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The Old Sony Megathread


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So if I play a particuarly taxing game (graphics wise) on my PS3 for more than an hour or so, it starts making a really loud noise. I'm fairly certain it's the fan doing it, but this can't be healthy can it? Is there anything I can do to sort it out a little? Is it better if I leave it sitting on one of the sides as opposed to standing?

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Yeah, my little brother sometimes tries to leave his 360 on overnight and I can hear the damn thing the second I step into my hallway, but I'd say mine sometimes borders on that level of noise. Sometimes it's not so bad, but more often than not, I'll be really into playing a game and suddenly realise the loud humming noise and be like 'holy shit, is that the ps3?'. Just worries me is all, I don't want to have it overheat or anything, I don't have the money to replace it.

So is it better to leave it laying on its side then? At this point I have no idea if one position actually is any better than the other, or if it's just bullshit people keep on saying on the net. ¬_¬

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I've only actually watched like, 5 disks on Blu-Ray (True Blood Series 1) and it didn't seem to cause any damage. :P I've heard that watching stuff of a data disk is bad for the laser as well, but I do that all the time. I have something like 70 disks of TV shows that I watch on there all the time.

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Someone told me that it stays a bit cooler on it's side.

The PS3 seems to have three different levels of fan volume - there's the standard when you just turn it on, then there's the louder fan noise after a while of playing or at a more intensive part of a game, then there's the really loud one that freaks everyone out that is nearly as loud as the 360. Normally I take it as a sign to turn off the console for a bit.

Of course I have one of the first run of 60gig PS3s with the dodgy solder and have had to take it apart a couple of times to reheat the chip and get it all working again.

This time around actually it's been doing really well seeing as I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2, MW2, Pro Evo and Singstar to death these last 2 months and have watched numerous DVDs and BluRays on it.

So stand it on the side (but not where it can easily get knocked over) and if you get too much loud whirring just think about flicking it off for a bit. It probably means you've been playing too long and should take a break anyway...

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That's the thing though, it only happens after like an hour of playing or so on something like The Saboteur.

Also I ask this to everyone that has the game but might not love it, Modern Warfare 2 - Worth it? I'm not really an FPS guy (not that I dislike them, it's just not my favourite genre or anything) but I had lots of fun playing Resistance 2 back when I had it. Is it a good laugh or is it another case of people thinking something is amazing when it's just done well? :/

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I bought MW2 on Thursday and I've finished the Single Player campaign just this afternoon. I think it took about 3 4hr sessions. Needless to say, not very long, but not many shooters are. Not to fussed on the storyline myself, which may just be because I never bought the first one.

It's a fairly pretty game, the only PS3 game I've seen that plays in 1080p other than Wipeout HD. There's a huge variety of landscapes too, and mission variety is fairly good too.

Multiplayer is where most people find the fun though. TBH, it's not revolutionary, but it does have a fair amount of depth. Mostly it's the upgrading perks and completing challenges that will occupy your time. If you don't know anybody you'd like to play with or against though, it might not be worth it.

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It's the best multiplayer that I'm aware of.

Killzone had better atmosphere and had a great "play against similarly ranked players" mode which brought you through and unlocked better stuff as you went. It was also cool because you played out for a chunk of time during which various missions would take place - so for a few minutes you're defending a base, then you're trying to assassinate one of their guys, then you're trying to "capture the flag", then you're trying to capture different zones...Great thinking.

Metal Gear Solid online had cool modes and, like Uncharted 2, was perhaps more fun.

However MW2 has great customization, the best levels, smart features including relocating server if it's dropped, cool graphics, a huge player base and really rewards repeat playing as you definitely feel the improvement in your playing...

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