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Premiership 2007/08


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Skrtel had a really good game, I thought Babel was looking the most threatening player... Then Rafa takes him off for Pennant who proceeds to play horribly. We really missed Torres, or just someone who you know is going to/is likely to score a goal. Kuyt didn't have a shot today, wasn't really in the position too. Crouch's heading was pretty much as it always is. I'd wager if we'd had Torres up front we might've won 'cause Chelsea were poor, just like United were poor against City.

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As far as I'm aware Babel was a doubt before the match because of an injury he picked up during the internationals. If Torres had have been fit I don't think he'd have started at all, so I think we did well to get so much time out of him.

We also need to get Masch signed up permanently as soon as possible. He's an absolute monster.

Edited by therockbox
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Anti-Semitic death threats have been sent to Chelsea football boss Avram Grant in a package containing a white powder, police said.

A note addressed to Grant was opened by a member of staff. It was found to contain anti-Jewish insults as well as claims that the powder was lethal.

A police source said it used the words: "When you open this letter you will die a very slow and painful death."

The powder was analysed by specialists and found to be harmless, police said.

The letter also included threats to the manager's wife Tzofit, a well-known personality in Israel.

A spokesman for Surrey Police said: "We were called to Chelsea's training ground at Cobham at 12.15pm yesterday after they received a suspicious package."

The club's training ground at Cobham, Surrey was sealed off while investigations were carried out.

Detectives are continuing to try to identify the source of the package.

In a statement, Chelsea said: "The required procedure for dealing with such matters was immediately activated and the police and other services were called to handle the situation.

"A harmless substance was discovered. The matter is still being investigated."

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I can't understand why Alex Ferguson's blaming agents for Wes Brown not signing a (reported, and therefore probably less than) £40,000/week contract. It's not his agent's fault if he's telling Wes that Newcastle will probably throw £60,000/week and a guaranteed first team place at him, blame Newcastle!

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I see this Brown situation from both sides.

Ferguson won't want to be paying out 50k-plus every week to a player who will be on the bench barring injuries. Whereas if Brown is going to be on the bench most of the time (which he probably will be) he'll want quite a bit more than he's getting now.

I know it's not all about the money to Brown or his agent. I just think that he knows it's practically in his hands now. He might not deserve 50k a week for what he'll end up doing at United, but if his contract runs out we're losing a good player for nothing, and probably to another Premier League team.

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Is Wes Brown really worth £50,000 a week though? He's a good reliable right back but he's not irreplacable and I don't understand why he wants to hold out for another £5,000/£10,000. Surely he would earn more at United than somewhere like Newcastle in the long run anyway as I'm sure they have bonuses in their contracts for winning cups. Not exactly going to happen at Newcastle is it?

Plus where does he go from Manchester United? Downwards. None of the other big 3 will want him and I doubt clubs like AC Milan or R. Madrid are going to be alerted to the idea of snapping up Wes Brown!

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Is Wes Brown really worth £50,000 a week though? He's a good reliable right back but he's not irreplacable and I don't understand why he wants to hold out for another £5,000/£10,000.

I do.

Even if it's for selfish reasons, he knows United won't want to see him go for free in the summer, which is why he's stalling on the offer that he's already had.

If he was sold in the summer, the way transfers are in England these days, United could probably get between 5 and 8 million for him. So to see him go for absolutely nothing wouldn't be smart.

I hope he does stay, because I like him. But no, I don't think he's worth 50k a week for someone who won't be playing very often. I just hope he re-signs pretty soon. If he doesn't, he'll find himself sat on the bench for the rest of the season, and probably getting a pretty hostile reception if he does get on from the United fans.

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Eduardo looks like hes broken his leg, horrible tackle from I caught of it. They won't even reshow it because it was that bad. Definitely out for the season, our for Euro 2008.

Even if Taylor didn't mean to, to actually break someones leg indicates some bad decision making on his part when he went into that tackle.

Adebayor went to the other side of the pitch when it happened, whether that's because his friend broke his leg or because it meant Bendtner was coming on I'm not sure.

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