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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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I am currently reading through the original run of Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), and it's taking me quite a bit to get through. I'm on issue 17 now, and I feel like it's picking up, but man, those older books can be really hard to read sometimes. I mean, if I pick up something more recent (80's-onward), I seem to power through issue after issue. I think, more than the difference in era's, what I've noticed holds me back more than anything is how cookie-cutter everything seemed to be back then.

The heroes all seemed to be very similar, in the sense that they were all the classic heroic stereotype. Shades of grey and personal motivations were few and far between, in terms of giving each of the heroes of the time their own distinct identities and voices. I can pick up Captain Marvel and feel like I'm reading Spider-Man or the Avengers in the way that he speaks and acts, which makes it hard to trudge through at times, but there's so much lore there that is introduced, that even though it feels almost like a task sometimes to sit down and read, I know that when I get to more modern times, having read all of that is going to pay off in my enjoyment of what's to come.

Funny thing I noticed, but early Ronan the Accuser has a very similar look to the Juggernaut, the way his helmet was drawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, HailtotheSickle said:


What are in everyone's pull lists right now?  

Captain Marvel
Wonder Woman
Ms. Marvel
Dead Man Logan
Five Years
Wonder Twins


I'd like to find a Batman and Superman comic too but I don't think there is a good jumping on point right now

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4 hours ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Captain Marvel
Wonder Woman
Ms. Marvel
Dead Man Logan
Five Years
Wonder Twins


I'd like to find a Batman and Superman comic too but I don't think there is a good jumping on point right now

End of the year may be your chance for Batman as December's #85 is his last on it.  The Batman/Catwoman he's doing will be 12 issues 

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On 20/06/2019 at 09:39, apsham said:

Oh man, I am a massive fan of the black & gold box POPs that they put out for Batman not too long ago. I was able to snag a first appearance once and it's the only one that I think I'll keep in the box.


My wife actually got me this for our anniversary. I have it on my shelf at work.

On a different note, where do you guys read your comics that are currently running? I don’t actually have access to a comic store so is there a place online that I can purchase current runs as they happen? 

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9 minutes ago, Forky said:

My wife actually got me this for our anniversary. I have it on my shelf at work.

On a different note, where do you guys read your comics that are currently running? I don’t actually have access to a comic store so is there a place online that I can purchase current runs as they happen? 

If you're okay with digital, Marvel Unlimited and Comixology are pretty solid. Unlimited gets you a whole slew of back issues and I believe maybe even a discount on newer issues, but if you can wait 6 months, those go up as part of the back catalog.

If you're thinking physical issues of books, most major comic shops have shipping options if you can find one in your general area... or I believe you can order directly through Marvel and DC.

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On 23/06/2019 at 16:59, Forky said:

My wife actually got me this for our anniversary. I have it on my shelf at work.

On a different note, where do you guys read your comics that are currently running? I don’t actually have access to a comic store so is there a place online that I can purchase current runs as they happen? 

If you want floppy copies for yourself: dcbservice dot com is a good option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I read the surprise series finale of The Walking Dead. I'm not going to tempt fate again and risk Kirkland accidentally reading my spoilers but it was a good ending. I enjoyed it. For someone who read religiously from the first issue up until the end of All Out War I felt satisfied with it. I don't feel like I missed anything in the issues I didn't read but I may go back and check them out someday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted this in the wrestling section but figured I'd expand on it here. I'm planning on starting a blog where I'll be covering comic books and wrestling (mainly WWE.) Any ideas for what I should name the blog? I'd be reviewing comic books and also giving my thoughts on RAW, SmackDown and WWE's PPVs.

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DCeased stuff.


You know, I never thought zombies would work in the DCU. Between the Kryptonians, The Lanterns, The Marvel Family and The Flash Family you figure the whole thing could be stopped before the world is unrecoverable but the Tech Plauge bit cuts out that important period of time. It's just instantly done. The Marvel Zombies or Walking Dead plague would have been cut off real quick but this is on a whole different level of bad.


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I'm bored at work, so thought I would reopen the age old debate... Who has the best rogues gallery?

It clearly narrows down to Spiderman vs Batman, but who do YOU think has the best?

Spiderman has the numbers, but Batman has the icons, WHO WINS? You decide?


It's Spiderman by the way.

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I'm no expert by any means, but I'm still astounded by how many classic still going villains Spiderman managed to squeeze into the first year or so. Having read a lot of early Marvel there's loads of terrible throwaway villains in most titles, but Spiderman flies straight in with Vulture, Doc Ock, Chameleon, Electro, Mysterio, the Lizard etc all of which (I presume) are still around today. The stories are as basic as they were back then, but the building blocks were there for all of them.

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Joker. Catwoman. The Riddler. Two Face. Bane. Poison Ivy. The Penguin. Scarecrow.  Ra's Al Ghul.

Massive characters with wonderful, well defined  personalities and places in the DCU. And that's just scratching the surface of Batman's enemy collective.  Batman's stories depend more on the motives and personality of the villain's than Spider-Man's. They share equal time and space with Batman. In Spider-Man stories a lot of them are just there to move Spider-Man and give a fight.  There's also the fact that popular recurring villains are still being added to the Batman lore like The Court of Owls and The Batman Who Laughs. I can't remember the last new Spider-Man baddie that captured people's imaginations.


The only Spidey I'd rank near up there are Venom, Green Goblin, Doc Oc and The Lizard.  Kingpin could make it but that feels like counting Deathstroke as a Batman villain since they both antagonize many heroes on the regular. A bunch of the other known Spidy villains like Electro, Vulture, Kraven and Scorpion just feel like jobbers.

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  • 1 month later...


"I have super strength that'll let me snap a neck like a carrot but Imma use a tiny, janky knife for my mercy killing."

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Been reading some great stuff over the last year or so. 

I've absolutely loved Paper Girls, which is one of the best things I've read in the last few years. I've just got the last volume to go, but it's so beautifully done and the art is amazing. 

I'm still only half way through Saga, but that's totally lived up to the hype. 

Similarly, I thought Sabrina was mind-blowingly good. I love stuff that captures deep-rooted paranoia, it's perfectly paced, I loved it. 

Now having a read of Snotgirl, which is fun, if not completely gripping me right now. I've heard good stuff about Skyward and Gideon Falls, so got both of those lined up. Trying to expand the amount I read, especially for research for stuff to potentially adapt. I saw Jupiter's Legacy is getting a TV adaptation, so ordered that too. Just waiting patiently for the next volume of Monstress and gonna pick up the new Umbrella Academy when it's out. 

Comics are great ain't they 

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