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Smackdown vs Raw 2010: It's Your World Now


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That review has just got me pumped up even more.

The Royal Rumble sounds like it could be the best in...well, ever. I love the idea of the special finisher to eliminate people as well and you have the choice of 18 different ones? Sounds pretty damn awesome. The entrances in the Rumble are a million times better than ever before as well, as they actually look like proper entrances, rather than a guy just suddenly showing up halfway down the ramp. Same with the eliminations, they actually walk all the way up the ramp and through the curtains/to the back, rather than just disappear. For me, it's little things like these that I've always wanted to see improved upon.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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The review sounds good. Definitely helped my cynicism... still pissed about the created wrestlers in story mode, but maybe next year. I wasn't planning on doing anything too crazy with it anyway, so I'll be fine with just the main roster, but I still don't understand the restriction.

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I'm surprised that there's been such a positive reaction to that review, I thought it was pretty clearly saying that the presentation has been upgraded but that the gameplay has had only minor alterations (with the huge warning sign that one of them, the new physics engine, introduces new problematic issues...sounds like yet another new feature that will look good when written on the box but will actually make the game worse) - the exact opposite of what the series needed.

I also really don't understand how the reviewer came to the conclusion that the previous games have failed because of their presentation...that was always the saving grace of the game, it's the atrocious and out-dated gameplay that ruins it. The review seemed to make it obvious that THQ have done their usual job of ignoring the real issues, so it's make me far less enthusiastic about picking it up.

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I haven't really had a problem with Smackdown's gameplay in years. It is what it is, and while not perfect, could be a lot worse. My biggest gripes with the series have always been needless restrictions and the fact that there's not really much to do when playing alone.

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While I'm mentioning Create-A-Superstar, it's worth noting that the entire feature has been overhauled. THQ went in and put an emphasis on creating 3D models for all the clothing and parts you can pick so that the finished products have a chance at standing up to the real Superstars and not looking completely fake. The final result is a bit of a mixed bag. Hands down, the characters look more realistic than ever, but there are some nagging issues.

IGN fans know that my backyard wrestling persona is Gruesome Greggy. Gruesome's a pretty easy dude to create: overweight, brown hair, a pair of sunglasses, t-shirt, suit coat, slacks, and Converse shoes. Every SmackDown -- hell, even WWF WrestleMania 2000 -- has been able to create this guy pretty much spot-on. However, SVR 2010 has a new limit on how much stuff you can have. See, before when it was just t-shirts getting painted on bodies, the game restricted you to a certain number of layers your characters could have. Here, with things being 3D objects, each item has a point value so that you need to pick and choose how to spend your 48 points when creating a character. Somehow, my simple list of items is too much for the game to handle. Either Greggy's got to have shades and no pants or pants and no shades, because the suit jacket accounts for so many points.

Another letdown is the fact that the number of names for the announcers to call you has taken a nosedive. This year, there are just 35 audio names, and they're all generic stuff such as "The Samoan" and "Thunder." The actual names are long gone.

Blech. Why was this necessary? The fact that I can't have my CAS have a real name is retarded. They should take a page from Raw 2 where you could pick three different names and put them together. Also the points system I can see creating a huge amount of problems, especially for people who like to create real wrestlers outside the game.

According to this review, If they keep everything the matches have this year and improve the CAW features for next year, we should have the near perfect game. If they bullshit us like they did with CAW this year then, gah, I don't know what to do.

Edited by The Inquisition
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The guy started up a mixed tag with Dolph/Kelly vs. Santino/Beth - He controlled Dolph, went over to Beth on the apron and hit her and got DQ'd. He hit rematch, then ended up beating Santino's arse with Kelly Kelly for ages. A guy wrote in the chat;

"So women can hit men, but men can't hit women without getting DQ'd? Chris Brown's gonna hate this game..."

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That would be awesome if it wasn't.

Reminds me of my favorite thing to do back in the day. It was either Smackdown 2 or No Mercy, but have a 1vs1 Special Ref. match with two of your buddies and letting them use weapons for a majority of the match and then just DQ one of them when they least expected it.

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So mine is ready to be picked up on Tuesday. Looking forward to beating my girlfriend's brother at this version as I did in 2009.

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A friend was telling me how he saw a video where they were talking about being able to put your own text into storylines, and the example used was Umaga talking to the player character saying something along the lines of "You said you could eat more cookies than me!? That's preposterous! We will settle this in the ring."

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