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......HOLY SHIT.

I don't think that I blinked during the entire two and a half or so hours that movie ran. Seriously. that was fucking amazing. I cannot think of anything that could have made it better (aside from more Joker, but hey... what can a fella do) every element that I need to see in a film was there and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.... once again, holy shit. I need to see it one more time.

Favorite scene; Joker walking away from the hospital... looking confused when the final explosions don't go off.

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I wouldn't really say that the series needs the Joker in the third film in anything more than a minor role, but he definitely needs to be around if they plan on taking the series further than that, which they definitely should do.

He should be around in a Falcone capacity. That I'll agree with. It's just that now that he's opened the floodgates, his spirit will be in anybody Batman fights. Joker is more than just a guy in clown makeup, he is the freaks. And whether they have a suit with question marks, a two-headed coin, or what have you he is there just as much as he is when the clown is present.

Edited by damshow
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I wouldn't really say that the series needs the Joker in the third film in anything more than a minor role, but he definitely needs to be around if they plan on taking the series further than that, which they definitely should do.

He should be around in a Falcone capacity. That I'll agree with. It's just that now that he's opened the floodgates, his spirit will be in anybody Batman fights. Joker is more than just a guy in clown makeup, he is the freaks. And whether they have a suit with question marks, a two-headed coin, or what have you he is there just as much as he is when the clown is present.

Sure... but the Joker is the only villain in Batman's history that has tortured him so much... the only one of them who truly understands their relationship...and most importantly, the only one of them who needs Batman as much as Batman needs him.

Some of them are products of Batman's existence, demons in his closet... but The Joker is the reflection that Batman sees in the mirror, he's the thing that Batman is so afraid is inside of him. No other villain has ever struck such a chord with any other hero in the history of comics. You could maybe have an argument for Xavier/Magneto, but I still say Batman/Joker is the number one such scenario.

They don't literally need to have the Joker in the next film. They could write him out completely, and be done with it... but I think it's pretty clear that Nolan wanted so very badly to explore their complex relationship, and I see no reason why it should be abandoned simply because a bunch of people think it's disrespectful, or that whoever puts on the makeup won't be as good as Ledger. You won't know, if you don't try. Even so, the mark is always set with the introduction, and it is very rarely exceeded anyways.

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There is a rumour flying about that there is enough unused footage from the Dark Knight that The Joker may be making an appearence in the third film.

As for the third film, I'd like to see either The Black Mask or The Riddler, but not the campy Jim Carrey Riddler, but a Joker-esque psychopathic Riddler.

I'd also like to see a Bane or a Killer Croc somewhere as a secondary villian.

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I'd consider that "extra footage" rumor to be false. Nolan has pretty much said he doesn't have alot that didn't make it into the film, WB was very nice about letting him give the movie a long run time. The idea that they have enough to work the Joker in seemlessly into a third film sounds pretty absurd.

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I am hoping for a secondary villain who can can challenge Batman physically in the next film. I for one am not on the bandwagon that hates Nolan's from the shadows camera work on fight scenes; it works for the narrative of Batman, but that being said I'd like to see someone who can offer a more sustainable fight scene. I want someone who pushes Batman to his limits before Bruce picks him apart.

I think it is too early for Bane, and I don't think Crock will ever make it onto the silver screen while Nolan helms. Still though, I'd like to see someone of their physical prowess in the next film.

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Fucking no. I can't believe people are talking about bringing the Joker back for the next film for any reason other than to call it a phenomenally shit idea - if only because whoever's cast into that role will going up against Ledger's ridiculously amazing performance. The Joker's not dead, but he can stay in Arkham or he can stay underground or do something, but recasting the part is just plain stupid and is the sort of thing wars get started over. Now you people are making me forget how much I loved the whole thing

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Now that I've seen this film, I don't get why people were saying Ledger should get a posthumous oscar. He was good, but not oscar good.

Like someone else said, him skipping away from the hospital was hilarious.

Two-Face was done very well too.

I'm hoping on a Harley Quinn appearance in the next film, as it would make sense, Joker perhaps getting locked in the mental asylum and all and then just run with the comic story route.

Joker has to continue being in the Batman films, I don't care what people say about Heath Ledger, blah blah. If anything, I'm sure he'd want a character he played to carry on being in the movies, even without him.

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Fucking no. I can't believe people are talking about bringing the Joker back for the next film for any reason other than to call it a phenomenally shit idea - if only because whoever's cast into that role will going up against Ledger's ridiculously amazing performance. The Joker's not dead, but he can stay in Arkham or he can stay underground or do something, but recasting the part is just plain stupid and is the sort of thing wars get started over. Now you people are making me forget how much I loved the whole thing

Breathe. Breathe. Count to five. We okay?

Now, as a Batman fan boy, let me say that they could recast the Joker with no problem. Why? Because the Joker is so psychotic, that it's virtually a different person every time you see him. That was slightly touched upon with the different scar stories. They could recast the role, and an actor could do a completely different take on it, different voice, different mannerisms, keep the look the same. I actually think that would be a very interesting thing to do, especially if there was more than one sequel to the Dark Knight. You hire a new actor every time to bring something new to the Joker. In a perfect world, and to really capture how psychotic the Joker is, multiple actors would play him in one film. But the mass audience would never accept that.

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I don't get what everybody see's in Ledgers Joker, yes, it was fantastic, yes it was the best Joker so far, but people never thought Nicholson's Joker would ever be topped either when it first came out, shit happens, just because he's dead and gave a great performance doesn't mean he shouldn't be re-used if the story benefits it in a significant way, shit happens, life moves on, get over it.

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I don't get what everybody see's in Ledgers Joker, yes, it was fantastic, yes it was the best Joker so far, but people never thought Nicholson's Joker would ever be topped either when it first came out, shit happens, just because he's dead and gave a great performance doesn't mean he shouldn't be re-used if the story benefits it in a significant way, shit happens, life moves on, get over it.

In all fairness, I hated Nicholson's Joker. I hated everything about those films except for the visuals.

Heath Ledger's Joker was fantastic... but like I said earlier, the first appearance is very rarely ever exceeded, even by the actor who originated the role. So to say that recasting the Joker is a shit idea because it won't live up to expectations is just plain ignorant. It probably won't live up to expectations, but a repeat performance from Heath Ledger probably wouldn't have been as good as the first one either.

Also, if people are complaining about respecting the dead actor, they need to pull their heads out of their asses. This is a business, and Ledger did a great job, but he's not around to reprise the role, and good business sense says that you keep The Joker as a running constant in this Batman series, with or without Heath Ledger.

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I really do feel sorry for Eckhart, in the sense that he was brilliant, but Heath Ledger turns in the performance of a lifetime, and over shadows him.

As for future villians, I'd imagine The Ridler would be the most obvious next choice. I'd like to see Joker mentioned, and then he can get re-cast for another film after that.

I was thinking earlier about both how good Eckhart was, and about Two-Face, and how disappointing that one of Batman's biggets villians met a sticky end so soon, so, does Two-Face HAVE to be dead? I'd love to see him as the major villian next time out. Think about this, Batman and Gordon decide the public need their hero, and we get the ending with Dent being put across to the public as "Gotham's White Knight", but what if he survived the fall, and to protect his image and give the public some hope Gordon had him sent to Arkham? They say he died so the public get their hero and hope. Then, next film, Two-Face escapes and is the next villian.

OK, it's a bit of a cop out, and little more then fanboy hoping, but what the hey, I was just thinking and typing.

Anyway, I LOVE the three way exchange with Batman, Dent and Gordon, and the "Why was I the only one to lose everything?", "Because you were the BEST of us!" exchange. That bit was just fucking perfect. I love that line.

EDIT - I had NO idea Cillian Murphy had a cameo. I marked out.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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Not killing off Dent after not killing off Gordon = Fucking stupid, he should stay dead, he did great, but let's not crank him out for the sake of cranking him out.

Personally my picks for the next villain/anti-hero are Bane, The Riddler, Talia al Ghul, Lady Shiva or Hush, of course you need to find a 'realistic' way to use them (I'm not saying to use them all at once, that's just fucking stupid :P), as well as potentially factoring in the fact Batman will start off the next film as a criminal (rather than a vigilante) in the publics eyes, so he also has the GCPD to deal with.

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I think the best way to use Bane, would be to have a mob boss hire some doctors to create him the perfect soldier to combat Batman... they take a skinny kid with a good mind, who used to look up to Batman... and they turn him into a monster.

Everything goes as planned for awhile, until Bane decides that he's tired of being a flunky... he takes over as the leader of the mob... meanwhile a subplot introduces Azrael, who wants to help Batman, but doesn't have the boundaries that Bruce Wayne does. Anyways... I'd end the film with Bane having broken Batman's back...Azrael finding out who he is, and Bruce handing over the mantle.

One final fight scene maybe, Azrael and Bane duke it out... we get shots that wrap up subplots and put over how destroyed Bruce Wayne is because of his condition... Azrael beats Bane, but is too beat up to finish him off, and Bane escapes... cut to scenes of Azrael as the new Batman beating the shit out of The Joker, who has told him that he knows how to defeat Bane, but wants to play a game first...

That leads into a fourth installment... where Wayne encourages Azrael to work with The Joker. The Devil you know, kinda stuff... Wayne heals up, Azrael starts losing his mind because of how closely he's been working with the Joker... and now you've got two madmen on the loose, and a crime boss who's already broken and defeated Batman.

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I think the best way to use Bane, would be to have a mob boss hire some doctors to create him the perfect soldier to combat Batman... they take a skinny kid with a good mind, who used to look up to Batman... and they turn him into a monster.

Everything goes as planned for awhile, until Bane decides that he's tired of being a flunky... he takes over as the leader of the mob... meanwhile a subplot introduces Azrael, who wants to help Batman, but doesn't have the boundaries that Bruce Wayne does. Anyways... I'd end the film with Bane having broken Batman's back...Azrael finding out who he is, and Bruce handing over the mantle.

One final fight scene maybe, Azrael and Bane duke it out... we get shots that wrap up subplots and put over how destroyed Bruce Wayne is because of his condition... Azrael beats Bane, but is too beat up to finish him off, and Bane escapes... cut to scenes of Azrael as the new Batman beating the shit out of The Joker, who has told him that he knows how to defeat Bane, but wants to play a game first...

That leads into a fourth installment... where Wayne encourages Azrael to work with The Joker. The Devil you know, kinda stuff... Wayne heals up, Azrael starts losing his mind because of how closely he's been working with the Joker... and now you've got two madmen on the loose, and a crime boss who's already broken and defeated Batman.

Although I like the idea, I can't see this working out. I think that this takes too much of the focus off of Batman, and I think that the audience would be disappointed by that. It's a good story on its own, but I don't really see how it connects all that well to Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.

On a side note, I saw an article somewhere (I think on IGN) talking about how the Riddler could fit into the next film. Since Batman is "on the run" after the ending of the Dark Knight, the article said that they could have the Riddler be hired out by the Gotham Police or by some other organization (Talia Al'Ghul was mentioned) to find Batman. The Riddler would start out innocently enough, using his intellect to get closer to Batman, but eventually he'd develop his own agenda, and Batman would have to take him down.

I dunno, it's just something that seems like a way to fit the Riddler in there somehow. Personally, I think that Nolan will surprise everyone and find a way to fit in a character who hasn't been in the films, like Black Mask or someone.

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Based on a few comics and various other ideas I've heard discussed, if they HAVE to make a third film (and I really hope they don't actually, it would almost tarnish it), I'd like it to go sort of like:

Dent survived, and Gordon and Batman had him locked in Arkham under an assumed name, along with Joker. Gordon promotes Dent as Gotham's White Knight. Dent is locked away without a trial and is locked away "for security", which he torments Batman and Gordon about. Gordon battles with the morality of holding Dent, when he is showing signs of improvement. Gordon pursues Batman, not really trying too hard. Scarecrow has re-emerged, and is running amok, but someone seems to be guiding him, as his attacks seem to have a purpose, eliminating Gotham's crime family one by one. Batman tries to stop Scarecrow, investigating the crimes, but is run ragged and exhausted, as the new D.A Janice Porter seemingly nearing the truth on Batman's identity. Gordon can't help him, and Porter seems to be getting closer all the time. Bruce loses faith in humanity, and is upset when Fox resigns, saying he can't go on knowing Bruce Wayne MAY be a murderer.

Anyway, to save me writing my whole idea out, it turns out Scarecrow (with his in depth knowledge of Arkham, gained while he was director there) has been sneaking in, and conversing with Dent, who has been instructing him. Bruce is behavingly increasingly erratic, because of a dose of fear gas Scarecrow unleased on him early in the film. Dent is also manipulating Porter, as they went to college together, as he has figured out that Batman HAS to be Bruce Wayne. Dent escapes, and Gotham is forced to confront the fact their hero embodies the potential for downfall in all of us, and Batman must again become a hero, and after Dent murders Porter, Gordon withdraws the warrant to allow him to take Dent and Scarecrow down. Dent, having FINALLY eliminated Gotham's crime family, kills Scarecrow on the flip of a coin but is taken down by Batman.

If you REALLY wanted to, you could even introduce Dick Grayson (NOT Robin though, I just can't see it), as admittedly, I've ripped most of that storyline off from Dark Victory, the sequel to Long Halloween, but combining it with the bits Dark Knight didn't use for Long Halloween. Anyway, if they HAD to make a sequel, I'd like to go something like that.

On a side note, I've just seen it for a second time, and made plans to see it a third time, so I may be a little obsessed at the moment.

Edited by Hutch2004
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