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The Dark Knight Rises


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What was the reasoning for not wanting Ridder involved in the movies again?

Granted I've not seen every incarnation of the character but it seems like he'd be an easy enough Batman Villain to pull off in a serious way(if still slightly eccentric perhaps).

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Basically, he's kind of too similar to The Joker, right? In the sense that the threat he would pose to Batman would be similar and not as severe. I guess they could have gone Riddler for the 2nd film and Joker for the 3rd but I think they got this spot on.

Also, did anyone mark for the

Killer Croc hint/throwaway line?

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My take on the future of the franchise.

What I think they'll do is a complete reboot.. what I'd love for them to do is give Levitt the role and keep in the same universe. They ultimately want a Justice League franchise like the Avengers have. I'd love to see Levitt take on the role of Batman after Bruce Wayne's departure and continue through to the hopeful JL film.

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Basically, he's kind of too similar to The Joker, right? In the sense that the threat he would pose to Batman would be similar and not as severe. I guess they could have gone Riddler for the 2nd film and Joker for the 3rd but I think they got this spot on.

Also, did anyone mark for the

Killer Croc hint/throwaway line?

I missed that, what was it?

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The line:

Where Blake was talking about the army of Banes guys under the city in the sewers being dismissed as the other cops joked about chasing a giant crocodile as well. Something along those lines.

I am happy with the way it turned out, Bane was a tremendous villian to end with, and the nuclear threat was way more devastating than Jokers games but it just feels off a bit. It all comes back to the whole 8 year gap that bugs me. The Dark Knight made out as if Batman had brought out the real nasty criminals like Joker, and that Joker was going to be his archnemeis, which he truly is, and it made the whole universe seem much more interesting, like it was only the start of their rivalry, but no it turns out that Joker just sat in a cell for akmost a decade and nothing of note happened till Bane showed up.

I get that Ledgers death interrupted things, and that he would have had some involvement otherwise, but the fact no mention of him even in a throwaway line, for me, sort of devalues the impact that he had in TDK. Like instead of being the uber villain he promised to be and that Ledgers performance supported, he was just another weirdo in makeup.

Im looking way too into it, but fuck it these films were tremendous and TDK was one of my all time favourite films so eh.

I didnt like the reveal with Bruce at the end either, but its a minor little thing, nothing ruined the movie for me and I absolutely can't wait for it to come out on BRD. Im not sure where to go from here, I liked Levitts role and him as an actor, but I'm one of those guys that doesn't like seeing characters passed about, not being a major comics fan to me Batman would always be Bruce Wayne so it'll be really strange, but if they can continue the amazing standard of quality Nolan set up, I'm all for continuing in this universe.

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Jim Carrey did play a dark, serious role in a film. It's called The Number 23, and it totally messes with your mind. It was a low-budget film that only got $77 million in a time when we expect gigantic blockbusters, so I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of it. But if you want proof that Carrey could actually play the Riddler as a more serious man hell-bent on besting Batman, look no further than this film.

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Jim Carrey did play a dark, serious role in a film. It's called The Number 23, and it totally messes with your mind. It was a low-budget film that only got $77 million in a time when we expect gigantic blockbusters, so I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of it. But if you want proof that Carrey could actually play the Riddler as a more serious man hell-bent on besting Batman, look no further than this film.

That movie was terrible. <_<

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The line:

Where Blake was talking about the army of Banes guys under the city in the sewers being dismissed as the other cops joked about chasing a giant crocodile as well. Something along those lines.

I am happy with the way it turned out, Bane was a tremendous villian to end with, and the nuclear threat was way more devastating than Jokers games but it just feels off a bit. It all comes back to the whole 8 year gap that bugs me. The Dark Knight made out as if Batman had brought out the real nasty criminals like Joker, and that Joker was going to be his archnemeis, which he truly is, and it made the whole universe seem much more interesting, like it was only the start of their rivalry, but no it turns out that Joker just sat in a cell for akmost a decade and nothing of note happened till Bane showed up.

I get that Ledgers death interrupted things, and that he would have had some involvement otherwise, but the fact no mention of him even in a throwaway line, for me, sort of devalues the impact that he had in TDK. Like instead of being the uber villain he promised to be and that Ledgers performance supported, he was just another weirdo in makeup.

Im looking way too into it, but fuck it these films were tremendous and TDK was one of my all time favourite films so eh.

I didnt like the reveal with Bruce at the end either, but its a minor little thing, nothing ruined the movie for me and I absolutely can't wait for it to come out on BRD. Im not sure where to go from here, I liked Levitts role and him as an actor, but I'm one of those guys that doesn't like seeing characters passed about, not being a major comics fan to me Batman would always be Bruce Wayne so it'll be really strange, but if they can continue the amazing standard of quality Nolan set up, I'm all for continuing in this universe.

Not spoiler tagging this since it only touches on one of your points:

The Dark Knight did make it seem like Batman gave rise to the supervillains, but that was the whole point of protecting Harvey Dent's legacy. Harvey was Gotham's white knight and Bruce wouldn't have to be Batman anymore, which is why Alfred let him believe Rachel was going to wait for him.

The story has always been about escalation, a point Gordon brings up at the end of Begins: "We buy semiautomatics, they use fully automatics. We buy bulletproof vests, they buy armor-piercing rounds." Batman scared off the low-level thugs, your mafia types, but then the crazy cream was rising to the top, which brought us The Joker, but Dent put the lid on it before it boiled over. Dent took out the criminal underworld, Batman could step back and then Gotham was saved... or so they thought until Bane came along.

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I'm almost certain that at some point after Ledger's death Christopher Nolan said that out of respect there wouldn't be any mentions of The Joker in the next Batman film, or something along those lines.

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I think Riddler just didn't fit in any of the movies. Plus I do see how it's hard to incorporate him into this serious dark Batman world. Also Riddler might feel a bit similar to Joker, but I could be off on this one.

Depends on the version of the Riddler Nolan would've used. I personally think Nolan could have made it work without it being Joker-lite. The thing about the Riddler is he really can be made serious and dark, and has been made as such before. His character wouldn't be a problem, Nolan could make it fit. The problem-- and the reason why, even though I love the Riddler, it wouldn't have worked-- is that bringing his character in wouldn't have been a fitting end to the franchise like Bane was.

The way he used the character felt perfect, and was a fantastic villain to end the franchise with. If anything, bringing Riddler in would have just felt like it was setting the series up for the next film. But again, I really believe Nolan would have nailed the Riddler's character for his universe.

I'm already trying to budget my paycheck so we can go see it a second time and, hopefully, this time in IMAX. I sincerely can't wait for the Blu-Ray boxset. That's going to be one hell of a fast buy.

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I enjoyed it, but I wasn't as big a fan of it as other were. Preferred The Avengers when it comes to superhero films, for a start.

I think my biggest issue, and it is still an issue here, is I don't think Bale is good as Batman. Everyone around him was cast brilliantly, just Bale never worked for me, for whatever reason.

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