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EWB's Favourite TV Shows Of All Time


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I know it might seem quite soon considering GoGo was just down with his 2009 list, but I've wanted to run this for a while - and, well, I don't really want to wait much longer. In a nutshell, vote for your top 10 television shows of all time in order ranking from 1 to 10; 1 being the best.

I haven't set a number for the list because I'll wait to see the kind of interest something like this would get, but I can only hope it gets something along the lines of GoGo's 2009 list.

So, any series every aired on television is available for listing. Hopefully this gets a good amount of interest; even if a similar list was just done. So yeah, get voting - if you're up for it (Y)

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1. Buffy

2. Blackadder

3. The West Wing

4. Angel

5. Friends

6. Scrubs

7. Its Always Sunny

8. Lost

9. Star Trek: The Next Generation

10. Early Doors

This may alter via edits, but I have avoided adding childrens TV Shows as mine list would have included Transformers, Thomas the Tank Engine and TUGS

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1. Twin Peaks

2. The Thick Of It

3. The Wire

4. Doctor Who

5. The Twilight Zone

6. The Day Today

7. Frasier

8. King Of The Hill

9. Arrested Development

10. I'm Alan Partridge

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1. Scrubs

2. Angel

3. M*A*S*H

4. Underbelly

5. How I Met Your Mother

6. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

7. Friends

8. The Big Bang Theory

9. Heroes

10. CSI: Miami

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1. The Wire

2. The Sopranos

3. Cowboy Bebop

4. The Shield

5. Daria

6. Monty Python's Flying Circus

7. Angel

8. Dead Like Me

9. The Office (US)

10. Arrested Development

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1. Friends

2. Las Vegas

3. Simpsons


5. Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6. Prison Break

7. That 70's Show

8. CSI

9. CSI: New York

10. Law & Order: Criminal Intent

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1. Arrested Development

2. Buffy

3. Futurama

4. Scrubs

5. The Office (US)

6. Are You Afraid of the Dark? (although this may just be me looking at the show through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia)

7. The Twilight Zone

8. Hey Arnold!

9. Angel

10. History's Mysteries

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1. The Shield

2. The Wire

3. The West Wing

4. Star Trek: The Next Generation

5. Firefly

6. Doctor Who

7. Life on Mars (UK)

8. Arrested Development

9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

10. The Simpsons

Honourable Mentions:

Top Gear, I'm Alan Partridge, Sapphire and Steel, Fawlty Towers, Deadwood

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

1) The West Wing

2) Scrubs

3) The Drew Carey Show

4) The Simpsons

5) Corner Gas

6) The Office (US)

7) The Daily Show

8) Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

9) Whose Line is it Anyway?

10) Hockey Night in Canada :shifty:

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This will most likely be changed about a million times but hmm, I'll give it a go...

1. The Day Today

2. Sharpe

3. 'Allo 'Allo

4. Outlaws

5. Monty Python's Flying Circus

6. Father Ted

7. Peep Show

8. Top Gear

9. Farscape

10. Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe

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