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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well, you never know... if the right people are in the mix that´s a scandal. There is a guy on the UK Playstation Board (as in sonys board) who proclaimed that he will not buy the game if he cannot turn the female nudity of. Some crap about respect for his girlfriend or something.

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4.99$ - Likely 4.99€

You can only get it now with a PreOrder bonus or the Special Edition. It´s a prequel with Madison (one of the early game Demos, just a lot more, it lasts about an hour)

It will be released to PSN and there will be at least four Episodes more from what i remember. Everybody will have to pay for the later ones.

How much of a Download was the DLC?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Yeah, you can't.

Nathanial Spoiler

Hammy has more nerves of steel than me. I totally shot Nathianel in the face.

I didn't shoot either, but only because I was gonna let Blake cop one to the face >_>

It's actually crazy how nervous I got during that whole thing. I was having trouble thinking and during his speeches I just wanted to pull the trigger cause my nerves were getting to me.

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Just went through a marathon 3 hour session of Heavy Rain and I have to be awake for class in 6 hours. I've never been so gripped by a storyline. I'm writing my theory on who the killer may be here, but I'm probably horribly wrong.

I'm starting to think that the killer may be Ethan's ex-wife. It's probably horribly wrong but that seems like it would be an epic twist and she would want to prove that Ethan is a good father. She would want to prove a lot of fathers are good fathers after watching her soon be killed after his father lost sight of him. I'm just entering the Blue Lagoon with Madison by the way so don't spoil anything past that while laughing at me.

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An interesting theory! :P

As I got closer to the end I realised that I would soon be seeing who the killer was and so started to try and work on my own theories. I was wrong <_<

Anyway to the two of you, I know you're past this point....

Did you also get tingly when the sat nav told you where you had to drive?

With Nathaniel...

...because I had talked down the shop burglar earlier in the story I was feeling confident with my talking down abilities. I dunno why I didn't shot him at that last split second but I didn't want to go around shooting people if I didn't have to. It just meant that Blake increased his moaning towards me.


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Anyway to the two of you, I know you're past this point....

Did you also get tingly when the sat nav told you where you had to drive?

Defintely got chills there. I haven't played since 2am EST but I'm still wide awake because I can't stop thinking about the game. It's absolutely mind-blowing to have this happen. I've never been so absorbed in a game.

By the way, I saw boobies early on. It was kinda awkward.

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Every time it threatens to show boobies or buttocks the camera cuts behind a chair or something so I just get shots of legs, or the back, or parts of the torso. So I guess it's probably been editted.

However there seem to be chances to get a Madison shower scene (and yeah it kept showing behind a chair, or a tap or something like Austin Powers), Ethan in the shower a couple of times and I'm pretty sure I could have oogled whats-her-name, the clearly-French prostitute girl....But I'm too much of a gentleman.

As for a sex scene....There might have been something but on my copy it just cuts to post-coital hugging. No biggie.

I'm glad the game pauses anywhere though because if you just leave it for too long you can miss things or bad stuff can happen!

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The Pause addition is useful for phone calls but there are situations like

when Ethan is crawling through the electricty. I wanted to pause because my heart was hammering and my hands were insanely sweaty but I couldn't stop playing.

The controls are also a bit of an issue because they cocked up huge when

after cutting off your finger and trying to escape with Madison. I tried to get between a car but the camera kept on shifting and I got busted.

I'll add you tomorrow sometime. I think I finally need to go to bed. I wanna keep on playing but I'm too tired and well make huge fuckups if I don't sleep.

Edited by Clawson
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With regards to the second spoiler.

Yeah the control there sucked but I managed to get through and the pressure pumps up even more in the subway! That was a great scene actually seeing the police getting ready to break down the door as you look for an escape route.

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