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The Old Sony Megathread


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Yeah, you probably shouldn't go for 72,000 kills if you're trying to fully complete the story. I'd beat the game once, then start a new game just to fuck around and kill zombies.

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I failed the cases and saving Katey on the first play-through and basically used it to get money, PP and experience. On my second play-through now and at the end of case 3 or start of case 4 and Katey is still alive and I have to fight Rebecca's source...

The game-show lesbians in a night club. SHOCK! HORROR!

Hopefully this'll be the storyline completing play-through, then I'll get some cash together and buy the Hummer etc.

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Have you killed them yet?

Nope, been out all day and have been watching the parts I missed of Impact, which I think is all of it now. Game?

Edited by TheModernWay
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More Dead Rising progress. Apologies for spoilers, on my phone so can't use them.

I beat THE GUY IN THE VEHICLE at the end of case 5, and i have to wait 12 hours or so to give Katey her last Zombrex. Got the 10 psychotics trophy, the Rednecks are too easy, each counts as one too, instead of all 4 as one.

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Theres one on the right hand side of the silver strip, in a maintenance room. It's down an alley, with dumpsters outside with a paddleoar, so you can make the chainsaw paddle weapon.

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