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Community is always solid, I really got a kick out of the ending of this weeks, it really took the Arrested Development ending but made it just as funny. Other than that, I'm just going to point to my signature. Terriers was fucking awesome this week AGAIN and I doubt anyone else saw it. Arrgh.

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Finished The Sopranos. Meh, there is no point in talking about the ending now considering it happened 3 years ago. That is the problem with me and TV shows. I always watch shows years after everyone else.

I've heard excellent reports about The Wire. Maybe that can fill in now that The Sopranos is over.

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Finished The Sopranos. Meh, there is no point in talking about the ending now considering it happened 3 years ago. That is the problem with me and TV shows. I always watch shows years after everyone else.

Do you at least agree that the actual ending was crap?

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To be honest I don't actually give a shit about the ending really. It bothered me at the time, but no so much now. I can understand that a lot of people would have been fucked off with it and seen it as the cheap way out, but heh. It is still a legendary show and the best show I've ever watched to date.

As Tony said himself people like him either go to jail or end up dead. It was definitely a very intense piece of television. The story is over either way - whether he was killed or went to jail. I can understand why they wouldn't show what happened - letting the loyal viewers make up their own minds. If he went to jail he was never going to be released. So, you can believe he either went to jail, or the guy coming out of the toilet killed his whole family.

The idea that he carried on doing what he was doing is an absolute fantasy. He was going to end up dead if he wasn't sent to jail. The fact that he started to lose it throughout series 6 was evident that he was at breaking point and there was no turning back for him.

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Guest Emoctoberingy

Hi, EWB! Do you watch Terriers? If not, WATCH TERRIERS. If so, please e-mail user@fxnetworks.com and tell them how awesome you think Terriers is (it's awesome), because apparently the more e-mails they get the more likely it is that it'll get a second season. And my god does it deserve a second season, it's actually my favorite new drama of 2010 (better than Boardwalk Empire, better than Treme, better than The Walking Dead) and I'll be heartbroken if it follows Rubicon and Lone Star to the TV graveyard.

Terriers is not only wonderful, but it gets more wonderful by the episode. I'll go as far as to say it is the best show FX has put on the air since the Shield.

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Hi, EWB! Do you watch Terriers? If not, WATCH TERRIERS. If so, please e-mail user@fxnetworks.com and tell them how awesome you think Terriers is (it's awesome), because apparently the more e-mails they get the more likely it is that it'll get a second season. And my god does it deserve a second season, it's actually my favorite new drama of 2010 (better than Boardwalk Empire, better than Treme, better than The Walking Dead) and I'll be heartbroken if it follows Rubicon and Lone Star to the TV graveyard.

Terriers is not only wonderful, but it gets more wonderful by the episode. I'll go as far as to say it is the best show FX has put on the air since the Shield.

*points to signature*

Yes, Terriers is fantastic and not only is it the best new show this year, it's one of the best shows on TV right now and apparently nobody except the three of us is watching it. I'm going to be so pissed off if it gets cancelled after this season.

Edited by Hellfire
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We need a Terriers love-in. Terriers needs its own topic.

I really want to, but I've got my fingers crossed that they bring it back for another season. That happens, your damn right I'm going to make a Terriers topic.

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Totally dropped off on "Chuck" (last couple of weeks) and "Boardwalk Empire" (last month or so). I know "Chuck" is on Living on Thursdays, so will try and watch it, just checked and this weeks episode is where I left off on. Has "Boardwalk Empire" started on Sky yet? I'm a good 5-episodes or so out on that I think.

Frankie Boyle's new show starts tonight, will watch. I didn't mind "Robert's Web" at the weekend. BUT, I'm getting a little sick of these "Look at the funny stuff 'I've' found" programs. There seems to be a bunch of them. And I see "Robert's Web" going to way of Russell Howard's show, in that it can fluctuate from "Fairly good" to "Utterly dreadful" depending on what is actually featured on it.

I never watched the first season, but I've been catching the second season of "Misfits". Not really sure on what to think of it. Alisha is fucking fit though.

They need to do a new series of "Pointless" and quickly. They're replaying series 2...and I remember them. :( It's no fun playing along when you remember the answers. :( Quite happy that the last series, out of 50-episodes, 'I'd have won' in at least 10 (answers where people win, they tend not to show you other right answers :()

Still haven't got around to watching "The Walking Dead" yet either. I hate zombie shit, but fuck, it's Andrew Lincoln.

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