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Black Ops

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The campaign has me as excited as any FPS game is going to get me, I'd say. I played about two hours of it at the weekend and it was a blast, with a lot of variety. It's not like I'm dying to go back to it though - but that's more to do with my dislike for FPS games in general than anything.

And I'm by no means an achievement whore (CHEEVO~!) but I can't help but thinking the online would be better if there were achievements to aim for. I hear not including them online has always been the way with CoD, but one or two for reaching a certain level/getting to prestige wouldn't go a miss - it wouldn't even have to affect the 1000/1000 rating.

Take RDR for example - I've been hammering the online with Benji for the last few months in an attempt to reach level 50. There's two silver trophies for doing that (probably the equivalent of 25gs each) but there's no way I'd bother if there wasn't. The appeal wouldn't be there.

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LOVE IT! The PC Version is basically unplayable for thousands and thousands of people, because they released an unfinished game (I can't play MP properly still, and I can't finish SP because of a major glitch), and so they do ANOTHER update for consoles?

Justice! Give me justice!

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I've got the game on my PS3 - just works out better for me since I won't have to hardwire my connection and frig around with it every damn time I want to play something on the internet only for it to still be laggy as all hell. Sigh.

Either way, works fine for me and this has got to be the most finely polished COD multiplayer to date. <3

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