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I prefer it when the Doctor has two companions. That way they can play off each other, not just the Doctor. More than two is not good. Didn't like it when the Fifth Doctor had three. And if the Doctor has a human companion, then it doesn't really matter if the other one isn't.

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I enjoyed that.

As for 'Missy':

So... do we think she may be The Rani?

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Jeesh that was dark. I'm a bit surprised at exactly how dark that was. That's not a complaint, but wow.

Strong episode after a disappointing Christmas special. There were plot holes to pick out if you're that way inclined but the lack of timey wimey stuff definately made everything feel much fresher.

Edit: Also it definately feels like Moffat has been watching a lot if only fools and horses lately.

Edited by Vamp
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Yea, this episode did not make me like Clara any more. Still will be glad when she's gone. Why can't they just have Madam Vastra, Jenny and Strax be his companions instead? I'd love more Strax!

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I like how

as `Missy' said, we don't know if he jumped or if the Doctor pushed him.


I'm hoping she's NOT the Rani, but I'm suspecting she is, and `Heaven' is really somewhere inside her TARDIS.

Kind of against the Rani still being around, but I'd rather have her popping up than a regenerated Master. Save him for next season/

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I really enjoyed that, watched it in the cinema. Capaldi is going to be brilliant, I really enjoy the darker tone. I quite like Clara as well, And I think having her less in control will be interesting.

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One thing I will say is I never judge a new doctor by his opening episode because you always have to deal with the regeneration recovery, the best episodes to start to judge is 2 and 3 but I will say that was a good performance, the episode was ok and I did like how they played up on the memory loss.

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Oh I agreen but you cant really judge his performance as a whole based on it.

And I really love that intro, the only thing that puts me off is the Tardis seems to be forced into it, anything is better than the flaming colon from the last run.


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Totally forgot about the intro, loved that. To be honest, I have less than zero worries about Capaldi's Doc, even with a mediocre episode and a bad companion he still shone through.

Also, the one thing I despised:

Matt Smith's cameo pissed me off to no end. Talk about a way to ruin the thunder of the new Doctor, it's incredibly shitty writing if you think you need the old Doc's say so to get the new Doc to look good. Whatever genius Moffat once had seems to become more and more a distant memory whilst he's show runner.

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I just finished watching it. I quite liked it. I liked how the episode shifted tone from wacky silliness to something a little darker.

The new intro kinda made me think of the TV movie a bit. As did The Doctor wandering around in his nightshirt (sort of like how McGann woke up in a morgue).

I didn't mind the Matt Smith cameo either. I'm fairly easy going on that kinda thing. It's just a way of showing that they're the same guy to Clara (and by proxy any viewers for which Matt Smith was their first Doctor).

It hadn't occurred to me that "Missy" might be The Rani - but I wouldn't mind that either. The Time Lords are back so why not? She hasn't turned up before.

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