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General Television Thread


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Caught up on some tv today.

Modern Family - never ceases to make me laugh. It's always got some hilarious lines and is has one of the best ensemble casts out there.

Portlandia - Armisten has really started to irritate me on SNL. He's had a couple great skits over the past couple of years, but he's generally a one-note character. But for whatever reason, I adore him on Portlandia. I think it's because he and Carrie Brownstein play off each so well. Either way, great stuff.

Glee - just the first new episode of 2012. There was some cringe-worthy moments, but for the most part it reminded me of relatively early Glee, which is a good thing. It still has a lot to improve upon to get back to where it was.

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Numb3rs was my "generic" cop show while it was on. Person of Interest is now my current cop fix, but I wouldn't call it generic.

I recently started watching this. I think I'm on the 5th or 6th episode now. What a great OTT fun show. It's like a mini 80's action film every time, even right down to the terrible 80's action star lead who sucks so bad. Seriously, when did Jim Caviezel become such a shitty actor who talks like he's a bad voice over actor (see what I did there apsham????) for a 70's Italian horror film?

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And it's apparently about reincarnated norse gods. That's awesome.

Also, I didn't realize that Person of Interest was created by Christopher Nolan's brother.

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Couldn't find a Mad Men thread, so I figure I'll post this hear..

People are offended by the poster for the new season of Mad Men. What is this poster that is offending people?


People are saying its "insensative" because it resembles the falling man picture from 9/11. Seriously...people are just overly sensative idiots sometimes..

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Guest mr. potato head

I think a thread would be worth it. A lot of people (including me) seem to have gotten into it partway through or just after Season 4, so discussion should be up from last time.

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Do it. I'll definitely discuss it when it comes back.

Also, I just got Netflix - which one of these TV shows should I watch first? Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Thick Of It, The US Office, IT Crowd, Weeds or 24? I might try and do two - one drama and one comedy. Still got Arrested Development S3 to do, too.

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Do it. I'll definitely discuss it when it comes back.

Also, I just got Netflix - which one of these TV shows should I watch first? Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Thick Of It, The US Office, IT Crowd, Weeds or 24? I might try and do two - one drama and one comedy. Still got Arrested Development S3 to do, too.

Easy, Breaking Bad.

Oh and I would definitely discuss Mad Men. I got a bit bored with it during the last season but eventually caught up and am interested in it again.

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Do it. I'll definitely discuss it when it comes back.

Also, I just got Netflix - which one of these TV shows should I watch first? Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Thick Of It, The US Office, IT Crowd, Weeds or 24? I might try and do two - one drama and one comedy. Still got Arrested Development S3 to do, too.

Easy, Breaking Bad.

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Do it. I'll definitely discuss it when it comes back.

Also, I just got Netflix - which one of these TV shows should I watch first? Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Thick Of It, The US Office, IT Crowd, Weeds or 24? I might try and do two - one drama and one comedy. Still got Arrested Development S3 to do, too.

On that list, Breaking Bad is the best drama. Fuck, it's the only thing on there that is a case of YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS, rather than "Yeah, that's a decent show." The US Office is pretty fantastic after about... midway through Series 2. Pretty much when it stops being The UK Office (which sucked) with Steve Carrell. I missed it the first time around but watched it all a few months ago. So glad I did.

Dexter gets a lot of hype, but personally I've always felt it was just kind of good. Like, I wouldn't put it up there as a great drama at all. Is Sons of Anarchy not on Netflix? That'd definitely be worth a watch. Prison Break is pretty fun, it's fairly mindless but the cast is enjoyable and I always had fun watching it. I've never seen The Thick of It or 24, but Weeds and IT Crowd are okay. IT Crowd has some great episodes, but is mostly average. Weeds... I remember really liking it for the first few series, but it's gone on way too long for me to care any more.


Breaking Bad

The US Office

Prison Break


The IT Crowd


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To further reenforce the point - watch Breaking Bad. You'd be crazy to skip it.

From the other shows... The Office first few seasons are quality television; I still watch, but only because I'm endeared to the characters now. There has been a significant drop in quality in the last 2 seasons, but that's life. Dexter is OK, but it's... I don't know, lacking something. Great television shows build drama throughout the season. After watching the first season of Dexter, things get great after the 8 or 9th episode. Before that though, it gets a bit dull.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Do it. I'll definitely discuss it when it comes back.

Also, I just got Netflix - which one of these TV shows should I watch first? Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Thick Of It, The US Office, IT Crowd, Weeds or 24? I might try and do two - one drama and one comedy. Still got Arrested Development S3 to do, too.

The drama you should watch is Breaking Bad. The comedy you should watch is The Office. Second choices on both should be Dexter and The IT Crowd.

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Guest mr. potato head

Well let's not go nuts here. Breaking Bad's a good choice, but you should finish Arrested Development before you start on The Office.

And like the others have said, drop The Office after maybe season 5 unless you think you'll love it no matter how bad it gets.

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Guest mr. potato head

Anyone else watch Luck? I just caught the pilot and I'm cautiously optimistic about the series. A series about horse racing and its world doesn't interest me that much, but if we can get some interesting characters, we've definitely got an acting corps with the chops to play them.

Stunning show visually as well.

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I watched the first episode last month. It took a good while for me to really grasp what's going on but that's not surprising because it's David Milch. Looking forward to watching more.

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I watched the first episode last month. It took a good while for me to really grasp what's going on but that's not surprising because it's David Milch. Looking forward to watching more.

Yeah I caught last month too and I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the season. You're right though, it was hard to grasp at first, which I had heard was the case with Milch (as I actually just started watching Deadwood) but it didn't turn me off of the show (whereas I read some comments shortly after the preview of the Pilot last month who were). That could've been because I'm huge fan of Michael Mann's though too.

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