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Dragon Age: Origins


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If you've played KOTOR or Mass Effect and enjoy middle earthish settings.. you will most definatly enjoy this. I mean all I really have to say is, if you like Bioware games you will.. and it's much more like KOTOR in the sense that you choose a target and let your attributes do the work. You have the rich, rich story and multiple origin stories to start from, I've done two so far and they are very, very fun. There are many ways a conversation can go, and many ways to modify a conversation which will in turn modify the way you play the game. Combat is fun and the party system works well.. I just really can't say enough good things when it comes to this.

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I'm not pumped because, like every year, stupid publishers decide it's a good idea to realease every game at the same damn time.

It could've been a lot worse this year. January - March 2010 is going to be a motherfuck though.

But yeah, this game looks incredible. I literally knew nothing about it until I saw the trailer with the 30 Seconds to Mars song... after seeing that and knowing it's from BioWare, I assume it's going to be a must-own.

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the pre order from game stop got me 4 codes pretty sweet. I just finished the Human Noble intro, story is good as expected from Bioware and they do NOT shy away from blood or sex so far and I love it. Bioware is definitely my favorite developer. Still Mass Effect 2 should own this.

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I heard of DragonAge a few months ago, well before it was released, and I thought 'holy shit, this is going to be fucked up'. But I don't know; I am definetely going to try it, the old Fantasy setting geek in me is screaming for it and I enjoyed KOTOR and Mass Effect extensively so why not. Too bad I am broke, though. So is it really like a new age Baldurs Gate as I've heard some people say?

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Right now the only question for me is what to get it on.

I love my PS3 but apparently the graphics take a bit of a hit on the consoles version (360 especially according to Gamespot) and there's like, less room for items or something? It looks pretty mental, the last BioWare game I played was KOTOR which I remember getting really involved in, so I think this'll be the first time in a while I really lose myself in a game which I'm pretty excited for. I also didn't enjoy KOTOR when I first played it on the XBOX, but then I loved it when went back and played the PC version.

On the other hand, my PC could just about handle the game, but if I wanted the full experience I'd need to upgrade my graphics card (which I'm planning on doing EVENTUALLY anyway) which'll probably cost somewhere between £40-60, I'd also need to finally get the bigger hard drive I've been wanting (that's another £50 odd) and then actually buy the game, which I'm assuming will be about £40 on top of the other stuff. (Usually I'd torrent as PC game, but it's like 20gb which'll be in ISO format, so I'd need like 40gb free, not to mention there's always some problem with torrented games. And I'd probably have to deal with some kind of DMR or whatever that means I can never use magic, or all my characters walk backwards or something like that. >_>)


I'm also not the interested in the RTS aspect that the PC version boasts, sure it'll probably be kind've helpful tacticly, but I'd prefer to play it 3rd person, as I just like that style a lot better. It feels a lot more... well, not REAL, but RTS really just destroys a lot of the imagery for me. I know you can zoom in, but I'd assume that it'd be encouraged you stay zoomed out.

The story looks pretty mental as well, I really love the look of those fuck off huge beasties you'll have to fight. That's always my favourite part of games like this - fighting unreal monsters that're like twice your height, there's not enough of that in games lately. (Well, the ones I've been playing anyway). I love the character creation system, it was one of my favourite parts about Oblivion. I plan on making a black ginger dwarf named Gustaff The Conqueror or someone equally as odd.

Luckily/Unluckily I don't get paid until the 25th, so while I've plenty of time to decide one what version to go for, I've also got to wait ages to play it. :( Then again, I've still got Borderlands, Uncharted 2, inFamous, LOTR Conquest and the evil campaign of MUA 2 to complete, so maybe it's good that I've got some time to actually finish one of those before jumping into another game. >_>

After writing all that and watching a video review, I've got a fucking massive urge to play KOTOR now. This will have to be sorted out. >_>

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I was going to save some money to buy this, but when there had been little in the way of previewing of the game in the magazines I get, and little hype, I assumed it would crash and burn a little. Now, I'm probably just going to have to wait to pick it up, as I've got enough games I'm playing currently.

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Holy shit this game is fan-dabi-dozi. I didn't seemuch about it aside from a 4 page preview in GI a few months ago, but picked it up. After playing it for about 6 hours after work, I decided to get the Soldiers Keep DLC for PS3, along with the free dlc that came with it. I kept getting my ass handed to me by a demon during one quest, so I reloaded a previous save before the demon and tried a different conversation option to bypass that fight..still kicking my ass though

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This might actually be the best game I've ever played. I bought it yesterday, and literally can't stay away. The story is incredible, the characters I've met so far are incredible (Morrigan!! <3 Best character since Minsc, easily), even the voice acting is pretty good (Tim Russ, Kate Mulgrew, that Farscape chick, the dude from Command and Conquer...). The sound and atmosphere and... everything is just... right.

It feels like playing a movie. And I mean that in the awesome story sense, not the boring 'everything is done for you' sense.

Some of the things Morrigan comes out with are just laugh out loud hilarious. I feel sorry for Sten; he hardly ever gets in my party (despite being clearly better and more suited to it than Alastair (I'm playing a Dwarf Commoner tank at the moment, so I clearly don't need him)), but the banter between her and Alastair is too hilarious for me to leave him out.

It just has everything I've ever wanted. It feels more like "Neverwinter Nights 2 done right" in terms of style and gameplay, with definite Baldur's Gate influences. Also heavy influences from A Song Of Ice And Fire and The Wheel Of Time, two of my favourite series' and my previous favourite RPG.

I've just gotten to Redcliffe (I went there first when the story branches out after Lothering), and have had an absolute blast so far.

I love the cinematic death blows, too. Not the actual FMV ones, but sometimes when you kill someone in combat, especially (possibly only?) bosses and elite guys, your character will do a cool little sequence to finish him off, depending on weapons/class. Leliana finishing off a Hurlock Alpha was pretty epic. :P

And 'persistent gore' is definitely my new favourite gaming feature. :D

Edited by Farmer Reil
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