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I watched 10 Years which is a movie about a bunch of high school classmates coming together for their 10th year reunion. Nothing extraordinary, but it was a nice little movie with a solid cast and decent acting.

Also watched The Campaign, which was so so. Zach basically played Seth Galifianakis and essentially everything he did was funny. On the other hand everything Will Ferrell did just seemed forced and really unfunny. I like Will but when he tries to do dirty humor in his movies (Step Brothers excluded) it just really does not work.

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The Hobbit

I'm not convinced three movies was the right choice to go. There are fun moments, and plenty of scenery porn, but it doesn't really seem to go anywhere. Obviously it ought to be judged in relation to its sequels, but on its own it's a little ho-hum.

Plus, *minor spoilers*

The fourth time Gandalf magically saves everyone it gets a little old.

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I found The Hobbit to be a perfectly acceptable movie. However, the heaps of scenery porn and especially the drawn out plot makes me fear for the sequels. As much as I detest the Lord of the Rings, I love The Hobbit but I am not quite as hooked as I hoped I would be. It could have easily been condensed into two movies I am sure.

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Were the World Mine. Absolutely terrible. It took 45 out of its 90 minute runtime to get to the actual plot of the movie, and even that wasn't very good. It was also incredibly heavy-handed, with lots of characters being all "OMG GAYS ARE EVIL" to the one gay character and his mom. And then the gay character goes and proves them all right by sexually assaulting a dude until he turned gay and forcing everyone else to be gay for a little while. Not even Nadine from Twin Peaks and Zelda Williams could save this trash.

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The Hobbit.

That was sensational.

I agree, it was awesome. I watched it yesterday but it's annoying how little you see of the Dragon :(

The Mummy Returns.

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The Hobbit.

That was sensational.

I agree, it was awesome. I watched it yesterday but it's annoying how little you see of the Dragon :(

The Mummy Returns.

Haven't seen it yet, but in the book I don't think Smaug turns up until the very end.

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The Hobbit.

That was sensational.

I agree, it was awesome. I watched it yesterday but it's annoying how little you see of the Dragon :(

The Mummy Returns.

OK, I really didn't want to know that Smaug showed up in the first movie. Thanks for that spoiler.

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Inherit the Wind - I thought Gene Kelly was great. All of the protesting and singing the church people were doing gave me chills.

The Outsiders - Just read Rob Lowe's book and wanted to check it out. His character was alluded to more than he actually appeared on screen. I'll have to get a hold of the "Complete Novel" edition which is supposed to add his deleted scenes. I loved the movie though.

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Finally got round to seeing Citizen Kane, Casablanca and 2001 all of which are incredible. Out of the three, I'd say Kane was probably my favourite, but Casablanca was a shit load of fun and 2001 left me speechless with some of its imagery. Can't believe it took me this long to watch all three - all lived up to the hype, which I was really worried about Kane. I don't think it's the best film made etc, but it was extremely impressive.

Also watched Barton Fink and Miller's Crossing. Barton Fink started out as one film, and half way through, completely changed -- it was really interesting and not what I expected at all. I'm still trying to figure out what I think it means, but all the performances, in particular, the studio head are fantastic. Miller's Crossing might be one of my favourite Coen films - it was so smart and entertaining and I just really dug it.

Saw Seven Psychopaths at the cinema which I thought was pretty decent. I think I'd overhyped it because of the director and such a great cast. The dream sequence stuff was great, but some of it just fell flat for me. The cast are still really fun; Walken and Harrelson especially enertaining, but it really just had nothing on In Bruges. It probably didn't help that we, unknowingly, bought tickets for a screening with subtitles, which sometimes ruins a joke or two. But yeah, it was more than fine, but I think I expected a lot more from it knowing who was involved.

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Going to watch Casablanca for the first time when it's on TV later this week... As well as a half dozen other 'classic' films that I'm recording out of convenience.

But this evening...it's all about Die Hard films. -_-

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