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9-1-1's season opener was a bitch:

The preview commercial that aired for a month or more showed a huge ass tidal wave coming. 

It starts coming at the end of the episode, so have to wait until next week for it.

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Shudder uploaded the first episode of the Creepshow revival to their service yesterday. It feels so much like watching Tales from the Crypt that I absolutely adored it. Tobin Bell guest-starred in the first story of the first episode, and Greg Nicotero is one of the minds behind the revival.

That said, I'd love it if someone brought the entire Tales from the Crypt to a streaming service.

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Got around to watching season two of Mindhunter this last week. Good overall I thought, think they did a good job with the ending to the Atlanta stuff that I think was pretty respectful. Didn't really expect them to change anything and pretend the whole thing was wrapped with a nice little bow anyway, but they did a good job with it.

Curious as to where they're going to go with the BTK stuff, I can't imagine they're going to make a huge time jump, and it wouldn't make much sense anyway since the detectives that Holden and Tench are based on were retired by the time he was caught. Expect he's just going to remain something going on on the periphery of everything else they're doing? Where they might look in to a few specific murders he's committed and then kind of get lost in the shuffle of other things they have going on. Holden is such a creepy little weirdo. If he wasn't based on a real detective I'd suspect he was gonna flip out at some point, himself.

Could see the Gary Ridgway case being one that plays a part in season three or four, and would also kinda mean they'd need to include Ted Bundy as some of the serial killer/profiling interviews since he was interviewed in trying to catch him and ended up helping catch him and building a profile for him. 

One thing that was winding me up was how dark the show was. Like, there's times where it's like they're just sat at work in the fucking darkness and I'm gasping for someone to turn a light on. Show as a whole seems to have jaundice too. Weird yellowy colour grading.






Makes everyone look like a fucking alcoholic or something. I know it's a Fincher thing cause it's been there to varying extents in loads of his films but it feels like it went way over the top in this season.

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I have no clue on the Leopard, but Heidi thinks its Dennis Rodman, for some reason. Also, I'm pretty sure Black Widow is Raven Symone. 

I'm 3 for 3 on guessing the eliminated contestants this season. Last season I only got 2 or 3 wrong.



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4 hours ago, iDOL said:

Started AHS 1984 because I'm a sucker for Slasher films. It's a nice mix of Friday the 13th and Halloween so far.

I haven't seen episode 3 yet, but really enjoying it. The longer it stays quite straight-forward and doesn't demand you remember slight call backs from 7 seasons ago, the better.

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