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Black Ops

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EDIT: Yeah, and then you didn't bother to say hello SDM :crying:

I don't have a headset.

Yeah, SDM is a cock. He invited me to a party, then closed it instantly, so I message him and he never replied :(

I had no idea what the fuck you were mumbling about.

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Big story spoilers...

That twist sucked. It's beyond cliché and was telegraphed way too many times to be subtle. Still, the rest of the story (including the Kennedy assassination) was pretty awesome. The game itself was it's usual linear stuff with a few interesting tweaks. I really enjoyed the Command & Conquer-esque mission mixed with ground fighting, that mission should have been longer or happened more than once. I'd hope to see more of Mason in future stories as he's a character with enough potential to actually develop.

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Guest JukeboxHero

Sounds like I need to see said video. I could use some pointers.

In the theater level, my buddy and I got to round 11. In the secret unlockable one, we made it to 8. That level is a bitch.

The new zombie levels are less fun to play, I think. I understand increasing the difficulty, but I think they made it way too hard.

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It's fixed in the sense that instead of not being able to find a game for 20 minutes and resorting to joining your friends in session to working every 5-10 tries. It's not new though, the same problems happened(at least on 360) with COD4, WaW, and MW2. I remember it was a few weeks before my friends and I could actually party up and get into a game together on MW2.

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I played the hell out of the original Modern Warfare. World at War was cool because of the co-op campaign and the zombies. I got tired of Modern Warfare 2 incredibly quick. I think I was like four or five prestige in the original MW, but only got up to Level 36-40 on the first level in MW2. It just got boring to me. And so I bought this thinking they'd keep in the co-op campaign, and the only thing keeping me from trading it in already is the campaign, which I do want to play, and to see how the other two maps for zombies are. Other than that, I think I'm getting over the COD Multiplayer hype.

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