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The Old Sony Megathread


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Ive actually found the most fun in sword fighting and table tennis like you both, but its really the Bocce Ball that is the best. Play with buddies and its pretty relaxed and fun.

No more Heroes for the Wii just got an HD upgrade to the Move, and killzone resistance and socom are all Move compatible too.

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Well, that didn't work.

And it looks like I'm pricing up a new one over the weekend. One positive is that I'll finally have something bigger than 60GB.

You might not need to open up the system, to get your disc back. Try flipping it upside down and holding the eject "button" as you turn it on. Works maybe 25% of the time for me when I'm trying to receive discs for customers.

There's actually different Move starter packs. Some came with Move Heroes, others with Virtua Tennis, others with a demo thing. I think now they're in a white box with just the hardware, and the blue boxed ones have software.

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I know, cocky cunt - I didn't hold much hope of getting the game back that way. :shifty:

The Move is something that never really appealed to me, but if I was to play through Heavy Rain again, I'd probably use it just because.

When is this WipEout ''league'' starting?

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I never got around to beating Resistance 2 before, so I thought it was a good opportunity to play it through from beginning to end. I didn't realise I had gotten more than 6 hours into the campaign before, though...

Definitely enjoying it more this time around. I think I'm coming up to the point I was originally, so not bad for one session of play. And with R3 out on Friday, I might even pick it up on day 1, which before yesterday would never have happened.

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Man, that American PS+ is looking pretty tempting. All 3 Resident Evil's on PS1 for free plus free Plants vs Zombies, Altered Beast and Astro Tripper. Plus 50% off the new RE HD remakes.

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