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Having watched the Confidential Christmas Special for the first time last night, there were a few bits of interesting information I noticed...

  • RTD referred to Wilf as the Doctor's "surrogate father"
  • During the wasteland scene, the Doctor was laid out by one of Naismith's soldiers clubbing him from behind, not a bullet or tranquilizer. It was almost impossible to see in the episode itself, but it was fairly clearly in Confidential
  • RTD referred to the Time Lords, saying something along the lines of "I always intended them to be the tenth Doctor's ultimate enemy". In other words, this time around, they're villains
  • RTD said that he couldn't repeat Donna's mind-wipe this time round, which may suggest that either Donna doesn't regain her Time Lord memories or she does but it somehow doesn't kill her

Admittedly, nothing much we didn't know before, but at least a couple of things were cleared up. Just 2 days to go now until all is revealed

Edited by Rainiac
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Well RTD got all his shit in there at the end didn't he? Although the new doctors few lines made me laugh. It was good, but I didn't like the farewell tour that he went on.

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Well RTD got all his shit in there at the end didn't he? Although the new doctors few lines made me laugh. It was good, but I didn't like the farewell tour that he went on.

Really? I thought it was all mediocre fare up until The Time Lords came through the gate and from then on it was downright epic. I fucking loved the fact The Narrator was Rassilon, that was such a cool nod to fans of the older series. The Doctors farewell tour was great, but I was kind of hoping he'd get to see modern Rose, still lovely though.

The new Doctor came across trying as being very Tennant-like from that minute or so (and his laugh reminded me of Eccles' iconic chuckle) and I adored the ginger comment.

Overall I thought it was what most of the specials have been, average to start, but really kicked into gear in the last half/third, I was so sad to see Tennant go, and Bernard Cribbins for that matter. I'd love to say the same about RTD, but if I'm honest I'm more than glad to see Moffat take over; and that's not a shot at RTD, that's a highlight of how powerful Moffat's writing is. Excited :D

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I loved the finale, especially the 'farewell tour' - I'll happily admit I was welling up at points.

I liked Matt Smith's bit at the end, especially the girl and ginger comments :P


Trailer for the next series

Not sure what to make of it yet as it's quite quick fire but...

... obligatory dalek story, the return of the weeping angels and.... vampires!?!?!


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I liked Matt Smith's bit at the end, especially the girl and ginger comments :P

I would bet though that the girl comment will be used to argue to the fact The Doctor can regenerate into a female and TBH if they did that in the future as long as they got a good actress in to play him/her I could live with it

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Yeah, loved it. Was really emotional to see Tennant go; but the farewell tour was quality. I hope Moffat takes full advantage of the support characters he has to work with. Captain Jack's probably my favourite of the bunch. Simm was on excellent form, as usual; and it made for a very entertaining final episode.

I'm quite excited for the new series, especially the new writing. I think it could be a really fun show.

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Great episode and a fitting end to DT's run as the Doctor. It wasn't perfect by any means, and there were a fair few plotholes, but it was still quality. The Master sacrificing his own life to save the Doctor's was a stroke of genius, and I would never have guessed that "he will knock 4 times and then you die" was referring to Wilf. RTD faked us out one last time by making us believe Wilf was the Doctor's father and a Time Lord, but in fact the way he was important was that he (inadvertently) brought about the regeneration. You can't really get more important than that. Still undecided about Matt Smith, but his little bit at the end was alright, and I like the choice of "geronimo!" as the eleventh Doctor's stock catchphrase. The trailer for Series 5 was good too, and while I'm unhappy to see the Daleks back AGAIN, I knew it was coming and the Doctor attacking one of them with a sledgehammer is awesome. A very good 2 part end to the Tennant era, all things considered...

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I won't lie about my massive mancrush on Tennant, the guy is one of the finest actors of this generation. Matt Smith is going to have to do incredibly well to not look massively out of his depth by comparison

This. Although honestly, I know we haven't seen much of him yet to get a fair idea, but I really don't think Smith can fill those huge boots.

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I don't think you can really judge what kind of Doctor Matt Smith will be on the minute he had to show himself in the episode. I'm hopeful that he's going to really be something. The trailer for the new season looked pretty good in my opinion, and Smith looked just fine. I hope he takes a differetn direction and really puts his own spin on The Doctor. I hope he doesn't just try to be Tennant.

I'm really quite excited for the new season. The weeping angels were one of the best episodes in Doctor Who history, so let's hope that the follow up will be just as good. I have faith in Moffatt to make the series really special.

Tennant was amazing in the seasons he had as The Doctor, and he will be hard to fill. But I think Matt Smith will make a good change, and hopefully, he will rise to the challenge. I also think it'll be good for the show to have quite the bit of a makeover.

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I for one think Matt Smith made a brilliant first impression as the new doctor. Like Split said, I hope he puts his own stamp on things, which he is more than capable of doing, rather than simply being Tennant-lite.

Tennnant's goodbye went on a little bit but I thought the final moments were handled to perfection. Tennant's doctor has become obsessed with saving the day and his own mortality towards the end of his run and I thought it was so fitting that his final words were "I don't want to go". It made an already emotional scene just that little bit better.

Also, if we could all get around to deifying Bernard Cribbins for that spectacular performance, that would be just swell. The part where he was in that chamber saying "I'm an old man" was just sublime. I couldn't think of anyone more perfect to have caused the regeneration, simply stunning.

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I won't lie about my massive mancrush on Tennant, the guy is one of the finest actors of this generation. Matt Smith is going to have to do incredibly well to not look massively out of his depth by comparison

This. Although honestly, I know we haven't seen much of him yet to get a fair idea, but I really don't think Smith can fill those huge boots.

Tennant was, in my opinion, the best Doctor since Tom Baker. So yeah, Matt Smith definitely has one hell of a hill to climb. (My 3 favorite Doctors: Baker, Tennant, Pertwee)

I don't get to see the End of Time Part 2 until tonight, when it airs on BBC America. But I saw a trailer for Season 5, and I'm not too thrilled they're using a certain enemy again during it. Yeesh.

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That was incredible. I really didn't see how they could conceivably bring back the Time Lords without it being a complete clusterfuck, and when I heard how many former characters were "returning" for this special, I thought it would be your typical RTD "throw everything in there" "epic" that he can never quite get round to coming up with a decent ending for, but it was bloody brilliant, and the Time Lords implanting the drumbeat in the Master's head was a stroke of genius. Really, really well thought out.

Bernard Cribbins was, as ever, superb. He puts so much into the Wilf character that, in any other actor's hand, would be a one-dimensional role, it's amazing. Even though things like his military past are barely ever actually discussed, you can always just sense that it's part of who he is. And him and Tennant have such wonderful chemistry together.

David Tennant has been my second favourite Doctor after Tom Baker - and I'd actually argue that, other than the occasional bout of smugness, he's a better all-round actor than Baker ever was in the part. Certainly plays the Doctor as a more complete character. So obviously I'm sad to see him go, almost felt myself welling up at a couple of his conversations with Wilf, and again at "I don't want to go". Wilf knocking four times...God. Wow. That was kind of intense, as well as a beautiful moment. Did us proud, Russell.

I don't think I've made it a secret that I really don't like Russell T. Davies - I'll be glad to see him go. He was good at character-building, and at reminding us of the sadness at the heart of the Doctor's character - but I wish he could write a finale or a special which didn't end up with the FATE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD HANGING IN THE BALANCE. You can only do it so many times before you have to wonder how it's any worse than last time, and usually the solutions become more absurd every time - at least this time round The Doctor didn't turn into Christ like the last time he had to dispatch the Master. I'll have to admit, RTD did himself proud with this one, and I'll let him off the hook. Great episode. Looking forward to Moffat taking the reigns, though.

Is it just me, or did they film Timothy Dalton in a different studio to everybody else? He spent his entire time standing still in front of either solid black or solid white.

Best Barrowman cameo ever.

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I lost track of the number of times that RTD managed to shoehorn in someone sacrificing themself for the group, or a big rousy speech or something. I'm with Skummy on that.

Hoping Moffat's work will be as good as his previous Dr Who stuff - Blink was probably my favourite episode of pretty much the entire Dr Who.

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