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iDOM 2010: Input Thread


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Plus, if this is made for TEW, you can simulate the economy better, unlike in EWR where none of those factors are really taken into account. At the end of the day though, it's Idol's decision, and if he doesn't want to take into account the economy, then he doesn't.

Edited by SaveDasher
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really I think that the economy is a great way of making things just that little bit trickier, it makes one or two promotions act as, for want of a better way of putting things, hard difficulty. It's easier to book TWE or WCCW that it would be to book a version of NWA:MC that's fucked financially, the local area is skint and has a depleted roster. I think that could give us some amazing diaries, and give people who want a challenge a good gaming experience.

I still vote for Jericho to have the title, but TKz's idea of The Rock having the belt does sound awesome, that said I'm always going to be a big Rock fan.

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I'm only interested in the economy insofar as it makes for interesting storyline opportunities. If all Idol was going to do was poop out a roster update with a couple of new people and some champions, then what would be the point of all of this? It's a way of complicating the storytelling of the scenario and reminding us that the real world still exists, which I'd argue is one of the big faults with iDOM--it isolates pro wrestling into its own little sphere and cuts it off from the rest of the world, which is absolutely untrue of real wrestling promotions. Present a better idea if you have one, but I won't buy "because shut up that's why" as a better option.

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I'm only interested in the economy insofar as it makes for interesting storyline opportunities. If all Idol was going to do was poop out a roster update with a couple of new people and some champions, then what would be the point of all of this? It's a way of complicating the storytelling of the scenario and reminding us that the real world still exists, which I'd argue is one of the big faults with iDOM--it isolates pro wrestling into its own little sphere and cuts it off from the rest of the world, which is absolutely untrue of real wrestling promotions. Present a better idea if you have one, but I won't buy "because shut up that's why" as a better option.

Well said, yeah that's the whole point of this thread. Up until it was mentioned I hadn't much thought of the economy, but now that it's been pointed out topped off with the fact that you can simulate a shit economy in TEW I think it's a great idea to not turn a blind eye and actually work it in a bit. Like I said, some great suggestions have come to light in this thread.

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I'd think one of ECW, Motor City & WCW would die between the end of 08' and 10'. Would help the surviving two build their rosters and the areas of all three are very close.

As for GLAM, killing it could b interesting since you can split up the roster and move them into TWE, Stampede and if you wanted have the leftovers join the Super Indy as a woman's division. Obviously TWE would only take the McMahon 'style' girls while the rest can bounce between Canada and the Indy of Doom.

Yeah, I am really behind this Super Indy :shifty:

As for Rocky, I think he's just way too old to go from the obscurity of a career in HCW to the main event of Starrcade in a year. He could certainly become an upper midcarder fixture at any major promotions but I think the booking teams wouldn't see much point in giving him such a big push. The only way to really have him shoot that high up would be a successful Hollywood career which the NWA could use as a great heel gimmick and explain his sudden sky rocketing name value. That way you get to book dickish hollywood Rock (And can even explain calling him The Rock) and explain why he's suddenly in the Main Event of the NWA title scene.

Edited by Hajjhowe
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But isn't that something similar to Austin's iDOM gimmick?

Instead of Hollywood, just have The Rock come back from touring his new record.

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I'd think one of ECW, Motor City & WCW would die between the end of 08' and 10'. Would help the surviving two build their rosters and the areas of all three are very close.

It would have to be one of the first two. WCW was thriving as the top DVD seller during '08. Unless things just completely went shit house in the WCW camp, I wouldn't really buy it happening. Motor City has generally always gone belly up in the first year of playing '08 so I would say if one these had to die, it should be Motor City.

As for GLAM, killing it could b interesting since you can split up the roster and move them into TWE, Stampede and if you wanted have the leftovers join the Super Indy as a woman's division. Obviously TWE would only take the McMahon 'style' girls while the rest can bounce between Canada and the Indy of Doom.

If GLAM dies, I riot.

I am more for Jericho getting his run with the NWA Title than I am with The Rock. Jericho was starting to get super over as a dick face in RFP back in '08. I think The Rock should be the big shake up to the TWE roster as his goofy babyface persona when he originally debuted, only this time he finds some way to pull it off and get over with it.

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Anyone have Photoshop and want to help compile a pic pack? I'm going through right now and changing each person's bio to fit iDOM, and give each person a picture (those that I can anyway.) I've finished 350 workers, but it's taking the most time to find and format the pics.

As for the structure, It's pretty simple. I'm just finding a picture and cropping it to 150x150 and adding a 3 pixel black border. Here are some examples of what the pics look like:


If there are enough people interested I'll post some blocks of workers to find pics for.

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I can find pictures for anyone that's been in CZW (Lyle Williams, thank you sir!) and I can most probably lurk around and find pictures of most people who've been wrestling here in the UK. Also, I can get a couple of magazine scans from PowerSlam of some wrestlers. That magazine has some phenomenal photography.

Edited by IzzyX
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For the record, with the economy issue, I've pretty much always done my diaries with the idea that the rest of the world is exactly the same as it is now, and only wrestling has changed. Works out well that way.

Also, John Cena needs to be big somewhere. There's no way that guy doesn't get snapped up.

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As for Cena, I'm still going with Cena/Lizzy Project X.

Some pics to get started on...

Crazy Boy

C-Red (IWA:MS)



Cupid Valentino

CW Anderson

Daisuke Sekimoto

Damaja (Danny Basham)

Damian 666

Damien Wayne

Damon Leigh

Dan Eckos

Dan Grier (World League Wrestling)

Dan Maff

Dan Reed (FWA)

Dan Severn

Dana Dameson

Dana White

Dangerous Derek (World League Wrestling)

Daniel Cross (World League Wrestling)

Daniel Puder

Daniel Rodimer

Danny Davis

Danny DeManto

Danny Doring

Danny Havoc

Danny Inferno


Darin Corbin (IWA:MS)

Darin Waid

Dave Cole

Dave Crist

Dave Hebner

Dave Kapoor

Dave Prazak

Dave Republic

Dave Taylor

Davey Andrews

David Flair

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