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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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Thats actually the biggest complaint.

Its fallout 3. Not fallout 4.

Same graphics, same wonky pathing for NPC's same freezing on a whim.

That being said, its fallout "3" and I loved that game, so Im picking it up. Just don't expect a huge change when its all minor changes.

As for the DLC, xbox can shell out whatever it likes for exclusive DLC, it still comes out in 5 months everywhere else. Big deal.

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Anyone have the game on PS3 and verify if it's buggy on that too? All the reviews I've seen only mention the 360.

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Well, I'm getting my copy Thursday so no big deal, but thanks. Just curious because I haven't seen a single mention of the PS3 version.

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Thats actually the biggest complaint.

Its fallout 3. Not fallout 4.

Same graphics, same wonky pathing for NPC's same freezing on a whim.

That being said, its fallout "3" and I loved that game, so Im picking it up. Just don't expect a huge change when its all minor changes.

As for the DLC, xbox can shell out whatever it likes for exclusive DLC, it still comes out in 5 months everywhere else. Big deal.

As long as one of those changes is 'writing that doesn't suck', I'm all good.

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From reviews, general consensus is that yes, the plot is better.

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I bought this at Wal-Mart and got a $5 giftcard with purchase.

I'm loving it so far. Feels much more fluid than Fallout 3. Doesn't seem like my xbox is going to explode every time I try to enter a building, either. Only put in about an hour's worth so far and the only "bug/glitch" i've seen is a NRC soldier trying to walk through a wall. Everything else has been pretty stellar. Not invested in the characters, yet, but there is so much more dialogue options this time around.

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This game kicks ass. The quests are multilayered, with options for solving them in various ways. The faction and reputation systems are awesome. The karma system can get fucked though. Makes no sense that killing someone nets me positive karma but looting his shit afterwards is evil.

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I feel your pain, same thing happened to me.

Except I found 3 at once, after fighting 4 normals.

Playstation versus has some freezing bugs, some people walking through objects and the pathfinding is.. hilarious.

I also found the start of the game (Im not too far in) to be annoying. I liked the idea that in fallout 3 I could head anywhere. This game tells me "go south or die." Literally.

But the atmosphere of the game is nice, the quests so far are fun so I am liking it so far. But theres some problems Id love to kill with fire.

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Round 7 was wonderful. I still lost but in spectacular grenade rifle fashion. I think I'm going to leave him alone now, I had a good run.

I also found the start of the game (Im not too far in) to be annoying. I liked the idea that in fallout 3 I could head anywhere. This game tells me "go south or die." Literally.

As far as I'm aware there's nothing stopping you heading north, you just need to head north-east, It was the same thing in Fallout 3, if you were heading for Raven Rock from the south-east, you'd inevitably stumble upon the Deathclaw sanctuary, and you needed to maneuver around it. I figure it's the same here, if you want to explore north, just go around.

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You can go anywhere, you just get punished if your noob self walks into the circle of death with creatures you can't handle.

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I walked into a circle of death.....

I got to outpost 188 (not sure if spoilers)

Just hanging around and BAM! Raided by the Legion, and they fuck me up bad....like 5 times. TIme to start running, I feel bad. And there is a companion there, although I can't get her because I have two with me (but when I sent one away? Still couldn't get her)


HA! I fast traveled away, sniped some bugs, killed two or three of them, went back to Outpost 188 and then they attacked again (lots of dead people around


...he is hard to kill.

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