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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

Your Mom

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Random thought: why the hell is Spider-Man bright red and blue? You ask me to design a character named Spider-Man then I'm looking at browns, greys, black, you know, spider colors.

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On 06/05/2020 at 11:20, Your Mom said:

The actual reason is probably something to do with the ink back then. That's why Hulk has purple pants

The purple pants (originally trunks) were chosen as a contrasting color. Which is why you see a lot of green or purple themed characters with the other color as part of their look. ie, the green-haired Joker wearing purple. Green Goblin being green and purple. 

But ink is one of the reasons the Hulk went from grey to green. The colorist working on the comic had issues getting the coloring right at times. Apparently he colored the Hulk green in a panel (not sure if it was an f up or something going on in the story, like green light being shone on the Hulk), Stan Lee saw it, and decided the Hulk looked better green than grey. Another contributing factor is that sometimes grey had a purplish tinge to it or would be affected by whatever colors were on the next page. 


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On 06/05/2020 at 16:03, =BK= said:

Random thought: why the hell is Spider-Man bright red and blue? You ask me to design a character named Spider-Man then I'm looking at browns, greys, black, you know, spider colors.

Honest answer: I don't know.

Theory answer: He was a poor kid who put an outfit together for a wrestling show. Probably just bought whatever material he could get cheapest.

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2 hours ago, GhostMachine said:

The purple pants (originally trunks) were chosen as a contrasting color. Which is why you see a lot of green or purple themed characters with the other color as part of their look. ie, the green-haired Joker wearing purple. Green Goblin being green and purple. 

But ink is one of the reasons the Hulk went from grey to green. The colorist working on the comic had issues getting the coloring right at times. Apparently he colored the Hulk green in a panel (not sure if it was an f up or something going on in the story, like green light being shone on the Hulk), Stan Lee saw it, and decided the Hulk looked better green than grey. Another contributing factor is that sometimes grey had a purplish tinge to it or would be affected by whatever colors were on the next page. 


Knew it was something like that :) 

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Spawn stuff


Whoever suggested getting rid of Al Simmons and making some bland white guy named Jim be Spawn is a damn moron. I want Al's story that I've been following. It might as well be a different book. The only reason I'm powering through is I know Al is back in about 50 issues.


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Having basically no knowledge of perceptions of comics, is Secret Invasion well regarded? I'm persisting with it, but the art is driving me mad. Aside from an obsession with trying to draw the innards of female superheroes, the whole thing is done in a Jim'll Paint It MS Paint style.

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20 minutes ago, Colly said:

Having basically no knowledge of perceptions of comics, is Secret Invasion well regarded? I'm persisting with it, but the art is driving me mad. Aside from an obsession with trying to draw the innards of female superheroes, the whole thing is done in a Jim'll Paint It MS Paint style.

Secret Invasion was really well done, if I'm remembering everything correctly. The art wasn't my favorite by any means, but the story is worthwhile.

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3 hours ago, Colly said:

Having basically no knowledge of perceptions of comics, is Secret Invasion well regarded? I'm persisting with it, but the art is driving me mad. Aside from an obsession with trying to draw the innards of female superheroes, the whole thing is done in a Jim'll Paint It MS Paint style.

It holds up well, except for one thing, which I'm going to post in a spoiler tag to see if others agree. I recommend not looking until you've read Secret Invasion.

The Mar-Vell swerve.

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On 06/05/2020 at 12:20, Your Mom said:

The actual reason is probably something to do with the ink back then. That's why Hulk has purple pants


Basically why Superman is the same colour scheme.

And Wonder Woman, and the original Flash.... and Captain America... and it kind of goes on.

Other factors kind of tie into it, it's kind of a mix of all of them in the end for some cases.

Edited by apsham
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On 14/05/2020 at 21:05, Gabriel said:

Secret Invasion was really well done, if I'm remembering everything correctly. The art wasn't my favorite by any means, but the story is worthwhile.

I always felt like it never lived up to its potential, myself, but that almost entirely relates to "Him" and...


... the fact I was certain that The Illuminati mini-series Bendis did would tie into it more and "He" would be The Beyonder who had become a Skrull God.

... other than that, it's really well done, and my issues with it are entirely because I had built it up in my head.

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So, I watched the first two episodes of Doom Patrol and I wasn't really feeling it. It probably doesn't help that I'm currently reading the Grant Morrison run, but it just felt a bit bland and I wasn't hugely into their interpretation of it, nor into the visual style. That said, I'm conscious I could just be struggling to separate my preconceptions of it, is there a point where it picks up? I saw that they do the Underground episode, which is one of my favourite issues, but I get the feeling it might not be able to overcome my problems with it. Just interested to hear from people who have watched it.

Never really done much of the DC TV stuff, generally don't think it'd be for me. So, guess that's mentioning. 

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I noticed that Angela isn't in my Spawn coloringbook. I wonder if that's down to the ownership issues. I know Gaiman fought to get ownership but I thought Image had the right to still reprint old work, which is what the coloring book is, uncolored prints of art from the comics.

Edit:Found my favorite page in B&W anyway, ha



Now there's only one other Spawn page I wanna color that isn't in.




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I'm just gonna say it.

I don't give a shit about Mary Jane outside of  Ultimate U or Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane , Spider-Man should be with Black Cat.

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