nice moment with Spider-Woman.
The end though, the end was certainly good.
After losing his baby and a Skrull who could help him find said baby being murdered by ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. members, Luke Cage is forced to turn to Norman Osborn and the Thunderbolts/whatever the fuckS.H.I.E.L.D. is now. Shittttttttt. I still dunno how I feel about Jarvis, the computer and butler of Tony Stark being a fucking Skrull agent and taking Luke's baby, though. I know it's a comic book, but fuck. It's an interesting move with Osborn and Cage though, and I'm hoping it ends well.

FINAALLLYYY, Batman: Joker's Asylum is an incredibly fun trade. It's a collection of stories about Scarecrow, Two Face, Poison Ivy, and The Penguin with introductions and narration from The Joker. There's also a brief story about The Joker, too. It's very much got a 'Tales from the Crypt' kinda feel. The stories are all stand-alone stories totally out of Batman canon and they're all pretty rad. The art and writers are different for each story, with the only thing tying them together being Joker's narration. It's a short, fun read. I'd say The Penguin's and Two-Face's stories are probably the best. All in all though, it's just something fun and I love how it's presented.

We just got The Killing Joke in, too, so I'll be re-reading that tomorrow.

Edited by Will's a lumberjack.
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Double post, but holy Jesus was Amazing Spider-Man #583 bad. It was beeeeeeeyyyyyyyoooooond filler. The Barack Obama segment was enough to make me smile and the fist bump was a nice moment, but the entire thing -- Barack segment and the actual issue itself -- was just written... badly. The issue dealt with Betty Brant and Peter's friendship and that was basically it. There was no point to this issue, at all. The art was lacking a lot, too. Guh.

Edited by Will's a lumberjack.
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Final Crisis #7 lived up to the previous six installments and then some. I loved how most of the major players got their chance to shine- Superman (and the other Supermen), the Green Lanterns, Wonder Woman/Supergirl, the Flashes (though you could argue they got a bit short-changed)- and a lot of minor ones played key roles- The Question, Frankenstein, even Luthor in his own way. The time-travel stuff really came to a head here, specifically with Darkseid's radion bullet. It really wrapped up brilliantly, and my favorite part, the very last page, was beautifully haunting. Great stuff.

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Fell: Feral City

Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith

This is fantastic. Fell is absoloutley brilliant, without a doubt. I picked the graphic novel, which includes Issue's 1-8, for £9 and for that much, this was a bargin. The art works beautifully for the story, and though the stories are shorter than most comics, the storytelling is wonderful. The main character, Richard Fell, is fascinating, as are all the side characters. Each chapter tells a new story, which continues to build character and the world around it. I took a chance buying something a bit different, something that wasn't DC or Marvel, and I can tell you I'll be buying more from now. I can't suggest strongly enough that you should pick it up. Great characters, great stories, great art. Best thing I've read in an age.

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Has anyone used Marvel Digital Comics and is it any good? I'm considering using it for pure necessity to read stuff I wouldn't buy TPBs of otherwise, and just get TPBs of stuff I really want, especially since I'm so behind the times with comics.

Another note: X-Men Noir #1 is excellent and I'm gonna get the guys at my local shop to track the others down.

Edited by Kwanzabot
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Don't know if anyone is keeping up with Green Lantern or at least is interested in the Black Lanterns, but some ads for upcoming action figures have revealed who two of the Black Lanterns are going to be (the Black Lanterns are undead, I guess):

Martian Manhunter and the Earth 2 Superman
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I'm going to a superhero-themed costume party tonight as the Question. I couldn't do the mask so, for tonight, I'm going to be Vic Sage taking on my appearance. Pics possible.

For the mask, all you need is some decent holding but fairly easy to remove adhesive (spirit gum, if you can find it) and some flesh colored cheesecloth. Or cheesecloth and some non-toxic flesh colored paint.

And pics, please. :)

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Fell: Feral City

Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith

This is fantastic. Fell is absoloutley brilliant, without a doubt. I picked the graphic novel, which includes Issue's 1-8, for £9 and for that much, this was a bargin. The art works beautifully for the story, and though the stories are shorter than most comics, the storytelling is wonderful. The main character, Richard Fell, is fascinating, as are all the side characters. Each chapter tells a new story, which continues to build character and the world around it. I took a chance buying something a bit different, something that wasn't DC or Marvel, and I can tell you I'll be buying more from now. I can't suggest strongly enough that you should pick it up. Great characters, great stories, great art. Best thing I've read in an age.

If it's more of Fell you've got your heart set on, I hope you don't mind waiting. There hasn't been a new issue in a full year. The series has unfortunately stalled at #9 and Ellis updates every once in a while on his blog to say that it's coming along. It's too bad because, as you've pointed out, it's a fantastic book. I'm not even a huge Warren Ellis fan, but he is at home writing this book and Templesmith's brilliant art just puts it over the top. #9 might be one of the best issues in all, it's a really cool look at the psyche and method of Richard Fell with some great art as well. Hunt it down if you can.

Funnily enough, I was in the university bookstore the other day and saw a huge stack of the Feral City trade (along with All-Star Superman and some other cool stuff) for a comics course in the English department that I somehow missed on the course calendar.

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Yeah, issue #9 was on ebay for like £2.50 if I include postage and packaging. I'll pick it up soon because the series is awesome. It's a shame it stalled, but hopefully it'll eventually pick back up. After reading this, and a Hellshock a while back, I'm a lot more upon to bigger named books. I'd love some recomendations for some lesser known books, please. Stuff similar in the sense of Fell. Dark and clever, if possible.

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I finished Watchmen last night, and it was fucking awesome. Not being a big comic book reader, I thought this one did a great job of being a typical comic without being a typical comic; that probably one makes sense to me >_>

The ending was fantastic, because there was no way to see it coming and yet when it happened it seemed so logical.

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I finished Watchmen last night, and it was fucking awesome. Not being a big comic book reader, I thought this one did a great job of being a typical comic without being a typical comic; that probably one makes sense to me >_>

The ending was fantastic, because there was no way to see it coming and yet when it happened it seemed so logical.

Yeah, and they're messing up the movie big time by changing the ending, supposedly.

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