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On 08/06/2020 at 18:18, GA! said:

Like everyone else, I've watched too much stuff over the last couple of months. And the term 'Limited Documentary Series' has become my crack, as such I've seen: Tiger King, Making a Murderer, Sunderland 'Til I Die (season 2 only, was a bit shit to be honest), Wild Wild Country, The Keepers, Evil Genius, The Staircase, The Last Dance, Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, and OJ: Made In America.

Any other recommendations under this specific label, please let me know!

Have you done The Jinx

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3 hours ago, GA! said:

I have not! I'll add it to the list.

oh it's so good. 

A bit more of an undertaking, to the point of having not finished it yet, but Ken Burns' The Vietnam War is fantastic from what I've seen so far. 

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I watched Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie for the first time in like eight years and while I still definitely think it's the weakest of the T&E output, time has mellowed me to how audacious it is and helped me enjoy it a lot more. It's way more fun a watch if you see it as some germ of what Tim later does with On Cinema and to a lesser extent his performance in Us.

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I dug Ad Astra, it kind of ditched a bit of subtlety towards the end, but I found it pretty refreshing for a film of that size to tell the story it eventually tells. Would've thought it's definitely a film that benefits from being seen in the cinema, it's beautifully shot. 

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15 hours ago, ROC said:

I watched Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie for the first time in like eight years and while I still definitely think it's the weakest of the T&E output, time has mellowed me to how audacious it is and helped me enjoy it a lot more. It's way more fun a watch if you see it as some germ of what Tim later does with On Cinema and to a lesser extent his performance in Us.


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Went to the drive in to see Jurassic Park last night.  27 years later some of those effects still look absolutely as good as anything in movies today

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Watching the Alex Rider series on Amazon, it's been a good adaptation so far. They've skipped the first book and adapted the origin story into book two, it's working quite well.

They've also got C-Mil's Eurovision entry as the theme song which caught me by surprise :lol:

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Not watching at the moment, but last night we started watching CARNIVAL ROW on Amazon. Watched 4 last night, and 1 today. Its actually very good. There's a twist with one of the lead characters that was pulled off very well.

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SEE, on Apple TV. Its a postapocalyptic series starring Jason Momoa. The `postapocalpytic' part is due to a virus generations earlier that wiped out most of the world's population and left the survivors and their descendants completely blind.

I watched the first three episodes last night, and its really good.

Also watched BRIAN BANKS, starring Aldis Hodge and Greg Kinnear. I am a fan of both. I'm a sucker for true story movies, ans this one will piss you off at the injustice he suffered due to being falsely accused of rape and it ruining his life. My only complaint is that the information at the end of the movie does not tell you what consequences the girl who lied about him suffered, or what else transpired after he was cleared as far as courts go. (ie, who got sued) I had to go look that up online. Highly recommend the movie. Morgan Freeman and Sherri Shepherd are also it in it, by the way.

And, THE HUNT. Heidi and I were planning on going to see it in the theater, then COVID-19 hit. Our neighbors across the street rented it from Redbox. The movie is just plain fucked up, but in a good way. The kills are fairly gruesome, but a couple of them are actually comical. 

*edit* Watched all of this over the past two days.*

Edited by GhostMachine
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Have been watching INTO THE BADLANDS, on Netflix. I wanted to watch it when it was orignally on AMC, but had too much on my plate. Am about 4 episodes into season 3 right now.

Question, if anyone watched the show:

Is MK turning into a bad guy?



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MY SPY, on Prime. Action comedy starring some guy named Dave Bautisa. Think he used to be a wrestler, or something. Seriously, though, it was pretty good. Had several laughs, and the fight scenes were not boring.

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Speaking of Netflix specials, I got fooled for a second into thinking Gabriel Iglesias had a new one out. Had it under New Releases, but its from last year and we had already given it a thumbs up. 

Am wondering when/if we'll get the rest of the episodes of Mr. Iglesias season two.



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