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On the plane into Baltimore I watched about half of the pilot (we landed before it finished and I started watching it a few minutes in). It's pretty charming? I'm pretty sure the early reviews are like "we like the characters and smiled a lot but didn't laugh a ton" and that's about right. For a comedy pilot, that's a very good place to be.

Good summary. It's not a bad show by any means, but you definitely are not missing out on everything if you don't watch it. Here's hoping it's becoming a bit more interesting in the next episodes.

The Mindy Project on the other hand was really good and you should all watch it.

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I've got the new shows from last night I'm interested in reserved and ready to watch. Those being: Brickleberry (which I ended up seeing last night anyway during a replay, it's awful and it's already cut from my list), The Mindy Project, Ben and Kate, and Vegas. I also downloaded all 4 of the Go On episodes, as well.

Nothing debuted on Monday that I'm remotely interested in.

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Really? I feel like it's going to tank. It, essentially, takes all the bad things about Family Guy and embellishes them. Not to mention that Tosh, the primary push on this show, is so lazy with his voiceover, that I see the character's mouth move, but I don't believe he's actually talking. It feels forced and fake, taking me completely out of the show.

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Like I said, it takes the BAD part of Family Guy and makes a show around that. Family Guy, at the very least, has likable characters (to an extent), humorous moments, touching moments, and quotable lines. Brickleberry is a show that throws "edgy"-filled shit against a wall to see what works, has characters you absolutely abhor and feel nothing for, has one-dimensional storylines, and even uses the flashback plot device.

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Last Resort premiere is tonight, and it looks like it may be pretty good. ABC at 8pm EST.


Forgot that Elementary does, too. CBS at 10pm EST.


Edited by GhostMachine
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Finished Season 2 of Game of Thrones last night.

I . . . I don't really care for that ending. I'm referring to the "So, Basically Zombies" ending. I was okay with the fantasy elements of the show up to that point - and the dragon stuff I actually quite like - but if the show goes more heavily in that direction it might lose me. I was fucking over zombies however many million years ago that became the new thing, and I'm nervous about the show bringing in too much of that element.

While I'm kind of on the subject: The Fire God priestess lady or whatever? Can't stand her at all. Not in a "she's the heel, and I can't wait for her comeuppance" way (unlike most of the Lannisters), but in a "this concept, this character, and this actor are all awful" way.

But I don't hate all of the fantasy elements. Like I said the Khaleesi and Her Dragons stuff is pretty awesome. The moment the dragons took out the evil magic guy was great.

All of that said, for however much that finale disappointed me, I was that much more into Blackwater, the penultimate episode of the season. That was fucking tremendous. That episode was all about the stuff I really dig in the series: political intrigue, personal moral conflicts, and battles (big and small) that have actually been built up over time and have a lasting effect - all with a dash of grand spectacle and a few truly badass lines. Honest to god, I marked right the fuck out for "Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"

Ultimately, I AM looking forward to Season 3, but I'm hoping against hope that the major focus remains on the political intrigue and personal moral conflicts. Keep the zombies to a minimum and kill off the fire priestess now.

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I also watched the new Boardwalk Empire and Treme episodes.


I can see how this is setting us up for fun stuff, and Gyp makes for a great antagonist, but I'm wanting more Nucky. Also more Van Alden, who may or may not actually join the mob, it seems. Stephen Root showed up! More of that.


Great season opener. I like where it seems this season is headed. I dig the directions for Steve Zahn, his girlfriend, and Antoine. (Can you tell I struggle with remembering character names? This goes for all shows.) That opening memorial scene was especially good. I thought it would be an indicator of this season going in an angry The People vs. The Power direction - and, in a way, it might - but the swerve with how Antoine handled it was even better.

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Josh, Game of Thrones:

They're not zombies, they're white walkers :/ :/ :/


I haven't read all the books but I'm pretty sure the white walkers aren't a central element, though someone who's read them all can correct me if I'm wrong. I want to say that, at least in the books, they're there as the antagonists for the Night Watch, alongside the threat of the wildlings.

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Josh, Game of Thrones:

They're not zombies, they're white walkers :/ :/ :/


I haven't read all the books but I'm pretty sure the white walkers aren't a central element, though someone who's read them all can correct me if I'm wrong. I want to say that, at least in the books, they're there as the antagonists for the Night Watch, alongside the threat of the wildlings.

Well, yeah, that's what I'm gathering. By "major element", I just don't want to spend too much time next season following that particular supernatural element.

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