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Justified is just such a good TV show right now. This entire 2nd season has been fire, it's giving Breaking Bad a run for it's money.

Boyd is definitely a fun character and his relationship with Raylan is a story in itself.

The Bennett's are a great foe for Givens this season.

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Justified is just such a good TV show right now. This entire 2nd season has been fire, it's giving Breaking Bad a run for it's money.

Boyd is definitely a fun character and his relationship with Raylan is a story in itself.

The Bennett's are a great foe for Givens this season.

The Bennetts - Mama Bennett in particular - are really making this season for me, but the crook-of-the-week characters and everything else is damn good, too.

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So I finished Season 1 of Lost.

It's a great show and I'm looking forward to the next seasons, especially because we ended with a lot of mysterious stuff happening. But for the love of God, I fucking hate Jack. I don't like Kate either, but Jack takes the cake. He is so annoying and bland and just pisses me off everytime he is on screen. Even his fucking flashbacks annoy me. I don't think I'm supposed to feel this way.

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Aye, I felt the same way for much of the show but he becomes much more tolerable/interesting later on, at least in my view.

Re: Community. It's awesome - I've blasted through about fifteen episodes already. I hope people are watching it and it won't be cancelled like Arrested Development.

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Aye, I felt the same way for much of the show but he becomes much more tolerable/interesting later on, at least in my view.

I totally agree with this - there are bits in Season 2-4 where I just want to punch him and keep punching him but he regains a little bit of sympathy in the later seasons. Also, fr34k, although this is probably just my opinion, his flashbacks do get much more interesting as time goes on.

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I hated Jack for most of Lost. SAWYER4LYFE. I think the biggest problem though was the amount of flashbacks he got. I don't think the Lost writers realised that the flashbacks were a lot better used to flesh out the past of the other characters, with so many of them, there really wasn't a need for Kate and Jack to get like 4 each a season, especially when they were central characters in almost all the episodes. If they'd cut it down to like, one, maybe two per season that were spread out (and made them relevant to the show, not like the shitty ones they had with hundreds of twists and false reveals for Kate) then Jack wouldn't have been so forced down our throats and wouldn't have seemed like such a cunt.

Plus you can't blame the guy for having a hard time seeming cool when his main adversaries of control of the camp were Sawyer and Locke, pretty much the two greatest characters in the show.

Also, you want to talk cuntish Lost characters? Anna Lucia. That is all.

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Also, you want to talk cuntish Lost characters? Anna Lucia. That is all.

This has made me angry just seeing it, I hate to think what I would punch if I actually watched her... Probably a baby dolphin.

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Just started watching Boardwalk Empire. 3 Episodes in... I am completely sold on it.

If there are others out there still contemplating it. Give it a go.

I have to disagree. The first was great, but after that the writers changed (from what I've read) and it just seemed that nothing important was really happening in the episodes after the first one, making them pretty boring, imo. The series started off promising but I stopped caring around episode 4. But it's already picked up for a season 2 so hopefully it gets better.

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I was getting bored with it during the middle of the season, but the season finale was very strong and set up a great hook for season two.

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Oh, well on the list of episodes on Wikipedia there's only 17, which I only looked at to see if there was actually an episode last night because you seem to take random two or three week breaks. How am I supposed to know how your stupid system works? :rolleyes:

Edited by Pesci
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