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Community Season Finale:

Huh. Okay. Most of the episode was funny, but I have no idea why they'd not go with Britta other than SHOCK FACTOR. And, you know, Annie is gorgeous, but still. It didn't really make much sense to me. I did really like the episode where they kissed and I thought they'd make a good couple, but that really just came out of nowhere. But then the more I think about it, the more I can believe that happening in a real situation. Hell, I'm fairly certain that's how I got together with the girl I was seeing for about a year. (Minus the love triangle) I don't know. It was a fun episode, but it didn't really feel like it was well put together. Wasn't as good as some of the earlier ones and could have done with being maybe two-parter, because it didn't feel like there was enough time for each character. I did laugh quite a bit and the return of the British Professor was nice.

Also, any chance we could get this topic pinned? I don't see the harm in it and it's a great topic for discussing the latest episodes of shows that may not have it's own topic, or for discussing old shows that we want to reminisce about.

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Community Season Finale:

Huh. Okay. Most of the episode was funny, but I have no idea why they'd not go with Britta other than SHOCK FACTOR. And, you know, Annie is gorgeous, but still. It didn't really make much sense to me. I did really like the episode where they kissed and I thought they'd make a good couple, but that really just came out of nowhere. But then the more I think about it, the more I can believe that happening in a real situation. Hell, I'm fairly certain that's how I got together with the girl I was seeing for about a year. (Minus the love triangle) I don't know. It was a fun episode, but it didn't really feel like it was well put together. Wasn't as good as some of the earlier ones and could have done with being maybe two-parter, because it didn't feel like there was enough time for each character. I did laugh quite a bit and the return of the British Professor was nice.

Also, any chance we could get this topic pinned? I don't see the harm in it and it's a great topic for discussing the latest episodes of shows that may not have it's own topic, or for discussing old shows that we want to reminisce about.

I'm really happy with how fresh Community feels. It actually does a great job at doing satires while not giving you acknowledgment that they are in on the joke (see The Office, and yes I know that The Office is a mock-documentary). Pretty much from the first episode we expected Jeff and Britta to be the main couple/relationship of the show and it's great to see a comedy where they just don't play into it. It should be interesting how the whole age thing comes into play next season. Annie is an 18-year old while Jeff is probably in his late 30's (fun fact: the actors that play Jeff and Shirley were born in the same year). Imagine Shirley hooking up with Troy or Abed.

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this forum needs more Glee love. its the best show on TV by miles, great writing, is funny has rapid storyline movements and a very talented cast who all seem to enjoy it. The Madonna episode was all sorts of awesome and this weeks was very touching with the Artie storyline.

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Guest JukeboxHero

Anybody watch the 'House' finale yet?

The Cuddy-House stuff at the end has to be either a hallucination or a dream. Cuddy just completely tore into House in the middle of the episode and then has this huge change of heart at the end of it? I know it's a TV show, but c'mon. I call shenanigans.

As for 13, I have no idea what's up, haha.

It could have something to do with her Huntington's disease, but that almost seemed too predictable to me. But that's probably what it is: Maybe she found out that she has less time left to live than she thought or something.

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Anybody watch the 'House' finale yet?

The Cuddy-House stuff at the end has to be either a hallucination or a dream. Cuddy just completely tore into House in the middle of the episode and then has this huge change of heart at the end of it? I know it's a TV show, but c'mon. I call shenanigans.

As for 13, I have no idea what's up, haha.

It could have something to do with her Huntington's disease, but that almost seemed too predictable to me. But that's probably what it is: Maybe she found out that she has less time left to live than she thought or something.

Having it be another hallucination would be a major cop out if they ran that route again and basically sets us back one season in terms of the progression of House's character. I think House's speech at the crash site about why the woman should get her leg amputated probably gave Cuddy a change of heart. I think it's pretty obvious that 13 is leaving due to her Huntington's disease.

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Of course the ending was real, like LNK mentioned, that was the whole point of him changing his mind on the amputation. House is changing, he was no longer holding onto his bitterness about his leg and he wasn't being stubborn just to spite Cuddy. He showed her he could change, even after they got into a giant fight, which showed Cuddy that they could possibly work.

And don't tell Sousa, but I like Glee. It's going to be the victim of its own hype come Season 2, but the show's been mostly enjoyable.

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this forum needs more Glee love. its the best show on TV by miles, great writing, is funny has rapid storyline movements and a very talented cast who all seem to enjoy it. The Madonna episode was all sorts of awesome and this weeks was very touching with the Artie storyline.

Ugh. Glee is getting more and more hype and the quality is continuing to go down from the beginning of the season. It's going to do a world of good to go on break for a bit though, maybe it'll seem fresh again because right now I'm really getting bored of it. I originally liked Glee because the storylines were what an average teenager would have to deal with but now its starting to get a bit ridiculous.

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this forum needs more Glee love. its the best show on TV by miles, great writing, is funny has rapid storyline movements and a very talented cast who all seem to enjoy it. The Madonna episode was all sorts of awesome and this weeks was very touching with the Artie storyline.

There's a thread for it, it's just that nobody's posted there in weeks. This week's episode was probably one of the all-around strongest in the back nine. Aside from "Piano Man" there was a lot of fun stuff going on in every musical number; Joss Whedon directing the "Safety Dance" dream sequence like a flash mob recording was inspired and almost made me get over how much I do not like that song.

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I don't want to look in the thread for the Lost Finale because I'm scared I'll spoil it for myself. I've just finished Season One - and want to enjoy it without being spoiled. But can people tell me if the finale is good or satisfying? That's all I really want to know, really.

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Re: Community

I'm glad they went with Jeff and Annie instead of Jeff and Britta because Joel McHale and Allison Brie have fantastic chemistry, whereas Britta was borderline unbearable all episode because it was like nearly every last one of her character traits got eclipsed by a relationship that only had signs of life in the paintball episode. I love Gillian Jacobs but I just don't buy her as an actual love interest and I think the entire episode suffered greatly because of the tiresome relationship stuff. It also seemed like they were trying really hard to make the episode like a parody of euper-dramatic season finales but instead it mostly just felt like an super-dramatic season finale instead. I want less of this next season and more high-concept genre parodies.

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What the fuck was up with tonight's episode of Breaking Bad? That was excruciating to watch.

Did it deal with the "contaminant" the entire episode? I watched the first half before I went to bed.

EDIT: Oh, also, speaking of excruciating, this week's episode of The Boondocks was painful.

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Yes, the entire episode was centered around the "contaminant." There was some great acting with Cranston and Paul, but we've seen them do episodes like this in the past that at least kept you engaged (like the one where they're stuck in the desert), but I was literally falling asleep from boredom watching last night.

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Speaking of TV, the Chuck season finale is on. (SPOILERS, obviously)

And holy fuck, only 40 minutes in and it's just getting started and so much has happened. The Ring has infiltrated the CIA, Shaw is alive and is an Intersect, Walker, Casey & General Beckman are in CIA custody and Chuck's officially rogue.

Seriously, this is so. fucking. good.

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Anyone watching Fringe? I enjoyed the first series but I got a bit bored after the start of Series 2 when nothing was explained about what happened in the other world. I get why they did it and it's classic Abrams style, but it irked me a little too much. >_> Is it worth getting back into? I mainly liked it for Walter.

And I ask again, X-Files, does it get any good? Halfway through the first series and I very much don't see the fuss. Am I going to be underwhelmed because I've already seen the monster of the week style done better with Buffy, Supernatural, Angel etc. or does it start to get interesting?

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Fringe Season Two is still pretty good. They're developing the story a lot more now, but there's been a lot of filler episodes; and a criminal lack of Broyles and Nina. Walter continues to be the highlight of the show. I'm a few behind, but it's nearing the end of Season Two and it looks like it'll shift back up a gear again. The stories have been interesting, as usual. But development has been slow. I think it's lacking a little compared to the first series. But it's still fun.

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