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Is Avatar an Anti-American Movie?


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Anti-American movies are much beloved by the critics and might even get Oscar nominations, but they're poison at the box office.

James Cameron has said that his movie is a criticism of American policy in the War on Terror. There is even use of the term "shock and awe" to decribe an attack on the village of the blue skinned Na'vi, who apparantly have no vices.

The parallel is not appropriate, unless the Na'vi are flying spaceships into Earth cities and destroying them. In Avatar, the evil human megacorporation (Americans) are plundering the planet for energy resources. This works for liberals who believe that the war in Iraq was about oil, but the majority of Americans don't believe that.

If I was Cameron, I would have altered the story somewhat to make it more palatable to American audiences. Make the bad guys French, Germans and Russians and have them making supporting a Na'vi dictator who brutalizes his people in return for oil contracts. Then portray the Americans liberating the Na'vi and throwing the French, Germans and Russians out.

While this might not make the critics happy, the American people would like a movie that makes their own soldiers heroes rather than a movie that portrays American soldiers as villianous pawns of evil megacorporations.

I predict this movie will break even, but not reach the success of James Cameron's previous movies.

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I predict this movie will break even, but not reach the success of James Cameron's previous movies.

How many billion has this movie made again?

Now now, you aren't the accountant on that movie. Maybe it cost umpteen billion to make!

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Did I slip back in time or something?

Avatar? Isn't that the Pocahontas remake that everyone's been talking about?



... it's probably a good idea for me to actually see Avatar before I start trying to write Pocahontas song parodies for it.

Also I bet jimmyray never replies to this thread.

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Did I slip back in time or something?

Avatar? Isn't that the Pocahontas remake that everyone's been talking about?



... it's probably a good idea for me to actually see Avatar before I start trying to write Pocahontas song parodies for it.

Also I bet jimmyray never replies to this thread.

Forget Pocahontas, I thought you were channelling Elan of the Order of the Stick

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The best part of this thread is the fact the original poster is named the best thing ever.

So tell me...

Are you Sting Ray?

Are you Nick Ray?

Are you Jimmy Ray?

Are you Johnny Ray?

Are you Slim Ray?

Are you Paid Ray?

Are you mean-a

Are you lean-a

Are you ain'tno in-between-a

With a reaper, are you a dreamer

Good God, are you a believer?

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I predict this movie will break even, but not reach the success of James Cameron's previous movies.

Meant to do this earlier, but ho hum...

Estimates put the cost between $280 million and $310 million for production, and at $150 million for promotion

So lets play devils advocate and assume it cost a little more, putting the total costs at approximately $500 Million...

Now the estimated box office takings:

$2,204,693,000... so yeah, $2.2 billion dollars.... bit more than break even considering that by the time it closes at the cinema it will have probably made five times its budget, and then there is going to be the blu-ray/dvd release... meaning that film is a finaincial succeess in just about every way...

It is now the most successful movie of all time at the box office in nominal terms, in real terms, in North America it is about the 20th most successful, this is when the takings are adjusted for ticket price inflation. And while Titanic may be higher up in this list, the amount cineman goers in total has dropped due to the cost of tickets, and the likelihood that in 6 months you can buy it on blu-ray/DVD for only a bit more and watch it all you like from the comfort of your own sofa, so in the modern day I would say that the movie is just as successful as Titanic, which has its own problems... Plus chicks dig that movie WAAAAAAAY too much, and the end was just predictable, I mean come on... the boat just sank :angry:

Better luck next time champ (Y)

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