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I thought the fight was pretty entertaining. Some folks still watch MMA expecting tough man contests. Both guys worked their asses off for the most part. I don't know how you can consider Sonnen as pussy, he pulled out as many of the stops he could. Silva is tremendous off his back. His arm and wrist control and his body triangles are some of the best in the sport. Considering that, what else could Chael have done? Took him down at will, nearly knocked down Silva a couple times, he had one of the sickest reversals I've ever seen in the 3rd round (IIRC) when Silva had dominant position, he was able to free himself from Silva's grip numerous times and land shots, he did everything in his power to wear him down from boxing his ears, to rape chokes to mouth muffling. To call Chael a pussy is to have not even watched the fight at all. Anderson showed he is a machine and Chael couldn't break him.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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but the main event was god awful until the amazing finish IMO.

I'd like to point this out as I'm just wondering what some of the people who watch MMA are thinking. Last night at the bar I went to as the fight was progressing I kept hearing people calling Sonnen a pussy. And in the parking lot one of the people in our group (I didn't know him personally) was calling Sonnen a pussy.

Really? What the fuck are you guys expecting? Do you understand what MMA is.. or what? You guys do know that people don't go out there and throw punches all over the fucking place, right? There's a technique and skill involved, and if you can't appreciate that then go watch some boxing or some shit.

Aside from that, I've pretty much convinced myself that Sonnen could've easily won last night had he continued to just hold Silva down on that fifth round instead of trying to finish. Sonnen had nothing to lose and had he not been trying to go for that glamor spot, he might have the title on him today. Like I said, I mentioned before, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a rematch.

This would be the same people who get mad at any GSP or Koscheck fight ever. Don't care about the sport aspect of MMA, just want to see slugfests.

And Sonnen easily easily could have won that fight, he just tried to finish as you said and got too sloppy defending himself in the fifth round. Really he could have pulled a Kalib Starnes for the entire fifth round and still come out ahead on the scorecards (plus solidified himself as a heel, for people who think that's important).

I am a fairly big MMA fan and I disagree entirely in your comparison Sonnen last night to GSP or Koscheck. Not once was Sonnen in a position where he should have been stood up. He was active the entire night. Koscheck especially favours the blanket approach when he's wrestling where he controls a fighter but does absolutely fuck all. If Sonnen had of been fighting like Koscheck in the last round chances are he would have walked out the champ. Plus when he was standing he was active and looked smart. Sonnen looked great, in most wins Koscheck is boring and looks one dimensional. Koscheck isn't an MMA fighter, he's a one dimensional boring fighter who hurts the sport as it shows that the sport (judging and refereeing) is skewed in the favour of a ground fighter/grappler. Dry humping to victory is the thing most likely to implode the MMA bubble.

Having said that I buy into Silva being hurt pre-fight. His whole plan seemed to be give away head shots to protect his body which is why his hands were so low. I'd be interested in a rematch as I think it could earn some big buys but I don't think it would be close to the same result if Silva was healthy. I'm not the worlds biggest Silva fan but that fight looked nothing like a Silva fight. Either Sonnen was really in his head, Sonnen really hurt him with the punch that sent him to the ground or Silva was injured. Injury seems the most likely to me.

Edited by QuomQuat
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I love GSP, but he's become quite the uninteresting, formulaic fighter. He doesn't necessarily lay n' pray, but he gets by with point scoring stand up, powerful takedowns, position shifting, and token ground and pound, repeat until the final buzzer.. Which works for him, but Sonnen was doing everything in his power to finish that fight, all things considered.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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I doubt Silva was actually that injured. Sonnen worked the rib area throughout the whole fight. He took him down and while grappling with him he connected several elbow shots to the mid-section, and not just elbows, punches too and even some knees. I think you guys are deminishing Sonnen's control of Silva last night and give all the credit to that injury (if he had it).

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Silva retained his middleweight title in the main event of UFC 117 with a stunning come-from-behind victory. After losing the first four rounds decisively (one judge had Sonnen ahead 40-34 heading into the fifth frame), Silva locked in a triangle choke in the final two minutes and secured an astounding victory.

From MMA Junkie.com.

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Rarely does a fighter train for months without picking up an injury. He could have at least waited until the press conference before going all "oh yeah, I had this serious rib injury and the doctor's wanted me to pull out, that's why I was on my back for 5 rounds". Just made me cringe a little bit. Like, relax, Tito.

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I literally jumped out of my seat when Chael rocked Silva in the first, gutted for him that he couldn't finish. I guess it's the pressure to finish over taking the decision, but he really didn't need to go for it, he'd performed so well through four and a half, I don't think anyone could begrudge him hugging it out for the win. I call bullshit on Silva's rib injury, Sonnen hit him pretty hard several times on both sides of his body, and he didn't seem any more bothered by them than normal. And getting your ass handed to you for four rounds is the stupidest "strategy" I ever heard, shut the fuck up with those weak excuses.

I'd like to see a rematch, not because Sonnen deserves it, or he's stronger than any other contender or anything, I just think it'd be a great fight. Really disappointed that Silva escaped with the win. And is anyone else a tad annoyed that the commentators and everyone seemed to instantly switch from "christ Sonnen is kicking Silva's ass" to "Silva is the greatest" so quickly? I mean yeah, he did well to lock the sub in, but Sonnen's always letting himself get submitted and Silva was on his back getting his fucking ears clapped, he was terrible defensively.

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I really enjoyed the main event cause i thought it was textbook Wrestler V Striker and just seeing someone pretty much dominate Anderson and control him i felt was a good main event and leaves us with a good rematch in the future.

But God damn Chael so much during that i kept thinking "he's leaving himself open at times for a submission" then 5th round i think you don't even need to do anything you've won the fight :(

Great performance from Chael really impressed with him but i think i don't want to see a immediate rematch just because unlike Edgar/Penn or Shogun/Machida were it was a close decision and warrented a rematch, this ended with a finish. I think let him sit out and fight the winner of Silva/Belfort then let him trash talk again about how he was dominating Anderson etc etc.

Also can we just make a belt for Jon Fitch in being Number 2 Welterweight cause if GSP beats Koscheck i can really see Fitch/GSP II being exactly the same as Fitch/GSP I

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

And is anyone else a tad annoyed that the commentators and everyone seemed to instantly switch from "christ Sonnen is kicking Silva's ass" to "Silva is the greatest" so quickly? I mean yeah, he did well to lock the sub in, but Sonnen's always letting himself get submitted and Silva was on his back getting his fucking ears clapped, he was terrible defensively.

They do it so often I don't even notice it anymore (Machida/Shogun I for another great example). Goldberg and Rogan are better at hyping up whatever story is best for business at the moment - and changing that story on a whim - than any of today's wrestling announcers.

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To be fair, he had a fair number of punches that were those kinds of punches that you'd see from someone like Nick Diaz. Punches that are more annoyances, landing and getting points, but not damaging strikes.

That's what I was thinking. Legitimately, Sonnen never looked to me like he was getting close to finishing the fight. He was wearing the guy out, but I think it speaks volumes that the guy who got messed up most facially was Sonnen, even after all the control the guy had.

I also agree with EBG. Silva was doing some good defensive work off of his back, and making it hard for Sonnen to do some substantial work/damage.

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I literally jumped out of my seat when Chael rocked Silva in the first, gutted for him that he couldn't finish. I guess it's the pressure to finish over taking the decision, but he really didn't need to go for it, he'd performed so well through four and a half, I don't think anyone could begrudge him hugging it out for the win. I call bullshit on Silva's rib injury, Sonnen hit him pretty hard several times on both sides of his body, and he didn't seem any more bothered by them than normal. And getting your ass handed to you for four rounds is the stupidest "strategy" I ever heard, shut the fuck up with those weak excuses.

I'd like to see a rematch, not because Sonnen deserves it, or he's stronger than any other contender or anything, I just think it'd be a great fight. Really disappointed that Silva escaped with the win. And is anyone else a tad annoyed that the commentators and everyone seemed to instantly switch from "christ Sonnen is kicking Silva's ass" to "Silva is the greatest" so quickly? I mean yeah, he did well to lock the sub in, but Sonnen's always letting himself get submitted and Silva was on his back getting his fucking ears clapped, he was terrible defensively.

Finally someone agrees with me. Silva post-poned his fight against Belfort twice because of injuries, if he was really that hurt in his ribs to actually fight back at Sonnen, he wouldn't had taken the fight, sure, he might been roughed up while training but not enough to make it a damn excuse.

I really enjoyed the main event cause i thought it was textbook Wrestler V Striker and just seeing someone pretty much dominate Anderson and control him i felt was a good main event and leaves us with a good rematch in the future.

But God damn Chael so much during that i kept thinking "he's leaving himself open at times for a submission" then 5th round i think you don't even need to do anything you've won the fight :(

Great performance from Chael really impressed with him but i think i don't want to see a immediate rematch just because unlike Edgar/Penn or Shogun/Machida were it was a close decision and warrented a rematch, this ended with a finish. I think let him sit out and fight the winner of Silva/Belfort then let him trash talk again about how he was dominating Anderson etc etc.

Also can we just make a belt for Jon Fitch in being Number 2 Welterweight cause if GSP beats Koscheck i can really see Fitch/GSP II being exactly the same as Fitch/GSP I

I disagree on the UFC not going for the rematch straight away (when they heal, of course). This is what I would like them to do:

Vitor Belfort hasn't fought in almost a year, he's had some injuries that have prevented him from fighting, so I would like to see him get a warm-up fight first, so he can get off that ring rust. Let's say against Nate Marquardt or Demian Maia.

Silva/Sonnen are reserved to fight each other in a rematch between December-February. Winner fights Belfort in the summer.

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They should put Belfort up against Leben. Or Belcher. Or Wanderlei. Or the winner of Bisping / Akiyama. Or Okami. The possibilities are actually quite endless, because barring Wanderlei, Vitor hasn't actually faced anyone at 185 to warrant a title shot, but Dana White hasn't actually thought about that, I think.

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