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45 minutes ago, MDK said:

Said nobody ever

It helped When Saturday Comes too. 

I enjoyed it, the new cast is great, and I love the northernness. Suffered a bit from the usual issue of New Doctor meaning not so much time for a story, and it went from an Alien vs Predator ripoff to just a Predator ripoff in double quick time. It was so blatant that someone should really have just gone "oh, like Predator then" when she started going on about prey. Next weeks should be better. 

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I thought it was great. I can already tell that Jodie is going to be an awesome Doctor. Reminded me a bit of both Tom Baker and David Tennant....who happen to be my two favorites. Ryan and Graham I like already, but I'm not sold on Yas (or is it Yaz?) just yet.

But...is it just me, or was there no title sequence/opening theme? Do we have to wait until next week to actually see it, or is legitimately avaiable online somewhere?

The new sonic screwdriver is...something else. Design-wise, it looks a bit like a tool from the Alien movie franchise. Or something the Doctor might have stolen from the Cybermen. 

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Really, really enjoyed that. The way it was shot and directed made it stand out from previous seasons, in the best possible way, and while I was a bit cautious about the new companions when they were announced, and worried about them being too reliant on Earth-based stories, they were all fantastic. The episode was well-written enough to make me genuinely emotional about a character I'd only just met.

The roll call of actors at the end of the episode made me really excited for the rest of the season.


I watched it with two people - one hardcore fan who was so excited to see the new Doctor, was literally on the edge of her seat and squealing with joy when Jodie Whittaker first said, "I'm the Doctor", and a friend who had never watched Doctor Who before, and both enjoyed it a lot, so that has to count for something. 

I actually really like Whittaker's choice of outfit now that I've seen it outside of promo photos, particularly as they made a point of it just being a random selection of charity shop clothes thrown together, but she looked awesome in the tattered old Peter Capaldi costume, and I'm going to miss that look.

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Really solid first ep, and I like the direction they seem to be taking things. The CGI definitely had an upgrade this year too. 

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Not keen on 

The new TARDIS interior. I like the walls, but that's about it. 

And why the hell has it taken so long for the Doctor to bust out the Venusian Akido again? There have been a shit ton of times that it would have come in handy since the Third Doctor era.

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Really enjoyed that episode. I like that they seem to be following in the footsteps of the last Capaldi series in letting the stories be a little less action-centric, and more cerebral and slow burning, while inarguably having a style all of their own. It feels like a whole new show for the first time since, at the latest, the Matt Smith era, if not before. 

I'm not overly keen on the new theme, though the drums being so high in the mix sort of fits with the new organic TARDIS, in that it makes it feel a bit earthier and more naturalistic. The sort of eco-punk look to the TARDIS is something I quite like - it was more or less completely destroyed before, so it's rebuilt itself in a way that makes it clearer than ever that it's a living thing, but as it's still mechanical, it's sort of rigged bits and pieces of available machinery together. I always liked how the version of the TARDIS in the Movie felt like a kind of Jules Verne invention crossed with a Rube Goldberg Machine, and this has enough of that feel to it while being something altogether new.

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I like it. I'm also more and more sold on the outfit, the big coat and short trousers make every move look exaggerated and a tad comical in just the right way.

Plus Bradley Walsh is selling his age very well with the wheezing after every run. 

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Loved it. Was really dreading it based on the trailer - figured it would be the token "historical romp" episode you always get at this point of the series, and that it would be cringeworthy as hell, or else it would be RTD "Doctor as Christ" levels of giving the Doctor credit for everything in history.

As it happens, it was handled really well, and I like that it meant the Doctor was more of a passive observer to history than actively guiding its hand. The realisation that their role was to just sit and let history takes its course - with Bradley Walsh's character with the part that forced him to play - was as delicately handled as pretty much anything New Who has done. Hearing the word "P*ki" in an episode of Doctor Who was genuinely shocking and uncomfortable, in exactly the way it should be uncomfortable.

It was partly an adrenaline comedown, lack of sleep, and a few beers, but I cried at this one, unashamedly.

In a lot of ways it felt like a throwback to the original concept of Doctor Who as an educational show, to teach kids about history.
Above all, I love that the message was ultimately that the forces conspiring to take history down the wrong path aren't scheming supervillains or space monsters, they're well turned out, spiteful white dudes.

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54 minutes ago, Skummy said:

Loved it. Was really dreading it based on the trailer - figured it would be the token "historical romp" episode you always get at this point of the series, and that it would be cringeworthy as hell, or else it would be RTD "Doctor as Christ" levels of giving the Doctor credit for everything in history.

As it happens, it was handled really well, and I like that it meant the Doctor was more of a passive observer to history than actively guiding its hand. The realisation that their role was to just sit and let history takes its course - with Bradley Walsh's character with the part that forced him to play - was as delicately handled as pretty much anything New Who has done. Hearing the word "P*ki" in an episode of Doctor Who was genuinely shocking and uncomfortable, in exactly the way it should be uncomfortable.

It was partly an adrenaline comedown, lack of sleep, and a few beers, but I cried at this one, unashamedly.

In a lot of ways it felt like a throwback to the original concept of Doctor Who as an educational show, to teach kids about history.
Above all, I love that the message was ultimately that the forces conspiring to take history down the wrong path aren't scheming supervillains or space monsters, they're well turned out, spiteful white dudes.

I agree with everything you said. Definitely an amazing episode, very well written and executed.

The best quote I've seen, based on what happened more than the episode "Who needs scary monsters when human history has so many?"

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Yep, no argument here at all, great episode. 

I think the "passive Doctor" thing was epitomised by the bit when Yas asks where she should sit and the Doctor just looks at her. There's no answer. "This is how stupid your history is."

Hoping we see more of the villain as it wasn't overly fleshed out (essentially the reverse of the killing baby Hitler thing), time travelling fascists is a tricky one to do in a family show but it's an interesting concept.

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I'm convinced that his line about "you people" (or however he phrased it) meant humans, and not coloured people. It feels like there's definitely a return of an undercurrent theme this season which has been sorely missing since the RTD era ended.

Also, I really hope we see Jenny or Susan this season. I'm really getting antsy about hoping they will be back :(

Love the season so far, glad they have built on the return to form from last season.

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