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NFL 2009


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Yeah, the Cowboys aren't that good. Sure they're better than the Redskins but that's not saying much. Can't put this loss on Romo, he did fine, defense and special teams just blew today. We've got the Chargers, Redskins and Saints before we get to the Eagles, I'm willing to pretty much write the season off after this loss. We're now tied with the Eagles, and while both teams have a tough schedule left I don't like Dallas' chances at all if we're still tied going into week 17.

Time to clean house Jerry, good thing the cap and revenue sharing are going out the door after this season! (Y)

The game was just bad. One of the Cowboys' early drives was killed by two bad plays in a row by one player: gets the ball then stumbles, and next play can't even catch an easy pass.

I expect Romo's post-November choking to kick in next game, and if it does, he needs to be gone by next season. And if Jerry Jones does fire Wade Phillips, I hope he has the good sense to not make Jason Garrett the next head coach.

*sigh* At least the Colts and Saints are still undefeated, and the Pats and Steelers lost....

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Is Roy Williams really that bad? I only watch a little bit of the game, but I saw Romo throw to Williams. The pass was off, but Williams made absolutely no attempt to catch it. He dropped his hands and gave up on it.

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^ skill set wise, no. Worth ethic, yes. He's lazy. When he wants to be though, he's a fan-dabi-dozi asset to the team and not just with his hands. He's one of the few WR's that will run out infront of a back looking for someone to lay out. I don't know why, but he seems to just not give a shit. That's his problem.

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That was actually one of Roy's best games since coming to Dallas. He has the same motivation problem 90% of the team has and I blame it on the coach and QB. I don't care how much of a hard ass Wade Phillips is in practice, no one disputed that, come game time, doughboy looks like he just doesn't give a shit. He doesn't get mad about bad calls, he gets annoyed and that's not how you fire up a team. Same goes for Romo, who while doing a bit better this year, still just doesn't seem to take losses very hard.

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I dont know.. i really think the season is already over... to be honest... I'm not sure they can make the playoffs even if they beat Cleveland.

Beating Oakland should have been a given and really would have helped a long way towards solidifying our wild card chances.

Being only a game behind the Jags for the second wild card spot should favor us, but looking at the fact that we are tied with the Jets and the Dolphins, and a half game behind the Ravens for that spot.. I don't really see us pulling this off.

Four games remaining:

Cleveland >> we should Win

Green Bay>> I really cant go against Aaron Rodgers and the Pack right now. Lose

Baltimore >> Seeing how we damn near won with Dennis Dixon at the helm, we win a slug fest. Win

Miami>> Last week of regular season? With a wild Card on the line? Good God.... I have no clue....

Edited by darkrayne
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Ochocinco defiant after $30K fine for celebration: 'I play to have fun'

NFL.com Wire Reports

Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco is taking the NFL's fine for his latest touchdown celebration as a challenge to do more.

Ochocinco was fined $30,000 for briefly donning a mock poncho and a sombrero next to the bench following his touchdown catch during a 23-13 victory over the Detroit Lions on Sunday. That's $10,000 more than the fine he received for pretending to bribe an official during a game earlier this season.

Ochocinco said Wednesday that he's not sure why the amount went up so much.

"That's OK," said Ochocinco, who confirmed that he has set aside $100,000 to pay fines this season. "They keep jacking them up, I'll keep jacking up the celebrations."

Earlier in his career, Ochocinco regularly was fined for his celebrations. Some of his most memorable included doing a river dance, pretending to perform CPR on a football and using the end-zone pylon as a golf club. He also donned a mock Hall of Fame jacket on the sideline.

With receivers competing to top each other's celebrations, the league cracked down, making it illegal to use a prop on the field or have a rehearsed celebration with teammates.

Ochocinco scaled back on the celebrations earlier this season. He did a Lambeau Leap -- into a section of Bengals fans -- during a win at Green Bay, but he toned down his act as the team won games and moved into first place in the AFC North.

There had been no chance to celebrate a touchdown lately. Ochocinco went four games without one before finally getting into the end zone last weekend against the Lions. Asked if the brief celebration -- he wore the hat for just a couple of seconds -- was worth the hefty fine, he said, "You're damn right it was. That was fun."

The league fined Ochocinco $20,000 and reprimanded him for taking a dollar bill onto the field as a pretend bribe during a Nov. 8 victory over the Baltimore Ravens. He held the dollar in his right hand as he approached the officials during a review of one of his catches. He kept the dollar after an official motioned for him to stay away.

Ray Anderson, the league's executive vice president of football operations, sent Ochocinco a letter over the pretend bribe, saying: "The very appearance of impropriety is not acceptable. Your conduct was unprofessional and unbecoming an NFL player."

Ochocinco said Wednesday that he'll keep doing things that cross the league's line.

"I play to have fun," he said. "I don't play for the dollar amount. Maybe that's why they take so much money, because they think we play for the money. Maybe they'll get the point -- I play to have fun, not for the money."

On a conference call with Minnesota reporters, Ochocinco said he'll try to find and blow the Vikings' horn if he scores a touchdown in Sunday's game at the Metrodome.

"Man, I'm going to have some purple fun," he said. "I'm so excited for this week."

Later, Ochocinco was asked if the league has ever threatened him with a suspension.

"Come on now. What are you going to suspend me for? Having fun? I'm not that bad," he said. "'Breaking news: Chad Ochocinco suspended for too many celebrations.' How would that sound? I'm not hurting anybody. I'm very respectful with everybody I play against."

Edited by Irish Car Bomb
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It took me a while, but I've come around on Chad Ochocinco. He's right. He's not hurting anybody and he's entertaining. I loved the interview after he "bribed" the referee where he said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Goodell. I know I'm going to get fined, but I am sorry." That cracked me up.

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It took me a while, but I've come around on Chad Ochocinco. He's right. He's not hurting anybody and he's entertaining. I loved the interview after he "bribed" the referee where he said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Goodell. I know I'm going to get fined, but I am sorry." That cracked me up.

I'm kind of in a similar boat. Now that he's basically calling his shots, it makes one want to see it happen. It puts fun back into the game, at least it does when he's doing it on the sidelines rather than holding up the whole process by hogging the end zone. The game goes on, but there's also an added show on the sidelines.

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The way the game is going so far, I think that'll happen

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As a central PA resident, seeing Pittsburgh lose tonight...

...was fucking amazing. Hate the Steelers. Loved seeing Cleveland, of all teams, essentially ending their playoff chances. Cleveland, you lot deserved it tonight.

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We are the worst fucking team in football right now. Losing to Cleveland? Really?

Jesus Christ, that was awful!

The Steelers players who are clearly content with their Super Bowl win need to be sent packing. Maybe they can go play somewhere where they won't need to worry about ruining a team's Super Bowl chances. Somewhere like Cleveland.

But on the bright side, as bad as this loss was, I know I can look forward to another six years of utter Turnpike Rivalry domination.

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