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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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If you like Superman they just launched a new title for him. Haven't read it but the writer is good

I head about it, but the five dollar price tag for one issue scares me off. I'll just wait until I can get it cheaper on digital.

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Started reading Batgirl. It's really good. It's the only New 52 Bat title I've really started on.

Which is a damn shame. The whole Court of Owls story that runs through Batman and Nightwing is fantastic. Haven't read anything since then, but those first issues are great.

Court of Owls was fantastic.

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I've heard this many times but the amount of Bat books scares me off. I might just pick one and read up to current then go to another.

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Huge find at the thrift shot today .... Amazing Spider Man #96 (first of the non code approved issues) for a mere 20$ ... I'd grade it at a 7.5 to 8 which puts it in 75$ to 100$ land.

Also got a pristine Moon Knight #1 (1980) on top if it for 5$ ... my local shop said they'd probably put it out for 25$ - 30$ in its condition.

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I've heard this many times but the amount of Bat books scares me off. I might just pick one and read up to current then go to another.

Batbooks are easy. You can just follow one and you won't miss anything, there's little interconnection outside of big events. If you can only afford one, I'd say go with Detective Comics, but Nightwing is a good shout too.

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I have a question regarding the Age of Ultron, that I am going to tag just in case someone hasn't finished it yet.

Is Marvel actually bringing the Ultimate universe into normal continuity? Apparently at the end of Age of Ultron, Miles Morales is shown, same with Angela, and it is due to a "tear in the fabric of space and time blah blah" because of Wolverine's jaunts to the past.

Is the Marvel Comics division of the company actually going to bring it all together? From what I can gather about currently published stuff, the main books are a mess right now as it is... and Ultimate Marvel as it was supposed to be, died with Ultimatum. I'm just shocked that they would create a bigger mess out of the mess they are already dealing with.

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I haven't read Age of Ultron, but that'd suck. Ultimates is one my favorite currently running comics and I really love the Ultimate Universe. I'm not sure they are, though, they're talking about regular Galactus being in Ultimate Marvel, so I'm guessing there's just going to be a few crossovers. Apparently the Richard Rider Nova was seen with the Guardians too and I doubt they're bringing him back any time soon.

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Started in on Batman. Court of Owls storyline is indeed awesome.

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I hate all the god damn crossover mega events that only lead to more crossover mega events that only lead to more crossover mega events.

I read so many less comics now than I used to, because it's so hard to get invested in something before they reboot it, or shake it up unnecessarily, or do another crossover mega event that changes the face of the entire Marvel universe.

It seriously feels like they sit down, plan out their mega events and nerd out in a room with a bunch of writers. And then, the regular books get written around them. That's not how it should work. The regular books should be the focus of the company, and when things flow naturally into each other, allow for a crossover event.

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From what I've understood of the Age of Ultron...

...is that the multiverse is broken, ergo, it'll be easier to create crossovers, for instance, 616 Universe with Ultimate Universe (something that had been already done in the Spider-Men mini); I think that's what the next series, Hunger, will consist of: 616 Galactus attacking the Ultimate Universe, and it probably explains why Spider-Man 2099 will show up on Superior Spider-Man.

Since there'll yet be at least another issue of Age of Ultron (Age of Ultron 10AI, I believe), I'm guessing they'll mention it in more detail, and since it stars "Hank Pym in an entirely new role in the Marvel Universe", I'm guessing he'll go around fixing things so stuff like what I said in the spoiler doesn't happen.

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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Remember how great and well planned out Civil War was?

Civil War was the last crossover that I didn't find to be a huge friggin' mess. There were issues I had with it, where I would find characters doing things that I'd never have seen them do before, and without any build-up as to why they were acting that way.

EDIT: Even then, though, the company still managed to create a huge mess out of it.

How many times can The New Avengers be The New Avengers before they're just Some More Avengers?

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I feel like they had a really good run up to Civil War and right after it. Now it seems like they're right back into DC style massive clusterfucks.

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There needs to be more Alpha Girl. 5 issues is not enough!

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I didn't even like Civil War. Dark Reign was decent. I liked DC's big Black Lantern zombie thing too, which resulted in a general uptick for DC's comics quality-wise that they then supernova'd with The New 52.

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Is anyone reading Superior Spider-Man?

It sounds cool, just wondering if it's worth picking up.

It depends... IMO, it's worth it, however, if you're really peeved about the premise, you'll probably want to skip it. But I'm loving it, it's a new take on the character and it will make Peter Parker''s inevitable return that much sweeter.

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