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The Old Sony Megathread


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I've been giving Uncharted its second playthrough over the last week or so. Firstly, for the trophies which weren't available when I first played it, and secondly, and definitely more importantly, reminding myself of the story.

I have to say though, the variety of the missions in this game, coupled with the grapics are fucking fantastic. I absolutely love it. No doubt, it's one of those "learn from your mistakes" kind of games, but you don't mind when one minute you're solving a puzzle, the next you're driving in the back of a truck near a cliff's edge fending off enemies, and soon after in a speed boat trying to avoid gun-fire.

I've always said this is "probably" my favourite PS3 game, but after playing it this week, there's no probably about it. It definitely is. I've said this before, but you've not played on the PS3 until you've played Uncharted.

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I don't go looking for trophies. In saying that, I might now. :shifty:

Btw, you can do other stuff now on the site like looking at all the trophies you have, and what ones you need to get from the games you've played. You can do the same when looking at your friends' trophies too, I believe.

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Yeah, I more recently became a trophy whore to some degree. Got back Uncharted to get some more of the trophies (and because it was an awesome game), whilst I've still got to complete Killzone 2, win some more on Dead Space and Bioshock, as well as Street Fighter IV. So yeah, I'm sad like that >_>

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Uncharted is a brilliant game alright, I only competed it recently too, so it's still fresh in my mind. The only thing I din't like though, was towards the end of the game, when it went a bit hairy.

With all the undead and such

I'm gonna repeat a post I made over at ps3trophies in reply to your spoilers:

I thought it was an excellent twist and they teased it very well (the dead guy in the jungle having being 'chewed on' and the glimpse you get when you go underground with Elena).

Having only played the demo beforehand I bought the game as I was familar with the taking cover and picking off enemies approach that I'd used in GTA, I wasn't really ready to take on charging mutants that couldn't be taken down in this way or fought hand-to-hand. (I love how they're smart enough to run away when you try to climb out of their way in the generator room and shoot them from the ledges too).

It really took me out of my comfort zone which I think is definitely a good thing. Had the game been all mutants I probably wouldn't have bought it, but similarly I was getting tired of the waves of pirates so I think they got the balance spot on. Plus I thought it was really badass toward the end fighting your way through all the armored guys who were also being attacked. It was nice to see the enemy having some problems too, in a Jurassic Park kind of way.

So yeah, I cannot give this game enough praise. I just wish I'd bought it sooner. Having said that I wouldn't have got it for £8 then. Bargain of the century or what?

Glad Sony have got their act together with the trophy cards but they don't look too great. If only I could use the auto-updating one but with the mini-card I have in my sig at the moment.

I found the rest of the treasures I needed in my second run through. Now all I have left trophy-wise is to complete the game on Normal, Hard and Crushing. I'm gonna give myself an Uncharted break before I go back and attempt it on Hard straight away.

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I don't know if the trophies/skins/blah blah blah are available to North Americans yet.


That's the US Playstation Portable ID page. I dunno about you but for me all it shows is my name and my old avatar.

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So seeing as how I've been knocked out the latest PS3 FIFA 09 league and my brother has loaned out his copy of Burnout I'm back on Uncharted.

Just started a game on Hard mode having only played on Easy before (yikes) and just entering the fourth chapter that will be the first test really. I've been trying out the technique I read about where you don't use cover and shoot rather just hide behind cover manually and aim over the shoulder. Field of vision is just as good and you don't show yourself to enemies as much as popping out of cover. I've already noticed in Hard mode that the enemies are far more ruthless. If you take your eyes off them for a second they'll be right on you shooting the hell out of you.

Is it too late to make an Uncharted thread? >_> Think there's only me and possibly Baddar playing it.

edit: Let's go for it, there's always discussion to be had on the second one due out the end of the year.

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You gotta sign in, then go through Retail Games > Choose the Game > Trophies and then manually select them all.

It's a bit of a pain but better than nothing (that was til Sony just recently added them to their gamer cards) and they look better than those at the minute anyway.

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