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Just seen UFC 145 after ripping it off the interwebz. (whoever starts about piracy can bite me.)

Boceck Vs. Alessio

No idea how Boceck didn't manage to end the fight. He was under control for the entire fight and Alessio was too busy defending Boceck's unstoppable takedowns and ground game. Boceck should have finished that fight, too bad he didn't. But still a good win and a good way to start off a card.

Hominick Vs. Yagin

Good god this one was one messy fight. First Hominick goes down and gets opened up big time by Yagin but he somehow manages to survive and hang on. Second round he again gets taken down and right now you think the fight is over but he again survives. Yagin looked flat out dead in the last round and Hominick would have had a big chance of winning if he had been a little bit more aggressive in that last round, he had the energy advantage and he was losing the fight on the cards, he should have swung for a win but Yagin hung on and got a nice win. No idea why this fight got FOTY though because there where a couple that where more deserving.

Torres Vs. McDonald

Former WEC champion Torres gets KO'd and honestly he got knocked out like a bitch in the fight. He tried to start something but McDonald had a great defensive posture and Torres got dropped when he tried to force something and McDonald shows some great knock out power in his fists. Fun fight and honestly if this fight had started the card it would have been a great way to get the crowd pumped.

Schaub Vs. Rothwell

First off I was amazed at Ben Rothwells physique, before he looked a bit like a chubby chappy but this time he looked pretty damn conditioned and if he can work even more on that he could become even more scary. And the fight was way fun and an awesome KO which deserved the KO of the night for sure. It looked like Schaub had Rothwell in the corner and ready to drop him but one nasty left hook made Schaub look at the lights and fight ghost Rothwell.

MacDonald Vs. Mills

One word... Wow. Rory MacDonald is one scary mothereffer and he completely dismantled Che Mills and made him a bloody mess. I think at the end of that fight Che had something like 4-5 cuts on his face and it goes to show you how dominant he was standing, but even more so on the ground. Rory never looked like losing in the fight and it was scary to see how dominant he was over an otherwise very talented guy. Mike and Joe called him the new GSP, well they aren't kidding and if Rory can continue to improve he is a sure fire candidate for the Welterweight title and maybe even a matchup between his mentor GSP himself. Personally this for me had to be the fight of the night purely on how Rory MacDonald dominated the fight and gave the crowd a huge show.

Jones Vs. Evans (LHW Title)

I gotta say, I was looking forward to this fight a whole lot and I was going into this fight hoping Bones would continue winning and he done it in dominating fashion. Jones was so dominant the fight was even a bit of a let down because I expected a more two way fight. But once the first round ended Evans never got a chance again and Jones just controlled the other four rounds. I am also a bit dissapointed Jones didn't manage to finish the fight because I felt that in the fourth and fifth round Evans was waiting to be dropped to the ground. But Jones won and he won so with general ease over Rashad Evans. It's mental seeing Jon Jones fight because he is a complete beast inside that cage. Evans would be a huge fight for anyone but Jones never had troubles with him and I wonder if there is anyone who can knock off Jon Jones from his Light Heavyweight pedestal. Right now the only guy I can see fight for the title is Dan Hendo and even though he beat Fedor and Rua I can't see him win against Jones.

Jon Jones's title reign has been absolutely stunning from the moment he won against Rua to beating Rashad Evans tonight. He has won the title and defended it three times in just over a year which is absolutely crazy having 3 fights in 2011 and this fight in 2012. The only thing I can see Jon Jones do right now is go for 6 succesfull defenses and beat Tito's record and then jump over to Heavyweight. I mean in just over a year he has demolished the talent pool of the deepest division of the UFC.

I mean just wow, Jones is only 24 and he is better every single fight and when this is all said and done we might be looking at the best MMA fighter the world has seen.

I loved UFC 145 from start to finish, enough action to go around and personally this is the best show of 2012 for me.

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Jasonmufc's review was bad and full of crap, if I could be bothered to pick it a part I would.

But where he lost me entirely was where he said the 205 division is the deepest talent pool, where I would argue the 5 UFC divisions I would say that it is not even in the top 3.

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Guest mr. potato head

Yeah. There's an argument to be made for 205 having the most name value, but there's more talent at 155 and 170 for sure. Even heavyweight might have passed 205 lately.

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Jasonmufc's review was bad and full of crap, if I could be bothered to pick it a part I would.

But where he lost me entirely was where he said the 205 division is the deepest talent pool, where I would argue the 5 UFC divisions I would say that it is not even in the top 3.

Which is amazing, considering now there's 7 (and a half :shifty: ) divisions in the UFC instead!

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Heavyweight is the best talent pool simply because of Mark Hunt, everyone knows this. :/ Also, Jason, you clearly didn't see the preliminaries. Now that was a mixed bag; christ Danzig/Escudero and Makdessi/Njoukuani were boring.

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That reminds me, 'Glowster, England'

Really Mike?

Reminds me of the Ultimate Fighter 9 finale, where Buffer introduced Andre Winner coming from lei-ces-ter

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That reminds me, 'Glowster, England'

Really Mike?

That was poor. buffer nailed it though. I swear I've seen that Che guy in town. I'm surprised there's been no local mention of him; the first I'd heard of him was last night. Rogan was bigging him up a fair bit, but he didn't seem to even know any basic ground defence, or was his brain just mushed?

I enjoyed the main event, but I was hoping for a bit more intensity, and they both need to leave the strutty bullshit out, concentrate on having a decent fight.

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