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Rambo: First Blood Part 2 is by no way as good as the first but I did enjoy the mindless action and I realized we don't have any great action heroes these days. Jason Statham can't walk around like Stallone, shirtless, muddy with a red bandana and a big gun. GIVE ME A DAMN NEW ACTION HERO WORLD!!!!!

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Thought Gravity was very good, if not a little overhyped. Actually, I'm not sure that's a fair thing to say. It's visually stunning, a cinematic experience like no other and the 3-D is well worth every penny. But, I dunno, it just didn't effect me like it has others. Really worth a watch, though.

I also encourage everyone to go and see Philomena, the new Stephen Frears film with Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. It's personally my favourite Judi Dench performance and I'd argue it's Coogan's career best. A very touching and funny story which really lets both actors show off their acting ability; Judi Dench getting the very simple elderly woman down to a tee, and Coogan showing he can create a really effective three dimensional character who can be both funny, but very very human, without relying on anything ridiculous or over the top to make it memorable. One of my favourite films of the year.

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The Crusades documentary series. Overall I like it because I like the period and it gives a good information in a non-book format. However, I really dislike Prof. Thomas Asbridge, both for his annoying "I'm being really interesting" style and his constant bashing of "We have to HUMANIZE the MAN" while mostly starting from the "Crusaders are nasty, here's why they're nice" standpoint (everybody already thinks Crusaders were pretty badass, so this is naked bias) and also "Muslims were honorable, here's why they were terrible" (which is a push at best, I think people might concede that Saladin was honorable but most think he was the exception to the rule from what I've heard). So yeah, if there was much other stuff to stack this up against, I think this would come out pretty poorly.
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Watched Jungle Book today with my mum, was awesome to see that she remembered more lyrics from the songs than I did. My view of this hasn't changed even after I read the book, I still think this one is fantastic, even though there are literally no dark tones here.

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Thor: The Dark World

Incredible. Best single-hero Marvel film since the first Iron Man and it might be the best single-hero Marvel movie, period. I've always thought RDJ as Tony Stark was as close to perfect casting as you can get, but Hemsworth is Thor.

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Yeah, honestly I'd probably put it more around Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk levels. I enjoyed both those films, but they just weren't really on par with the rest, Sam Rockwell excluded. I definitely wouldn't put TDW above the first Thor, which for my money is probably the best single hero Marvel film.

It's kind of cool how super dividing the film is, despite no one really thinking it was outright bad. It's interesting the further along we get into the Marvel Cinematic Universe how people are having way different feelings over each installment.

I think we can all agree that Guardians and Cap 2 are going to kick ass, though.

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I thought it was miles ahead of Iron Man 2 and 3, though I did enjoy Iron Man 2 more with repeated viewings, haven't revisited 3 yet.

To be fair, I've enjoyed all of the Marvel Studios films though, even my least favorite was very enjoyable. Here are my rankings:

The Avengers (obviously)

Iron Man

Thor 2


Captain America

Incredible Hulk

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 2

And I would put all of those films above any other Marvel movie except maybe X-Men 2. Above any non-Batman DC movie too, but that's not saying much.

And yes, eagerly awaiting Winter Soldier and Guardians.

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Ooh, I like when we do this.



Captain America,

Iron Man,

Iron Man 3,

Iron Man 2,

Thor: The Dark World,

Incredible Hulk

For my money, Thor was far and away the best stand alone film. I'd probably also say it's the one film that's just a fantastic film as well, ignoring the superhero part. Very well put together all around.


And for fun

X-Men 2

X-Men: First Class

Spider-Man 2,

Blade 2,

Amazing Spider-Man



The Wolverine,

Spider-Man 1,


X-Men: Last Stand

Spider-Man 3,


X-Men: Origins,

Fantastic Four 1/2,


Anything I forgot probably goes inbetween Fantastic Four and Elektra.

Because Elektra was fucking awful.

Fuck you Jennifer Garner.

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The Avengers

Iron Man


Iron Man 3

Captain America

Thor 2

Iron Man 3

The Incredible Hulk

Other than The Avengers, they are pretty close for me and would probably change depending what mood I'm in. Very hopeful that the new Captain America could become my favourite stand alone film.

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I liked Incredible Hulk, although Norton's eventual hissy fit has kinda unfairly tarnished it for me.

My feelings as well. Norton was pretty much my least favorite part of the film anyway, though. The villains and the Hulk/Abomination fight made it totally worth putting up with him.

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