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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Clearly zombies are a metaphor for the brain dead EWBers who always post hmm.gif after they comment and/or don't agree with Matzat's opinions on anything. More likely the latter. Of course not all of us like to watch women shit on men's chests as our idea of porn either. I think I lost my point somewhere here.

Anywho, I very much enjoyed the last episode and all of this season in fact. I have found it to be thus far more enjoyable than the whole of S1. I do not mind the arc Shane's character has traveled thus far, and I am not a mind dead zombie who thinks that it must be like the comics or it is shit. The only shit thing for sure thus far in the series was The VAtos, and I think Robert Kirkman wrote that terrible episode?

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What are Zombies a metaphor for?

Well, George Romero said they were a representation of 'real-world social ills—such as government ineptitude, bioengineering, slavery, greed and exploitation', so I have no clue what Matzat is talking about.

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Watching now. First thought is that Shane looks fucking ridiculous in overalls.

EDIT: Just got to the halfway point and the moment that Sousa was presumably grossed out over. T-Dog's reaction was hilarious.

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Pretty good episode, nothing ground breaking but I enjoyed it. I really love Darryl and I hope they don't kill him for at least a while yet, I think he could turn out to be one of the real stars of the show.

Speaking of that, knowing it's a zombie TV series and therefore it's almost certain a few characters will die yet, out of the main group, anyone got any guesses who? I'm calling Andrea getting killed eventually, probably when she finally sorts her shit out. I've got a feeling they might get rid of Glenn too. Shane definitely eventually, but I feel he'll probably go out a hero rather than a villain. His story is probably the most interesting so far and I'd like to see him end on a good note after his walk on the dark side. I don't think he's really a bad person, just making the tough choices and having some serious fuck ups along the way.

Oh and obviously T-Dog, because his name is T-Dog and he's not very interesting.

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I think Shane's going to snap.

*comic spoilers!*

It'd be cool if he died the way he did in the comics, with Carl killing him and all.

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I didn't like the last episode, it seemed like filler and nothing really happened. I don't know if we still need spoilers or not but...

So what was with the zombie in the well? How in the hell did it get there? Either Hershel has a secret which is why he wants them to leave ASAP or they just needed to have a zombie in the episode.

I find it crazy how little Carol is doing to find her own daughter? I don't think there is a mother in the world that wouldn't be out there all the time looking for her, despite the danger.

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Best episode of the season so far, keeps getting better with each episode too. They just need to stop taking everything so slowly or at least have interesting side stories. The search for Sophia wouldn't be so grueling and boring if they had more fun stuff like zombie in a well or Maggie taking her top off.

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I didn't like the last episode, it seemed like filler and nothing really happened. I don't know if we still need spoilers or not but...

So what was with the zombie in the well? How in the hell did it get there? Either Hershel has a secret which is why he wants them to leave ASAP or they just needed to have a zombie in the episode.

I find it crazy how little Carol is doing to find her own daughter? I don't think there is a mother in the world that wouldn't be out there all the time looking for her, despite the danger.

It fell through the well cover, as evidenced by the large hole in the well cover.

As for Herschel

*Comic spoilers*

He's absolutely hiding something, there's a reason he wants them to stay away from the barn.

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Pretty good episode, nothing ground breaking but I enjoyed it. I really love Darryl and I hope they don't kill him for at least a while yet, I think he could turn out to be one of the real stars of the show.

Speaking of that, knowing it's a zombie TV series and therefore it's almost certain a few characters will die yet, out of the main group, anyone got any guesses who? I'm calling Andrea getting killed eventually, probably when she finally sorts her shit out. I've got a feeling they might get rid of Glenn too. Shane definitely eventually, but I feel he'll probably go out a hero rather than a villain. His story is probably the most interesting so far and I'd like to see him end on a good note after his walk on the dark side. I don't think he's really a bad person, just making the tough choices and having some serious fuck ups along the way.

Oh and obviously T-Dog, because his name is T-Dog and he's not very interesting.

My money is on T-Dog, Shane (as a villain), Dale, and possibly Carol.

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I don't want Glenn or Dale to die. Apart from being overall likeable folks, they also happen to be the ones I think would live the longest (Dale because he's wise and level-headed, Glenn because of his urban navigational skills). I'd say T-Dog is likely to die, Daryl maybe too because he's still being a little too lone-wolf (though he's obviously working on that).

In fact, I'm calling it now: T-Dog's fever comes back, and someone not in the main crew mistakes this as him having been bitten and shoots him.

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If you're implying someone from the farm family shoots him, that won't happen for two reasons...

1. They fixed his arm and gave him meds, so they know he wasn't bitten.

2. Given what's gone on so far, it's pretty much confirmed they're going the same route with these people as they did in the comics which means...

The people on Herschel's farm don't kill zombies

I agree T-Dog is most likely to die, but I don't think he's going down like that.

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