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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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I've clocked so much time just playing this demo, it's insane. I swear, I'll be getting this game because it seems like it'll be just something that's plain fun to fight on. I just wish I had the money to get all the games I want when they come out. :@

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Alright, I've gotten better at working the body of Liddell and avoiding most of his major shots. The last time I played, I managed to hang in there until the start of the 3rd round. I know to most that isn't much, but for me, it's much better than getting mollywhopped a few minutes into the first round. I still want to know a few things though....

What are some of the best shots to take in order to wear your opponent down?

What are some of the combos that you find the most effective?

When striking while standing, when do you go for the "big" move?

Now, onto the ground game. I got some advice earlier on getting into different positions with the right stick and it's helped out a great deal, thank you. I would like to know a little more though....

When underneath your opponent, what is the most effective way to roll into another position and/or into a reversal? By this I mean, do you really need to rotate the stick or is it more about a flicking motion depending on what kind of movement you're looking for?

When in the start of a submission, what's the most effective way to get free?

If your opponent has passed your guard and is now in a full mount, how in the blue hell do you roll him over? I can block his hammer fists pretty well now, but after so many times of not being able to get him off of me, it gets very tiresome.

Hmm, I believe that's it for now, thanks in advance. Oh, has anyone else read up or seen anything else on the Flash Knock Out that's in the game? I must have pulled it off at least 3 times, it's the only reason I won 3 matches on expert mode. The first KO was right of the gate, roundhouse to the side of the head. The second KO was a knee to the face while Rua was attempting to shoot. The third came yesterday against Liddell, about 2 minutes into the second round I managed to land a good right hook to his jaw and sent him down.

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May be forced to get this. Demo is immense.I was Liddell and Rua had mounted me. Despite me on being on the bottom, I was still pummelling his face, as his blood landed and pooled on Liddell's chest. We were on the floor in various positions, a lot of it with Rua mounting me, and a shitonne of blood was covering the Harley Davidson logo. Epic.

Shame about Saliva on the soundtrack though <_<.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I just have a long standing passionate dislike for Saliva and the fact that every time they have a new song it's on WWE, and it sounds good the first time and then slowly becomes just like every other Saliva song and always has some sort of "BOOM!" in the lyrics. Batista's theme can be good at times (like his return the other week), the ECW theme is OK because it's the guy from Shinedown singing and the one that Jericho used is good by association. Anyway, that's for the music forum. <_<

I agree though, seems a bit dated. The Saliva song is at least 5 years old, and "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd is 2 years old. Though I'm not complaining about POM, I like 'em. It made me download that main theme though (Stemm - "Face the Pain")

Tried switching up a level, don't think I've won yet. :( Quickest victory though is 0.26 on beginner though. :)

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May be forced to get this. Demo is immense.I was Liddell and Rua had mounted me. Despite me on being on the bottom, I was still pummelling his face, as his blood landed and pooled on Liddell's chest. We were on the floor in various positions, a lot of it with Rua mounting me, and a shitonne of blood was covering the Harley Davidson logo. Epic.

Shame about Saliva on the soundtrack though <_< .


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I still can't get a flying knee KO, I can hit it a couple of times, But it only rocks him and knocks him down, Then when he is rocked Chuck keeps blocking it and after I rock him a few times, He blocks it overall and if I do sneak one past his guard, He only rocks him again.

Although the knee while Shogun is looking for a takedown KO is freeking sweet and so is the armbar where Shogun his practically on his head, I wish you could pick him up and slam him, I tired, But forgot that we had a match going and he made me tap, It was still awesome though.

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I had a sweet win yesterday as Chuck. I was being dominated on the ground. Rua kept taking me down and although he was doing only a little damage, I just could not get up. With about 25 seconds left in the second, I manage to finally push him off. As soon as I can, I throw a superman punch that lands square on the jaw. Rua collapses to the mat and Chuck is the winner!

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It's fun focusing on one part of Rua's face as Liddell and beating the hell out of it. For example, I went after his left eye with a superman punch early, opened a cut underneath his eye and every chance I got I just pummelled his left eye, avoiding the big knockout punches. Then in the 3rd round with a HUGE cut under his eye which had swollen so much he could barely see out of it, I get him in mount and pound the crap out of him - knockout victory.

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I think this game has the best commentary in a sports game for a long, long, long time. Possibly ever. It just adds to the spectacle of the game and makes it seem even more realistic. Even though that a couple of phrases get repeated, it's not in an annoying, out of context way.

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I'm just wondering, has there been any news yet on whether or not they'll be referee stoppages if a certain fighter loses a certain amount of blood? Or can people get DQed or throw groinal area kicks etc? I'm very interested to see if any of that is in the actual main game, I'm hoping something to those extents is at least in there somewhere, because that would add greatly.

Just had a fantastic brawl, almost like Griffin/Bonnar. I was Shogun and just decided to have an all out brawl with Chuck. Opened up his right eye badly and I just went for it, connecting with combo after combo and he was bleeding badly. It was a nonstop exchange for pretty much two rounds, a pure battle. Then I went for a head kick in the third and knocked him clean out, just beautiful. I love the little added reversals they have on the ground. I got knocked down and out nearly, but when Chuck approached me, I managed to grab his leg and pull him to the ground, locking in a submission, loving that part of the game.

Cant wait to see what the career mode is like, because right now solely based just upon this demo, this is hands down my favourite game I've played on the 360.

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I think this game has the best commentary in a sports game for a long, long, long time. Possibly ever. It just adds to the spectacle of the game and makes it seem even more realistic. Even though that a couple of phrases get repeated, it's not in an annoying, out of context way.

Agreed. I think it helps that they left in a few screw-ups ("half-gua-excuse me, side control" etc.), or when they talk over each other, it gives more of an impression that they're actually talking about what's going on, rather than the game reeling off a canned list of phrases. It's bound to get repetitive as any in-game commentary does, but it's a quality touch. I wonder if they had them actually commentate on in-game fights or something rather than using scripts.

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From what I heard, they just gave them a game and stuck a microphone on them and said "start talking". More natural for sure. It'd be great if THQ did the same for Smackdown but I have to imagine their time is more restricted that the guys who do UFC as they aren't on the road constantly.

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